chapter 8

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On the way to his house I playfully shoved him while he pushed me back. I would sprint ahead of him and he would run to catch up with me.
We eventually grew tired of that as we turned the corner of our street and briskly walked up the steps of his porch and he opened the front door.
His house smelled a bit like candles and cigars and the wooden floors the entry way were a bit dusty.
"Do you want anything ? Hungry ? " He asked as he flicked a light on.
I shook my head and he didn't say much else so I followed him to his room.
It was a rather small room with a twin sized bed pushed against the wall and a couple of guitars.
I sat on the edge of his bed and he put a record on a sat in front of his turntable as scratchy blues drifted through the speakers.
"You like the blues?" he asked me.
"um . I'm not sure. I like buddy holly though."
He smiled and grabbed cigarette from the box and lit a match and inhaled deeply while he fingered through stacks of albums.
"I think I have got some Holly in here." He said with the cigarette in his mouth while he switched albums.
He sat down and leaned back on the bed while flicking away his ashes in the tray on his table then presumed to ask me about my family.

i finished telling him about my brother and what happened to him and he listened intently.
"im really sorry about that..." he said with sincerity. "its alright. im mostly over it now" i lied.

he nodded slightly and put another record on. "you wanna know something interesting ?" he asked with hope. "always." i responded. "well me and a few of the other lads were on a television show about a year ago." he began. "oh really??" i questioned , not really believing him.

"yeah, really ! it was a little skiffle group. it was actually very neat." he said with a smile.
"do you wanna be in a band for a career?" i asked.
"funny you should ask, the host asked a similar question, i told him i wanted to be a biological researcher. strange how things change in a year. id rather be an artist now, i think." he explained to me sitting back down on the bed as chuck berry now filled the room.
"i dont know what id like to be. i feel like thats a long way off." i told him. " not too far." he said looking at the clock, it was nearing 7. "im expecting my mum home in a bit, she wont be pleased to see a girl in my room now would she?" i shrugged."its doubtful."
he chuckled and offered to walk me home, so i let him.

Before he left he told me that his mum was forcing him to get a summer job so we wouldn't be able to see each other during the day time as much, but possibly during the evening, which i didn't mind.

he smiled and awkwardly waved goodbye as i opened the back door and saw that I was fortunate enough to get home just before my father arrived.
I breathed a sigh of relief as i climbed the stairs to my room.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2015 ⏰

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