Chapter 3 (fluff)

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You try to stand but fail. You crawl back to Mina's dorm watching Nemuri. "don't tell me you went hard on her she's to cuteeee" Mina's says. "Do not worry Mina i didn't go rough" She says. You then crawl to Momo who is half asleep you grab her hand with your mouth and throw it over your head so it's on your ears. "Hm?" Momo hummed concerned. "Oh if you wanted to be petted you can ask oh sooo fluffyyy!" Your tail wags as you purr from the warmness. "Mina come feel her earsss flufffffyyyyy!" Mina walks over and pets your other ear. "Your righttttttt" Mina say's. "Alright girl's give her some space also after class i will give you a test whoever gets the highest score will come with me to take her to the doctor." As everyone start's talking and some even fighting you then start crying. Jiro leans over to you and pets your ear's "It's okay just relax" You fall asleep not long after calming down.

"Alright everyone back to dorm's don't stay up late studying momo and no gaming denki" As everyone goes back to there dorm's she picks you up and walk's back to the room. She put you on the bed and then changed into pj's. She laid next to you cuddling you until she fell asleep.

                                                               -Time skip to morning-

You woke up and tried to get up. As Nemuri giggles she help's you get up. You brush your teeth and then put on another one of her hoodies. "I'll drop you off at class i have work to do" she says. She walk's you to Momo's dorm "Take care of her i have work to do also make sure that no more than 2 people are around her at once it scares her" Momo smiles "Sure! i'll take her to get checked up to" "Okay thank you momo" She says before kissing your cheek. 

Once she left you alone to get used to being around her dorm "Hey can you wake kyo up for me i need to get changed" you nod for yes and then jump on Jiro waking her up shortly after. "okay okay im up!" she say's a bit mad. After they got changed we headed off to class. You cling onto the wall outside the door not wanting to go inside. "Aizawa she doesn't want to go inside i think she's scared" Momo say's "Quirk's hurt me year's ago..." you said before your ear's went down. "Can nobody use there quirk's if you need to step outside" he say's then putting a cup on the floor. You run towards the cup dragging Momo behind you. As the class started laughing you got reminded of when you were in pre-school and everyone laughed at you cause of your quirk you started breathing heavily it was almost as if you couldn't breathe. Sero or the guy with weird elbow's used his tape to bring you to Mina. Mina then tried to calm you down but petting your ear's which did work and you fell asleep soon after.

You were still shaking even though you were sleeping which was common Sero unleashed his tape by accident rolling up the hoodie's sleeve showing ton's of scar's many of them fresh and some of them old. Mina told Aizawa about it and he said to just wrap it and put ice. Mina did as told making sure not to hurt your arms then put some ice on your wrapped arms holding the ice in place. You started crying from the pain in your arm's but Mina calmed you down once more. Once class was over Mina put you on her back being careful of your arm's. "Let's go now" Mina said in a whisper. Nemuri then came into the room shortly after "Come on Mina let's go" Mina then walked to the car. 

                                      -Time skip to when they are at the doctor's-

You woke up shortly after you were in the room. You looked at Mina as she smiled you then sat up after sitting up the doctor came in a few minutes later. As the doctor took off the hoodie that you had on to show cuts,bruises, and marks. "Who did this..?" Mina asked "My father did he was a hero so i murdered him and became a villain" As the doctor used his finger to trace over a bruise you winced in pain. Nemuri noticed the pain and stopped him. "Okay well you have tick's in your ear's and you don't have shot's" He said before you sat on Nemuri's lap. "Let's do everything she need's" Nemuri says before winking at you being madly flustered you look away with a pout. As she place's her hand on your stomach being careful of the bruises the doctor put's a needle in your arm as you whine in pain. "She also hasn't ate for at least 3 weeks" He said before putting another needle in your other arm. "Why don't we hang out at my dorm i can ask Yaoyorozu to make something for her" Mina say's "Well let's not draw to much attention only a few people Mina" She say's before kissing your cheek you flush a deep red then look away.

As the doctor leave's the room to get something Mina start's laughing. "Not funny you b*tch!" Mina look's at you knowing what will happen "What was that darling~?" Nemuri said her voice low and husky you didn't dare to repeat what you said so you just pouted and said "Nothing!" Once again Mina is laughing she stop's after the doctor hand's her a bag "In the bag is ointment for the scar's and bruises" The doctor said before Nemuri hand's him cash. Not long after you leave the doctor you try to take the band-aid off. "No no no don't touch that" She say's before pulling your hand away.

                                                                      -At the dorms-

You begin to smell something from the kitchen. "You can go just don't touch your arm's" She say's before you nod and walk to the kitchen. "Would you like something to eat?" Yaoyorozu say's before flashing a bubbly smile you nod for no then point at jiro who isn't eating. "Kyo you better eat that." Yaoyorozu say's before creating handcuff's and smirking at her. Jiro quickly start's eating. Not long after jiro finished eating you get called to Mina's dorm. As you walk to her dorm your ear's go up. "You got to eat something (Y/N)" Mina say's before Yaoyorozu walk's in and closes the door. "We all know your hungry (Y/N) so eat something or would you like to not have blood for the week?" You walk over to Yaoyorozu and sit down as she put's down a plate shortly after you start to eat. "See? told you i knew you were hungry" All you do is pout and look away. "We were told to give you a bath then put you to sleep" Mina say's before you bite her bed frame. "Hey stop that!" Soon Yaoyorozu is laughing as Mina pout's. "Show me how you make thing's" Mina say's. You hold out your arm carefully then start making weapon's. "So it's like mine" Yaoyorozu say's.

You nod before Mina goes to the bathroom and come's back shortly after. You use a blade you made and threw it under the door as grape scream's. "Take a bath then put something on" you nod then go to the bathroom. Nemuri then walk's into the room and close's the door. "Did she eat something?" Yaoyorozu nods. "I have work but in the bag is one of my hoodie's and ointment for her chest and back" Mina grab's the bag before Nemuri leave's.

                                        -Time skip once your out the bathroom-

You put her hoodie on and walk out to see both of them talking. "Oh your out! Sorry she had tea to spill" Mina say's before taking the ointment out. "Take the hoodie off please i promise to give you blood after" Yaoyorozu say's. After taking the hoodie off Yaoyorozu rub's the ointment on your back as you purr. Once she finishes you put the hoodie back on and lay on the floor. "One more thing" You lay on Mina's lap. Yaoyorozu put's a teething toy near your mouth as you bite it. "Your very soft for a villain" Mina say's before you pout. As Yaoyorozu take's out the tick's in your ear's making sure it doesn't hurt.

Couple min's later you fall asleep. You got up and yawned then went to the window and howled loudly. "WHO THE FUCK IS HOWLING AT 2:30 AM!?!" Bakugou say's angry. You walk out the dorm still sleepy and go to Nemuri's room. To your surprise she's there so you go inside and close the door making sure she will not wake up you then get under her cuddling her.

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