chapter 2

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"Why don't you and Jimmy go and have fun?" my mother said as she shooed me away, clearly she wanted to have 'grown up talk' with her new neighbor friend.

I shrugged and brought jimmy to my room.

I sat down and the bed and fidgeted with some strings hanging off my dress.

He spotted a guitar in the corner of my room.

"Hey!" He said with newfound interest. "A guitar!"

I laughed, "Yeah... do you play?"

"A little bit, I mean I've never had any formal training or anything, I just learn from picking up a few things here and there... Do you play?"

I blushed a bit, "Not really, that was my brothers guitar, he used to play it all the time." I admitted.

"Oh, wow! Why doesn't he play it anymore?" Jimmy questioned.

"Because..." I began taking a deep breath. "He died in the war."

With a sudden look of regret on his face, like he felt bad for asking he smiled and said "Well, I could teach you a few things, if you want. Maybe you're brother would of liked that? Get some use out of it?" He suggested.

I nodded, now a little sad.

"Can you come back tomorrow?" I asked him hopefully.

"Of course, I'm free all day tomorrow. Actually I'm free everyday, until mum forces me to get a job like she does every summer..." He explained with a sigh.

"Hey, How old are you?" I asked.

"15."He said with a grin "How old are you?"

"14."I replied, people always thought I was older than I am, and I doubted Jimmy would be an exception.

"That's about what I thought." He said as He pushed his hair away from his eyes and sat down on the bed.

"Jimmy?!" I heard his mother call from across the house.

He stood up straight and said goodbye to me.

"I will be over about noon tomorrow, if that's okay?" He said before he left.

"That sounds wonderful" I agreed as he walked out the door.

I went into the kitchen where my mother was and she asked me what I thought about him.

"He's okay..." I lied.

"You'll grow to like him, hopefully" my mother said washing dishes.

"Yeah... Maybe." I responded as I headed back to my room

I think I really liked this boy.

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