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In this chapter i'll be using

(F/D)- Favorite Drink
(F/S)- Favorite Snack


You both leave the bathroom and make your way over to Mr. Watson's room. "Lets hope he isn't teaching right now," You murmur.

"Oh, hello Nikki and y/n! What do you need?" Mr. Watson said while writing something at his desk.

"We need a note to get out of here," You sighed.

"And, is there a reason why?"

"No not really, me and Nikki have all of our work done, and we don't really need to be here, sooooooo...."


Mr. Watson gets a notepad and writes your excuse down. Yes, you were lying about finishing your work, but at least you're leaving now.

You turn from the teacher's desk with the note in hand. Nikki grabs your hand and runs out the door, down the stairs, and into the office hall. You're body started to heat up and sweat at the fact that NIKKI was holding your hand. 'Damnit y/n! Pull yourself together! She's only a friend, nothing more, nothing less...'

The more you thought about it, the more you became flustered.

(4 or 5 yrs ago..)

It was a slow day at camp. Nothing really going on and nothing to really see. At first, it amusing to see space kid get attacked by wolves, but now, it's just boring.

You walk over to Nikki who was stuffing bugs into her pocket.

"Hey, Nikki."

"Hi, Y/n!"

"What are doing, exactly...?"

"Saving these bugs for later."

"Saving them....for what?"

"To eat! Ooo, or to squish!"

"Oh that's cool..."

You spaced out as you looked at the lake sparkle in the sunset light. The orange light hitting your skin. It was calming. There weren't many campers outside, just Harrison and Nerris arguing and Neil cleaning up his past project. Nikki looked up at you,

"You can go, I don't mind." Nikki said with a small smile.

"Nah, it's fine. I'd rather catch bugs and pick flowers than go away."


Nikki grabs the note out of your other hand and gives it to the office lady. The old woman looks up from her desk, and reads the note. She sets the small piece of paper next to the many files on her desk.

"How will you be leaving?" The lady said while typing in her computer.

"We'll be walking, Ma'am."

You said while fidgeting with your thumbs and hands, you always hated talking to adults.

"Okay sweetheart, stay safe and have a nice day!"

"You too!"

You and Nikki burst out the door and start walking to Main Street. There is a bunch of shops and small markets there.

"Y/n...." Nikki whined.


"Im hungry!" Groaning, Nikki dramatically clenched her stomach and acted like she was gonna faint.

"I Love You More..."( Nikki Camp Camp x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now