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If there was one thought in Barbara's mind, as well as everyone else's, it most definitely had something to do with things relating to a whole bunch of multiverses that they had only just learned about today. And, to be fair, all of this multiverse stuff was nothing but confusing to the lot of them.

And it was Barbara, propping herself up against the wall right beside the mirror that they were going to use, who brought up that particular thought.

"So, how do we talk to them through the mirror?" Barbara asked, sounding confused and curious at the same time. "We know that their images just disappear just as soon as we're finished talking to them... but how do they appear in the mirror?"

"I dunno." Adam shrugged in response, giving his wife a matching look of confusion. "They probably appear in the mirror whenever they want to, I guess."

"Beetlejuice?!" Barbara turned her head in the aforementioned demon's direction.

Beetlejuice summoned the Handbook again, almost immediately noting that the Maitlands had bookmarked the beginning of the section on multiverses in case they wanted to refer to it later. And how was most definitely later. He opened the Handbook, flipped to the section on multiverses, and then remembered he couldn't read. So, instead of him reading through the Handbook and explaining things more in detail, he handed it to Adam.

The Handbook sat in Adam's lap, him looking down at it. "It looks like I'm right. They really do appear in the mirror whenever they want. But also whenever they need to talk to us."

"And now is one of those times." The gathered group of five looked up to find the alternate versions of the Maitlands, Charles, and Delia smiling at them from the mirror. Perfect. Right on time.

Mirror Charles stilled, however, when his eyes focused solely on Beetlejuice.

"He needs to leave," mirror Charles spoke, pointing a hand towards Beetlejuice. "Now!"

Beetlejuice's hair color turned a mix between blue and red as he stepped forwards. "No! I'm staying here and helping out whether you like it or not!"

Mirror Charles scowled in response, or at least he did up until mirror Barbara and mirror Adam put their hands on either one of his shoulders to calm him down enough so that they could explain everything.

"Yeah, he's right. He can stay if he wants to," mirror Barbara said. "He's on their side."

Mirror Charles closed his eyes, allowing himself to relax before opening them again and focusing solely on Beetlejuice. "No he's not!"

"Yes I am!" Beetlejuice responded, his hair becoming a darker green in color. "Unlike your universe's version of me, I was given a second chance by these guys and by Lydia. And boy am I glad that that happened. They've become like a sort of family to me since then and I couldn't have it any other way."

Mirror Charles grunted and folded his arms, but then softened. He and the rest of the adults of the alternate Maitland-Deetz family had to make do with this, he guessed.

"Tell you what," mirror Barbara spoke up again, focusing towards the Charles and Delia of her universe. "Why don't you guys go take a break and let Ad and I do all the talking?"

"But-" Mirror Charles stared at her like she was crazy. "Are you sure. We can stay if we-"

"Go!" mirror Barbara pressed, teleporting mirror Charles and Delia away before turning her attention towards the gathered group in the mirror on her side. "Sorry about that. How's our Lydia doing?"

"Where's our Lydia?" mirror Adam added, a tad bit confused as he cocked his head to the side.

"One question at a time," Barbara spoke up. "Your Lydia is doing fine. She was pulled thirty years into the future when she was pulled through the mirror. So she has to adjust to a lot of things that didn't exist in your time or universe."

The Girl in the Mirror: a Beetlejuice fanfic Where stories live. Discover now