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Hi guys! This is most likely the final chapter in 'A knife (Undertale x Azur Lane)'. If it is not, then next chapter will be. That would be the result of me being like: HA LONG BATTLE GO BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Let's hope I don't. Or maybe you do. I don't know. And, just for your information, the above song is my most favourite song, of all time. Hope you like it to. Cause, if you don't... YOUR DEAD TO ME. JK. I don't care what your opinion is. If you hate it... why am I going on about a song? Whatever. So, remember to vote and comment. Also, check out my yt channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9DMWZ4z4R06bFgyJ7i2DMQ. Bye for the second last time in this book!!!

Both ships froze. 

Why did I say that? Warspite asked herself silently. What will she do? 

'What do you mean, this isn't the end?' Ark Royal asked. Warspite was silent. For too long. 'Answer me!' Ark Royal called out. 

'There are more monsters out there. If we don't kill them soon, then this will all repeat!' She responded. Warspite didn't care anymore. It was the first time she was thinking about this. 

'All the more reason to kill you then.' Ark Royal muttered before launching at Warspite. She held up her sword and they both went into a lock. Warspite forced her sword down, breaking the trap. 

Ark Royal jumped back. Even though the rock wall was thin, she managed to land on it. She kept her sword out in front of her. If Warspite attacked, she would have something to protect her. 

But she didn't attack. Warspite didn't want to fight in the first place. 

So, Ark Royal launched at Warspite again, attempting to push her off the wall. She was hungry for blood. Hungry for death. Warspite tried to jump back, but knew that wouldn't end well. 

She ended up awkwardly stepping back, allowing the two ship's sword engage in a lock once more. Warspite pushed back. 

She didn't want to fight, but she didn't want to die either. Ark Royal needed a way to attack her. She jumped up as high as she could, just managing to get over Warspite. She was small anyway, so it was easier than she thought it would be. 

Now that she was behind Warspite, she slashed at her back, slightly cutting her right arm. 

Warspite's arm hadn't recovered from the previous battle, so it stung like crazy when anything touched it. 

(A/N if I ever have like a cut of something like that and it hurts if I touch it, I will touch it. Does that mean I'm like a psychopath?)

Warspite stumbled back a bit. She knew she couldn't use her right hand now. She shifted her sword over to her weaker left hand. 

Ark Royal smirked at this. She knew she had the advantage. 

Warspite thought for a moment. If she didn't fight back, then she would die in seconds. 


It wasn't something that Warspite thought about quite a bit, as she had that invisible force to help her. 

But, it hadn't appeared yet, even though she was in huge pain. Would it stop appearing now because the 'main' battle was over? 

No, that couldn't be it. But, Warspite couldn't think of any other reason. 

Maybe, the spirit knew something that Warspite didn't know, so it didn't appear. 

All she knew was that it wasn't going to appear. For this battle. Maybe. Suddenly, Ark Royal launched at Warspite again. Another shock of pain shot through Warspite. She had stabbed her left leg. 

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