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Hi again! Yes It's me. The poggers man. I will gift you with pog. Anyway... This chapter is when the final boss battle begins!!!!!!!!!! I'm excited to write it. Now, there is something that will look like a Star Wars reference. Please know that, that would be impossible as I extremely dislike Star Wars. I still respect your opinions though. So, just don't ask me about it. You can envision it what it is like in Star Wars, but I must warn you, I-It's not what it looks like. Anyway, with that out of the way, don't forget to vote and comment. Also check out my yt channel here! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9DMWZ4z4R06bFgyJ7i2DMQ. Bye for now!!!

The battle was over. There were no monsters anywhere in sight. Chara had been killed just seconds earlier. The Warspite spirit turned back to young Warspite. They caught each other's eye contact. They both nodded. Spirit Warspite began to fade back into Young Warspite. 

Seconds later, she was gone. 

Warspite turned back to look at the damage. 122. 122 ships were alive. Out of those almost three filled nations, only 122 ships remained. That might seem like a lot, but every ship had been dropped and crafted many, many times. 

As they went into the battle, every single ship that came had at least two of itself. Most even had 3. Some had 4 and 5, and just a few had 6 or 7. 

Now they had 122 in total. Out of all those nations. 

Most had died fending off the monsters. A large portion had died trying to protect her. Warspite just stood their, catching her breath as other ships stood up, moved around and asked each other questions. 

'Are you ok?' 'Was that really all of the monsters?' 'Did we win?' 'Is.. that it?' 'Honestly, I expected more' 'Finally! It's over!' 'No more monsters eh?' 'You think their all gone?' We're only some of them. 

'We return to base now!' Enterprise called out. All the ships went around, collecting the boxes of food that had been drifting around in the battle. 

They were finally heading back. 


It was 10:21. Warspite sat on a small stone brick wall that was only a few meters high. It was partly broken, and it would be nearly impossible to walk across at this time of night, as it was only around half a meter wide. 

Warspite sat on the wall, looking out to the moon. All of the other ships were either celebrating in the dining hall, or were already asleep. All except for two. 

Warspite heard footsteps coming from her left. She turned her head to see a figure, standing their. Their hands were on what appeared to their sword. They were tall. Around 1.5 times taller than Warspite.

Even though Warspite knew near to nothing about this stranger right now, she didn't feel any fear. She stood up and turned to her enemy. 

The shrouded figure took a step closer before jumping up on the wall. They took out their sword. 

The blade was a darkish blue colouring. It looked like a hologram. Even though, the shape of it was like any normal sword. The hilt was also like normal. The blue blade shimmered slightly, like a piece of code that worked, but needed editing. 

It seemed like it wasn't complete. Even though the colouring was dark, it lit up their surroundings. Warspite finally learned who her enemy was. 

Ark Royal. 

'Over time.' She began. 'It seems that we've been battling. Not in a combat way though. We've been battling for recognition.' She explained. 

Warspite was confused. She wore that expression on her face. Ark Royal sighed. 

'It started when you nearly took out Asriel. You got everyone's attention. You took the first move.' She explained. 

'After that though, when we were looking for food, I took out Asriel easily. I took the next move.' She continued. Warspite didn't know exactly where she was going with this, so she remained quiet. 

'Next, you found the island with all the food on it. That was the third move. But, unlike before, you didn't give me a chance to try and strike back. You killed Chara.' She finished. 

Warspite didn't know what to make of what she had just heard. Did Ark Royal think they were competing? Did she think this was all one big competition? Did she think Warspite was doing it intentionally? 

Ark Royal took advantage of Warpsite's silence. 

'So, tonight. I want to take it back. You've been in the spotlight for too long Warspite.' She explained, her voice rising. 

What was she going to do? Warspite asked herself. She was so confused yet curious. She wanted to know more. She remained silent. 

In response, Ark Royal pointed her sword at Warspite. 

'I.. wat to battle you Warspite.' 


'W-what!?' Warspite exclaimed. 

'A fight. To the death. Whoever wins is the one in the spotlight. The one who was and is meant to be in the spotlight.' Ark Royal explained. Warspite was taken aback. 

She nearly took a step back, but remembered where she was. 

'Do you think I've been trying to do this intentionally?' Warspite asked loudly. She needed to express her point. When Ark Royal didn't respond, Warspite got angry. 

She did. 

'Listen Ark Royal! I don't want any harm!' Warspite called out. She could barely hear herself over the crushing silence Ark Royal displayed. 

'I never said you did. I only know one thing. And that is: This wasn't an accident. It was always meant to be us two.' She explained. 

Warspite didn't respond for a few moments. To her though, it felt like the whole night. 

'I don't want anything to do with this.' Warspite answered quietly. 

'Nobody does. We do things because we need to. Not because we want to.' She explained. Warspite knew that. 

'You don't think I know that? Why else would I choose to fight in all of these dangerous battles?!' Warspite screamed. She didn't care if there would be consequences. All she wanted were answers. 

Ark Royal paused for a moment. She looked down to the grey stone wall. She then looked back up. 

'Why did you fight? Why did you risk your life for others who barely even know you?' She asked. Warspite responded right away. 

'Because I care. I did it because I don't want anything bad to happen to the other younger ships. I don't want others to experience what I have. What I will.' She said quietly. Ark Royal looked shocked. 

'What do you mean will? The monsters are dead.' She said. Warspite looked her dead in the eyes, tears starting to flow down her face. 

'The other Warspite told me... she told me there were more. She said that this isn't the end. She said that this... is only the beginning.' 

A/N Hi guys! How'd you likey? I've always wanted my chapters to be around this length, but I've never had enough content. I'm thinking of changing 'A wish (Undertale x AL)' to 'The Fire (Undertale x AL). What do you guys think? I need more ideas for the next story before I write it I think. But, who knows. We'll see. I do only think that this story is beginning to develop. Who knows. Maybe after I've finished all of my ideas, I could write a third one. That'll be cool. Anyway, this chapter was a whole lot of talking. Sorry. The next one is action! Pew, pew, shing, shing. That'll be fun. Alright, don't die, and bye! 


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