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(4 or 5 years ago)

You took one deep breath. The hot summer hair filling your lungs. You were laying on the ground when a kid in a blue hoodie came up to you. "Who the fuck are you?" The kid asked. "Oh, Hi! Im y/n, who are you?" You asked excitedly. "Huh you'd think David would tell me about you..." The kid sat down next to you on the prickly grass. "Soooo, are you gonna tell me your name?" You said after a period of scilence. "Doesn't matter, c'mon let,s go see my friends." "Okay!" You followed him still thinking about what you should call him. "I'll call youu...hmmm...Blue!" The kid paid no attention to you as he opened the mess hall door to show people throwing food and forks at an old man.


"y/n...Y/N!" Someone screamed into your ear. You look up to see Nikki snapping and waving her fingers to get your attention. "THEY'RE AWAKE!!" she yelled. You look around the setting you were in. You realized you were in the cafeteria and people were leaving. "We thought you died or some shit." Max said. "GUYS! If you don't get your lazy asses up I WILL punch YOU across the face!" Neil said VERY frustrated. "With what arms?" You said trying to mess with him. Neil huffed. Science was his next class, he couldn't miss that class even if his life was on the line. Everyone got up from their table and walked to their class. You Nikki had the same class together so both walked side by side in the halls.

"Did you know Sash-" you started but got cut off but the shorter teal haired girl. "Don't you DARE speak of her." Nikki turned her head to face you and made very aggressive eye contact. "Yes ma'am!" You said quickly as you saw something.

"Holy shit! I think there's a fight! Here, take my phone and record, im gonna go watch from the front!!!" You said while giving your phone to Nikki trusting her that she won't look through your phone.

(4 or 5 years ago)

You climbed onto the boat. "Snake" was suppose to get you and your friends out of the this hell hole but later into the boat ride, the bitch started swinging. Snake threw Nikki off the boat, "No GIRLS ALLOWED!" "NIKKI!" You cried after her but you got no answer. You saw Neil jump off, you frowned, "coward" you thought. Not even a second later, snake grabs you by the collar and throws you into the cold water. You wake up to see Nikki touching and checking you to see if your okay.


Nikki was to short to record or see anything so when she saw you escape the crowd she ran to ask you about the fight. "Eh, the fight was just two little shits fighting over a girl while other jackasses watched." You said disappointed. "Oooo" Nikki said amused, you always knew anything would amuse her. "Hey, wanna skip class and watch some shit in the bathroom?" You asked "YESSS!" Nikki said while running to the nearest bathroom. Doesn't take a lot to convince her.

You two watched tiktok and youtube on your phone since Nikki lost her phone and couldn't find it. There was a part in a video where Nikki couldn't see so she grab your shoulder and leaned right next to you. You kinda just stood there ,you were kind of heating up and shaking a bit. You frantically look anywhere else but Nikki's face or your phone. You wait for the video to end so can stop WHATEVER your feeling, but it was a 3 min video. (curse you tiktok and your funky long videos!...) Nikki glances at your face, "Woah, your face is heating up like a volcano! That's so COOL!" Nikki squeals. You chuckled, "y-yeah i feel a bit dizzy.." You said as if you were about to faint. "Let's sit on the floor! Maybe we can find bugs and keep it as a pet!!" Nikki offered. "What- no! The floor is wet and gross, Nikki!" "I know, that's why I love it!"

The bell rang. Lucky for you, your school let's sophomores leave early IF you have a parent's or teacher's note. "Lets go ask Mr. Watson for a note, he lets me leave most times." "YEAH, lets go!!"


(740 words)

"I Love You More..."( Nikki Camp Camp x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now