The Girl in the Mirror

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Lydia awoke everyday to pretty much the same exact thing. And the same exact routine. It was simple, to say the least. Wake up, get dressed, have breakfast, and either go to school and/or hang out with the Maitlands. That was how things usually went for her on a day to day basis. But not today. Well, to be fair, that day had started off as it normally would. She woke up, gotten out of her bed, gotten herself dressed, grabbed her phone off of her bedside table, and moved to exit her bedroom and go downstairs for her breakfast.

However, today, of all days, there was a certain something that definitely felt off. Like, really off. And Lydia herself had certainly taken notice.

Lydia stopped short of her bedroom door, her hand extended out to grab the door knob and open it. Her eyes widened at the suddenness of a voice in her bedroom. A female's voice she was sure she'd never heard before. She may have seen stranger things than that, but that voice that she had heard really took the cake. Turning around, her back now against her bedroom door, Lydia let her arm drop to her side as she looked around her room to find the source of the voice.

That's when she noticed that the unknown voice that she'd heard in her bedroom had come right from her mirror. Confusedly, she made her way over towards her mirror and turned to face it, looking into it.

Inside, or rather on the other side of her mirror, a girl who didn't look that much different from her was shown, rather than her herself. Except that this girl had black hair that was a little bit longer than hers. And what was even more bizarre, but not in Lydia's standards, was that the girl shown in her mirror had her hair tied back into a messy bun like half ponytail.

"Hello, there," the girl inside Lydia's mirror said. "This is... certainly strange."

"Tell me about it," Of all the things I was expecting today, I... certainly didn't expect to see you in my mirror."

"Same, same," the girl in Lydia's mirror said, nodding.

"Who the hell are you?" Lydia asked the mysterious girl in her mirror, raising an eyebrow and folding her arms. Yet Lydia didn't bother to turn on her heel when she heard her dad calling up to her to come down for breakfast.

"I should be asking you the same thing," the girl in the mirror replied, scratching at her head.

Lydia looked down, then around her bedroom, before finally turning her attention back over towards the girl in the mirror. "My name's Lydia Deetz. And yours?"

"Also Lydia Deetz."

Lydia's eyes widened. Then she rubbed at the back of her neck.

"How can you be... if I am... oh... this is all a little too much... I think... I think... I need to take a short and much needed break..." the Lydia not in the mirror mumbled. She rested a hand against her forehead, giving the version of her in her mirror an incredulous look. One which also seemed to appear on mirror Lydia's face.

Mirror Lydia nodded, allowing the other version of her to rest herself for a bit. Lydia leaned against the edge of her bed, closing her eyes and preventing herself from hyperventilating as a result of the matter at hand.

"You okay now?" mirror Lydia asked, as soon as it became apparent that other her had taken enough of a break.

"Yeah, I am. Thanks."

Mirror Lydia nodded, a smile on her face.

Lydia, on the other hand, now feeling a little more calmer than she had been, rephrased the same exact question that she'd asked mirror her earlier. "Wait... If I'm Lydia Deetz and you're Lydia Deetz, then does that mean that there's multiple universes out there that no one but us knows about?"

"Guess so," mirror Lydia responded with a faint laugh and a shrug before folding her arms and keeping her eyes focused solely on the other version of her. "Why don't you go and talk to your Maitlands and I'll talk to mine and we'll see what they say about all of this. Does that sound like it's a good idea, other me?"

"Yeah, it does," the Lydia not in the mirror responded with a few nods. "But my Maitlands don't like looking through the Handbook for the Recently Deceased all that often. They both think it's dangerous. We're going to need some other help if we're going to figure all of this out. Can I talk to you again when I return?"

"If by help, do you mean your universe's version of Juno?" Mirror Lydia asked, not bothering to answer the question that other her asked.

"Juno? Nah, that woman's nothing but evil," Lydia replied. "I was talking about the version of Beetlejuice in my universe."

Mirror Lydia nodded, though she did not seem to like that answer. "Wait? Is your universe's version of Beetlejuice not evil like the one in mine?"

The Lydia not in the mirror smirked, letting out a few quiet laughs and a soft sigh. "We're in a multiverse, remember? Different things happen in different universes."

"Oh yeah!" mirror Lydia said with an amused eye roll, mentally slapping herself for forgetting just that. "How does that work again."

"While the version of Beetlejuice in your universe is evil, the version of him in my universe kinda was but now he's on good terms with my family and I and he's my best friend," Lydia found herself explaining, letting out a few quiet laughs.

"But that doesn't explain why the two of us, as well as our versions of our dad and Delia and the Maitlands are exactly the same in both our universes. Surely there have to be quite a few differences?" mirror Lydia asked out of confusion, cocking her head to the side.

"Hah, I'm way more chaotic than you. So there's a difference."

Mirror Lydia sighed, shaking her head.

"So, like I mentioned to you earlier, mirror me. Can I talk to you again when I come back down here from talking to my universe's versions of the Maitlands and Beetlejuice?" the Lydia not in the mirror continued on, getting the conversation right back to what the two of them had been talking about. "Is that okay?"

Again, mirror Lydia nodded. "Sounds good, other me. Just as long as we figure out how to communicate with each other through your mirror while we're at it?"

"Agreed!" Lydia let out another quiet laugh. "Because I would really like to know how you did it mirror me?!"

"Heck if I know?" Mirror Lydia rolled her eyes and returned her attention over towards the other version of her. "It just happened. See you later, other me?"

The Lydia not in the mirror nodded her agreement, whispering a goodbye to the version of her in her mirror as she turned on her heel and exited her bedroom. At the same time, a light flashed across the mirror and the version of Lydia that was in it faded away. Almost as if she hadn't even been in there to begin with.

The Girl in the Mirror: a Beetlejuice fanfic Where stories live. Discover now