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The four of you arrive at Nikki's house. It was a 2 story house with 3 bedrooms. 1 master bedroom, 1 regular room, and 1 guest room. (Im mean, it also had an office so I guess 4 rooms??)

You open Nikki's bedroom door to place her on your bed. You lay her down and give a small kiss to her forehead and smiled. "Goodnight, lovely..." You whispered quietly and walked out her door and turned off the lights.

You joined Max and Neil in the living room. They were both basically half asleep. "

Dude, maybe you should move to the guest room if you're gonna go to sleep." You pointed towards them.

"Ughhhhh, fineee..." Max groaned and walked away to the room.

"Y'know, y/n, Im pretty sure Nikki likes you too...



"I Love You More..."( Nikki Camp Camp x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now