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Poggers. Part two! If your here then, good job. You have good taste. And, if your not here, then answer me a question. How are you reading this? Well, let's see who can answer that one. Thanks for reading so far. I think this is either my quickest growing story or my second quickest. I don't know. Who cares. Who even reads this stuff? Remember to comment, vote and check out my youtube channel (Not Rick Roll. Promise) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9DMWZ4z4R06bFgyJ7i2DMQ. Bye!

Silence filled the room. Nobody said anything. or should I say no monster said anything. 

'Success!' Asriel soon called out. The cheer from the monsters were deafening. They continued to damage the barriers, soon destroying them. 

Now they could see sun light. Now they could breathe fresh air. Now they could take revenge. 

*Timeskip of about a day*

Warspite was still training. She still was young, and the young ships weren't made to fight (Thank goodness). But, if they desired to, then it would be possible. 

Warspite wanted to have a high level by the time she was an adult, so she needed to train now. 

She was in the Royal Navy, and the reason that Yorktown and Enterprise were there was for the reason that the two ships were trying to gain knowledge on how to destroy the monsters, if they even escaped. 

*Note* Is important. This is the map of Azur Lane and the territories. VVVVVVVVVV (UW is underworld)

 VVVVVVVVVV (UW is underworld)

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Warspite sighed. It was always like this is Azur Lane. Always training. Not ever much rest. It wasn't at it's worst at the moment, and she didn't really mind that. But, Warspite knew that soon, things would explode. 

At that moment, Glowworm ran up to the training grounds. There were a handful of other ships there. 

'Enemies are attacking! Seek p-' She was cut off by an explosion. 

All the ships in the trainings ground looked over to the explosion. 

There, stood many monsters from the under world. In front of the crowd, was Asriel Dreemurr, slightly floating in the air. 

Character profile: Character Name: Asriel Dreemurr. Age: ??? Rank: (Rank is out of ten. It's exclusive for monsters.) 10 (Power level is above, but rank is only out of 10.) Without limit: 16

He raised his left hand, sending a beam of energy from the ground, into the air. It didn't hit any ships, but it did intimidate them. 

A shortish skeleton with a sort of darkish blue fluffy jacket stood to his left. 

He raised both his hands, and two giant bones appeared out of thin air. He started to swing them around, knocking over training equipment, harming other ships and such. 

Warspite was quick to escape. She ran over to her left to escape death. 

She continued to run, but once she was out of the sight of the monsters, she tripped. 

She looked back up and saw the skeleton from before, standing a few feet away from her. He didn't look angry or anything like that. He looked more concerned. 

Character profile. Character name: Sans. Age: ??? Rank: 10. (Power level is above, but rank is only out of 10.) Without limit: 16

'Come on. Get out of here!' He hissed. Warspite was too afraid to move. 

'Sans! Get back here!' The two of them heard someone call out. 

'You go.' He said quickly before teleporting away. 

It took Warspite a moment to understand what happened to her. 

A monster, a powerful monster appeared in front of her, and tried to help her? That didn't make much sense to Warspite. 

She looked down to her knee, that she only noticed was now hurting. 

She saw it was grazed. 

She had to move though. 

When she stood up, pain shot into her knee. But, she knew if she didn't get to a safe place, then there would be no hope to her survival. 

She hobbled towards the centre of the island. That's where they were meant to meet if there was ever an attack like this one. 

When she was going there, she heard other ships shouting. She got excited, as she thought they could help her. 

Warspite moved in the direction of the voices. 

She noticed they were near the shore of the island. She peered through some bushes, just to make sure it was safe. But, what she saw shocked her. 

There were two ships there, but they were blowing up the island. Destroying the grey material that made up the dock. They didn't look like ships from the Royal Navy either. From her memory, they were from the Dragon Empery. 

Warspite continued to look through the plant life to get more answers. 

A monster that looked like the Sans character appeared. 

'I think we're done here Papyrus.' One of the Dragon Empery ships stated. 

Character profile: Character name: Papyrus. Age: We don't know, but it might have something to do with spaghetti. Rank: 8.

'Good. We'll move on the the next island I assume?' He asked. The ship from Dragon Empery shook her head. 

'Not according to Asriel. We are to regroup and rest up for a few days after we take an island. It could be more than that for more powerful islands.' She explained. 

'Ok. What's our most powerful competitor?' Papyrus asked. He probably wanted to know so he could bake them some spaghetti. It took the ship a moment or two to respond. 

'Well, since all the surviving ships are most likely heading to the Eagle Union, I would say them.' She explained. Papyrus nodded. 

The two headed off. 

Now Warspite knew what was happening. She knew the plan for attack. And she had to warn the others. Before it was too late.

A/N Hio! You liked it? I hope you did. All that talk of spaghetti just made me realise how hungry I am. Well, that's ok I guess. If your hungry, then you enjoy food even more right? Vote to read more! Adios!   

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