For the Time Being

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"So... last night we had a late night horror movie marathon until, like, come midnight when other me's dad and stepmother came downstairs to get us," alternate Lydia explained the next morning, her mouth full of a kind of cereal that was not around in her time period as she sat at the kitchen table with her other self, the rest of other her's family, and Beetlejuice. "We ended up roping Delia into it but other me's dad did not want to watch it."

"And that's probably why you had that nightmare last night," Lydia teased, lightly punching her alternate self in the

"No fair!" alternate Lydia teased, lightly and playfully punching other her back.

"Yes fair!"

"Girls, girls... that's enough. Calm down," Barbara said, looking between her universe's Lydia and the alternate version of Lydia. She had to be lucky that they stopped before either one of the two of them could get involved in a play fight.

"Sorry, Barbara," Lydia said sadly, an apologetic look in her eyes.

"Yeah... sorry, other Barbara," alternate Lydia spoke up sadly as well, a matching look to the one other her had appearing in her eyes.

"That's quite alright," Barbara said with a distinctive smile, looking from her Lydia to Lydia's alternate self. "Let's finish eating breakfast and talking and see what else we can do to help alternate Lydia get used to the modern world thirty years after the time period of which she comes from."

Things had seemingly calmed right down... at least for a little bit, that was.

"Hey! Give that back, Bj!"

"Never!" he cackled quietly, pushing her away and causing her to flail her arms as she tried desperately and failed to get her cereal back.

Barbara and Charles looked up at the exact same time to find alternate Lydia reaching for something that Beetlejuice seemed to be holding just out of her reach and laughing ever so hysterically. As was Lydia, yet it was a little quieter.

"Okay guys, cut that out!" Barbara said, a mix of seriousness and sternness in her voice.

Beetlejuice and alternate Lydia stopped with their play fighting, staring over towards Charles and Barbara at once. And Lydia rested an elbow against the kitchen table, smirking both slyly and amusingly.

Then Beetlejuice and alternate Lydia resumed with their play fight and eventually got Lydia involved after Beetlejuice had thrown alternate Lydia's bowl of cereal directly at Lydia's head with his powers and caused it to smash into a dozen pieces and spill its contents all over the kitchen floor.

Everyone sat in the kitchen stared at it for a brief few moments, then all four Maitland-Deetz adults grew equally as angry as one another as they turned and focused their attention over towards Beetlejuice, stopping the play fight that he and both of the Lydias were currently in the middle of.

He held his hands up in front of him, seemingly confused as his hair turned blue. "What?"

"Why!" Barbara's eyes narrowed. "Did you do that?"

"Because it was fun?" Beetlejuice simply responded with a shrug, backing up when Barbara stood up from her spot at the kitchen table and stormed over towards him.

Beetlejuice smirked yet grew sheepish, taking a furious Barbara standing just inches from his face as her being incredibly fierce. The others still sat down at the kitchen table just watched the two of them with equal amounts of concern, yet they knew what was coming next.

"Did you really think that throwing a bowl of cereal with your powers straight at our universe's Lydia's head was both fun and a good idea?! She could've been seriously injured!!" Barbara continued, her voice low and stern.

The Girl in the Mirror: a Beetlejuice fanfic Where stories live. Discover now