The More, The Ghostier

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"Hey! Sexy! Alternate Sexy!" Beetlejuice widely grinned, seductively moving towards both of the Adams.

His universe's version of Adam turned his head and playfully smirked at him, whilst the other version of Adam stayed back and just watched in intrigue and curiosity as his alternate self and Beetlejuice interacted. Beetlejuice seemed to be going for the both of them, though, as the alternate Adam could tell, so why not join in on it. Alternate Adam moved closer towards his other self and tapped him on the shoulder.

In an instant, Adam turned to look at his alternate self. "Yeah?"

"Has he — always had a crush on you and on your version of Barbara? Even after — you know?" Alternate Adam asked, gesturing a hand out towards Beetlejuice and keeping his attention on his other self.

At that, Adam had to stifle a laugh. "Yeah. After he returned, none of us were happy at first but sooner rather than later, my Barbara and I could already start to tell that we were slowly starting to have — feelings for him. It's strange to say, but now my Barbara and I are in a relationship of sorts with him. He's — actually kinda fun to be around. Once you really get to know him."

Beetlejuice leaned in closer to his universe's version of Adam's face, scaring the latter of the two silly. "A relationship of sorts? My Sexy, I would not call it a relationship of sorts. It's more like a polyamory mixed with a ménage à trois type of relationship if you ask me."

"Isn't a ménage à trois a type of polyamorous relationship?" Adam asked, sounding rather confused. "They're... not two completely different things."

"It's best not to question it, my dear sexy." Beetlejuice grinned at him and his alternate self.

"...." For a while, Adam couldn't think of anything to say. Eventually just falling silent.

His hair going a lighter pink in shade, Beetlejuice turned and focused his attention towards alternate Adam. "So, alternate sexy, you as adorable as my universe's Adam is?"

To emphasize that, Beetlejuice grinned and winked at alternate Adam — who seemed to be a little off put by that and moved off to the side.

"Uh, let's not go there..." alternate Adam uttered out. "Please?!"

But that wasn't going to stop Beetlejuice from flirting with him too, was it. If the Adam of this universe didn't mind it, then wouldn't there still be a chance that alternate Adam would start to mind it too?

"So you're not as adorable as the version of you in this universe is?" Beetlejuice gripped onto his universe's Adam's shoulders and looked over them at alternate Adam.

"I... never said that..." alternate Adam stammered, trailing off when he couldn't find anything else to say. "...."

"So, you are?" Beetlejuice's hair went back to being that same shade of pink from earlier.

"I...." Alternate Adam held his hands out in front of him. He opened his mouth to say something, but the shout of "hey! Cut that out!" from both versions of Barbara was more than enough to distract him.

In an instant, both Adams and Beetlejuice turned to both Barbaras, them noting the amusement on both their faces. Still, that wasn't ever going to keep both versions of Adam from holding their hands up and saying, at the same time,

"What?! What's so funny?"

Before either version of Barbara could even say anything, both of the Adams grew amused, turning to look at one another and giggling rather amusingly and in unison. Something of which also happened to make both Barbaras giggle quietly to themselves as they watched the both of them.

"Hey! Please stop copying me! No! You stop coping me! No! You—"

The taller, curly brown haired version of Barbara coughed, grabbing the attention of both Adams and causing them to turn and look in their direction. Again, they uttered out,

"What?! What's so funny?"

"Are you ever going to stop copying each other?" this universe's version of Barbara had to ask out of confusion, pushing a strand of her blonde hair behind an ear. "Or are you going to keep on doing it from now on?"

"Maybe we are," her Adam giggled, before turning and looking at his alternate self.

"Maybe we aren't," alternate Adam added, grinning cheekily back at other him.

Then, both Adams shrugged in unison. "Who knows?! We don't!"

Alternate Barbara rolled her eyes, letting out a slight laugh. "Can we please just focus on the matter at hand? About how to get my Adam, my Lydia, and I back to our own universe. If we can, that is."

Night flashed by, morning coming quickly. Each one of the four ghosts and singular demon opened their mouths to speak at the same time, only for each of them to close them when a knock on the door, followed by the sound of Lyds' voice, were heard from the other side of the attic door and grabbed their attention,

"Guys? Can we spend time in the attic today?! Lidi and I have nothing else to do!"

Both Adams and both Barbaras looked at one another, briefly, then alternate Barbara stood and crossed the attic. She snapped her fingers, the attic door opening in an instant and both Lydias heading in. Lyds stopped, wrapping her arms around her Barbara in a hug — to which Barbara reciprocated. Lydia crossed the attic, plopping herself down next to her universe's version of Barbara.

Lyds looked up at her Barbara, albeit she looked a little unsure of herself. A little unsure of something. And her Barbara could immediately tell what it was, putting a hand on top of her shoulder and giving her a smile.

"I'm guessing that you had a nightmare?" alternate Barbara asked, er guessed.

"Yeah." Lyds looked away briefly and nodded, before turning her attention back up towards her Barbara. "Lidi got pulled through her mirror into our universe and then got pulled back out with you and our Adam."

"You and me both!" Lydia commented, grinning at Lyds. "I had the exact same nightmare. Yet it was from my perspective."

Lyds laughed. "Yeah. I know. You told me at the exact same time I told you. We decided to have a sleepover in your room, remember?"

"Very much so."

Both Adams and Barbaras turned to look at one another. Then they looked back at both of the Lydias as they conversed and laughed. One of them had to tell the both of them one way or another. And whoever it was to do it, was entirely up to decision. A decision that was made rather quickly. Alternate Barbara looked away for a moment, thinking of how she was going to phrase things, then she sighed as she looked back at both girls.

"Uh, my Lydia, other Lydia, that wasn't a nightmare. It actually happened."

All five deceased braced themselves. Three... two... one...

"WHAT?!" both girls shrieked at once, quickly turning to face all five of the deceased.

There it was.

The Girl in the Mirror: a Beetlejuice fanfic Where stories live. Discover now