That Ends So Sweet

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I sighed, glowering at my forearms and holding them together for comparison.

I heard an exaggerated sigh, and a dark cloth obscured my vision. "You're arms are fine." I heard Kouen groaned, feeling him pull the coat off my head, catching my like in a small kiss.

"But," I whined, "I swear one is larger than the other- see!" I held up my arms in exasperation, discretely admiring his suit that hugged his muscular figure lovingly. Damn that lucky suit.

He pointedly held my suit up with a quirked eyebrow, shaking it a little for emphasis. Hurry up and get dressed, I could heard him snap.

I dragged my feet as I groaned, obediently dressing myself. I checked my reflection in the mirror, satisfied by the slightly larger width of my shoulders. I smirked triumphantly.

"Gets a growth spurt and suddenly thinks he can top." I heard him grumbled, the black loafers that were supposed to go on my feet (that were in my hands)somehow magically landed on the red heads shoulder.

"You liked it! Don't lie!" I snapped, ignoring the heat in my cheeks.

He tilted his head thoughtfully, a small appreciative smile on his lips. How endearing, he seemed to think.

"Come on, we'll be late to Kougyoku's wedding." I took his hand, entwining our fingers, feeling the lightness in my chest already.

"We could just stay home." He snorted, probably thinking about sex.

"And passionately make love to each other like teenagers?" I joked, stepping out the door of our shared apartment.

He gave me an amused glance, holding open the passenger door to his car.

"No, it's not meowing, it's my many cry of war." I laughed, sliding into the seat and giving him a small kiss.

"It's meowing."

"It's my victory screech."


"Mating call?" I tried, wiggling many eyebrows a little. He only snorted, but I knew he was laughing on the inside, right next to whatever else he had in that thicvk skull of his. It was mostly in the hands.

"Are you..." He paused, glancing at me out of the corner of his eye.

"Awe! Big Brother Kouen doesn't want his little sister to leave to coop! You're just a big softie aren't you?" I cooed, leaning over to give him another kiss. "Don't worry, she'll still call you when she accidentally turns all of Judal's whites pink again." I smiled reassuringly. "Isn't Muu's sister getting married too?"

"Fanalis guy with the big-"

"Okay!" I slapped my cheeks in an attempt to stop myself from blushing.

I was met with a crushing grip and the sound of wailing when I stepped out of the car. "Big brother Alibaba!!" I looked down at Hakuryuu who was staring up at me teary eyed with his arms around my waist. "She'slooksospreetty!" He exclaimed in a rush.


"Morgiana!" He hiccupped again. "Can I marry her?"

"When Sinbad stops drinking, yes, then you can marry her." I watched in bemusement as those blue eyes became filled with determination and he stormed off howling the purple haired man's name.

When I stepped through the door I was greeted by an oddly satisfied Jafar. "I think he may actually do it." He chuckled.

I glanced to where the purple haired man held up his hands in an attempt to calm the raven haired man. "That'll be the day when the Ren's grow up," I looked to Kouen, "well one did."

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