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Hi guys! It's me again! And yes, I did respond to my last chapter's last paragraph. Go see it for yourself. I believe some of you might like it. Anyway, ye. Alright, nothing important has happened to my poor little soul. Well, the other day when I was playing AL, I realised: hey, I've been grinding on 3-3 hard and 3-4 quite a bit! I wonder what would happen if I go up to the stage I'm actually up to. And I did. Result: Absolute destruction. I got like 200 gems. Good times. Anyway, make sure to vote and comment, as it makes me feel happy whenever I see I have notifications. Don't forget to subscribe too! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9DMWZ4z4R06bFgyJ7i2DMQ. Bye!

It was dark out. Very dark. Warspite looked around. She could barely see the other ships that she was following. They were off to get more food. Warspite didn't mind if they did or didn't have food. She wasn't hungry. But, she decided she didn't have anything better to do, so she joined the raging stampede. 

Warspite couldn't see who was at the front leading the ships, but she realised that didn't matter. They adventured off in the direction of the monsters. Maybe they thought that since the monsters took their food, they would return the favour. 

They passed the Iron Blood after about ten minutes. The island had smoke emerging from it. Still freshly destroyed. The Sakura Empire was pretty beat up. That's why they were staying on the EA for the time being. 

Warspite didn't mind. She didn't mind lot's of things. Just as long as they didn't interfere with her, she was usually fine with it. Usually. 

Another island appeared in the distance. They were pretty close to it. It had to be either the monster's island or the Dragon Empery's. The ships grew closer, as if asking the question. 

Then, suddenly a huge fire ball got hurled down on the group. It exploded, knocking all the ships back. Warspite turned to see Asriel and Sans. They must have seen they were being attacked from the Empery's island. 

Warspite then noticed something. 

In this light level, how would Sans know if she was there. 

And, who she was? 

All of a sudden, in this fight Warspite was an equal. She could die too. 


The ships fired their loaded ammo. It barely struck Asriel, but not a thing touched the skeleton. The sea had a fire on top of it, making it so that escape from behind or their left was impossible. And the way the monster's island was constructed made escaping to the right not an option. 

The only way they would survive would be to go through the monsters. The two most powerful. 

Sans raised his arms, summoning two Gaster Blasters. They both fired their white energy at the helpless ships below. All they could do was dodge. Warspite noticed that Ark Royal was in the crowd. She raised her shot gun to Sans. 

He was too focused on some ships who were trying to escape. She knew if she didn't do anything, then her friend would die. Her only one. She remembered what it felt like to loose Z23. 

She didn't want that again. 

She jumped towards the ship. 

'Don't!' She called out. Ark Royal was shocked and moved her pointer slightly away, firing into the darkness. 

'What?' She hissed. 'I had him!' Warspite thought quickly. 

'We can't' She said simply. 

'And why's that?' Ark Royal asked. 

'If we kill one of their more important soldiers early in this war, then they'll want to get us for it.' She explained. 

'We aren't in the beginning of this war. We're near the end! Ever move in crucial.' She nearly yelled. She didn't want to attracted Asriel nor Sans, so she remained silent. 

'You'll thank me for it later.' Warspite said and turned away. Arl Royal did the same. 

By then the battle had gotten out of hand. Ships were burning everywhere. One's were being shot. Others were barely surviving. This battle was an obvious loss. Warspite wanted to turn it around. But, for some reason, her spirit wasn't reacting. 

All she could do was stand there, motionless. She watched as the ships fell into the cold sea below. Their fate being sealed. Lives taken away, just like that. The brain took an image of the picture. 

She soon noticed there were only a handful of ships left. About 5. Her, Ark Royal and three others. Their group was small enough to escape now. 

'We need to leave.' One of the other ships commanded. 

'Not after I do something.' Ark Royal muttered. She looked through the scope of her gun. At Asriel. He was too busy killing the other ships to notice her. 

She pulled the trigger, and a bullet shot out from the gun. It pierced the monster's skin. He yelled out in pain. He turned to the bullet, and pulled it out before it did any more damage. But, it was already done. 

He started to sink down. He hit the sea floor. Dead. 

The 'god' of monsters was taken down by a bullet. And Warspite didn't know what happened next. 

A/N Hi guys! This chapter I think is an ok one. For the story line. Like I actually really like it myself, but like... It is important. When I got to like 300 words I'm like: Alright, something important happens here. I made you guys wait so.. here it is! I hope you enjoyed! I have an idea for like one of the final battles. It's cool. This chapter has something important to do with it. Ok, see you next time! Don't die!


A Knife (Undertale x Azur Lane)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora