♡omfg he knows♡

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You make your way over to the park.

Your friend group hasn't hung out all together in a while. You guys would usually just group facetime, but when Nikki lost her phone, you guys just depended on school as your source of interaction.

The walk over to the park was longer than most people think.
This gave you time to think about....Nikki. Oh. My. God.

Your felt your heart began to flutter and your ears and face heating up. You hated you felt this way towards her. You kept pushing your feelings down, but it keeps failing.

I mean, you liked Nikki. She was a good....friend. She was chaotic, energetic, funny, and really sweet when she wants to be. Even with everything you guys did together, you wanted more. You wanted Nikki to be more to you. Not just friends.

The more you thought about this, the more you realized.....you liked Nikki..

You stopped dead in your tracks. And stared at the street next to you. You became overwhelmed and didn't know what to think. You figured out why you acted this way, shouldn't you be happy?

You arrive at the park and see your friends at a lunch table.

"Hey, guys."




You look towards Nikki,

"Did you find your phone?" You snickered and slightly punched her arm.

"Ugh, no! My mom says I probably left at school!" She frowned

"Eh, im sure you'll find it."


You guys walked around for a while talking about random shit.

"Hey guys! We should play hide 'n seek! It would be so cool!"

"Pfft, c'mon Nikki, we're not toddlers anymor-"

"Sure, let's play." You cut Max off.

"I don't see why not." Neil shrugged

Nikki jumped up and down.

"I'll count!!" She yelled

You smiled but then was pulled away by Max. He dragged you behind a tree and into some bushes.

"I know you like Nikki" he whispered.

(323 words)

Short again lol. Didnt feel motivated sorry.


"I Love You More..."( Nikki Camp Camp x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now