chapter 4

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We stepped out of the front door and my mum didn't say a word.
the summer air was wonderful.

"Isn't it a gorgeous day?" I say with a sigh and toss my hair back behind me.
"Yes, I must agree." He said with a smile.
He slowly slipped his hand down to intertwine with mine and started walking a little faster.

"You know, you're very very beautiful?" He complimented.
"You're the first person that's ever told me..."I admitted trying to keep up with his pace.

He grinned and continued to walk.
We arrived at the sweet shop and began looking around.

"What would you like?" He whispered in my ear, making shivers go up my spine.
He had such a smooth voice, so soft and comforting with a cute accent. It drove me mad.

I eventually chose something and he paid.
Licking on my candy as we exited the shop he grabbed my hand and pulled me along faster.
"What are you doing?" I said with a giggle.
"I want to show you something marvelous."

We slightly sprinted down the side walk before we came to a complete halt.
There was a small walkway in the woods.

"This is it!" He exclaimed, and led the way.
We tromped through many briers and
brush until a small part of a clearing could be seen.

Still holding my hand, he pulled me through the brush and into the open field.
God, it was gorgeous.

"Woah..." I said quietly, for it was all I could muster.

"Isn't it great?!" He giggled as he walked through the wild flowers, looking absolutely mystical.

"I would have to agree." I confirmed, observing my natural surroundings.
"But this isn't everything, dear." He explained.

"Its not? Then show me the rest!"
"if you wish, my dear."
We walking through the field of flowers and into the woods again, except not heading back towards the side walk.

I could hear the faint sound of running water and it became slightly cooler, until we approached a stream.
It was beautiful, I took in a breath of air and smiled.

"Its wonderful isn't it?"
"How'd you find this place?" I asked him.
"Well, I don't exactly have a lot of friends, and I certainly do have a lot of time on my hands, so I just began exploring the woods until I found this clearing, and eventually this stream and a waterfall." He explained.

"Oh my, there's a waterfall?!"
"Ha, yes my dear there is. Would you like to see it?"

I shook my head and reached my hand for his, which he took and I could see a smile appear on his face. Lord, wasn't he gorgeous when he smiled?

As if out of nowhere, the waterfall appeared.

"Jimmy, oh my God, that is gorgeous! How long have you known about this place?"
"Oh maybe a few years" he said scratching his arm.
"who else knows?" I asked staring at the waterfall.
"Just you. And me." He said and rubbed my hand with his thumb.

I smiled and realized it was beginning to get dark.
"Jimmy, it's starting to get dark..." I warned.
"Oh yeah, it is." He said, seemingly distracted.

We made our way back through the woods and field and finally back on the sidewalk.

"That was great, Jimmy" I told him as I finished off the last of my sweets.
"I know." He said with a huge grin.

We walked hand in hand down the street, laughing and joking around, then just before turning the corner to go down our street he stopped and so did I.

"I just wanted to say I had a really great time today with you, and I think we should do it more often." He told me.

"Oh so do i." I agreed, a bit distracted by the quickly setting sun, not wanting my mother to be upset with me I tried to hurry him along.

"Maybe in a couple days I can give you more lessons?" he asked
"Of course, Jimmy."

He had already let go of my hand and smiled, then picked me up and put me around his waist.

"Jimmy!" I exclaimed, "what are you doing?!"
"Being romantic, and giving you something I have wanted to give you the whole day."
He suddenly pulled me into a locked kiss.
It wasn't rough, but sweet and soft, nearly innocent, but not quite, because he knew exactly what he was doing and how to
work my lips with his.

For a first kiss, I must admit, it was the best kiss I've ever had.
Standing there, wrapped around his waist was great, until I wanted more than a kiss. And I started thinking of dirty things that accompany kisses, and I knew I shouldn't do. That so I pulled away from the kiss and he let me down.

Breathing heavily I didn't say a word to him as we walked home.
"Um, thank you." I said awkwardly as he walked me to my door.
"Anytime." He assured with a smile as I opened the door and stepped into my house.

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