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"I know you like Nikki" he whispered.

"Oh c'mon y/n!" Max whisper yelled

"I don't know what you are talking about, Max!"

At this point it was a whisper war over, your true feelings or your dignity. Right now, you feel like fighting for your dignity.

"Max, I have no clue where you get your thoughts from."

"It's pretty obvious y/n."

You jumped as you saw Neil crawl over from the bushes.

"Neil! What the hell!"

"Sorry. But like I said, it is obvious."

"Yeah, i agree with boy genius here. It is very obvious, god"

"Explain" you were genuinely interested on how your feelings towards Nikki showed.

"Well, for starters, you become so nervous around her. Like, you sweat a lot and stumble over your words. It's really weird."

"Yeah, your body temp heats up and you refuse to make eye contact with her or anyone to be honest."

"Huh, well..." You sighed

"What's your plan, dumbass."

"I don't know. I don't think she feels the same though." You said looking over the bushes searching for Nikki.

"I mean, yeah. We're talking about Nikki here, she wouldn't know what love feels like. She probably pass it off as a stomach ache or some shit." Max said a little too loud.

"SHHHH, she'll find us-"

"Neil, shut the fuck up-"

"Oh im sorry. I just don't wanna get caught by the wild beast out there!"

You watched the argument rise as you crawled to a different hiding spot, behind a tree near the small pond with tiny fish.

You were all alone. Nothing but your thoughts. You were so confused. You were being obvious, huh.

Nikki walked over the loud, moving bushes.


Both boys screamed as the saw Nikki spread to bushes to face them.

"YAY! All we need to do is find y/n, shouldn't be hard!"

Nikki left the boys by themself while she ran to find you.

It was weird. The more she thought about you, the more she felt fluttery, like there were bugs in her stomach. She loved how awkward you were. She thought you were cute with your h/l, h/c, h/t, hair. She loved everything about you. She tried talking to Ered about it but it wasn't any help.

(A couple days ago)

"It's weird. When I talk or think about them, I get this weird feeling in my tummy, like there are bugs crawling all around!"

"Dude, maybe you think they're really cool."

"Yeah, they are cool!"

"See what I mean."


She walked over near the big tree near the pond. She whipped her head around to see you picking at the grass.


"Hi, Nikki."

"What's wrong?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you aren't as...awkward and weird, your more calm and...sad." Nikki frowned "Stop being sad, or you'll make me sad!"

"Im not sad Nikki!"

"Then what's wrong!"

"Well um-"


(492 words)

Just watched the Bo Burnham special😫


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