chapter 3

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Jimmy came over the next afternoon as promised.

I heard a knock on my bedroom door and a slight creak as he opened it.

"hello." He said through a smile.

"hello" I responded as Jimmy sat down on the floor in front of my bed, guitar in hand.

"Ready for your first lesson?" He asked quietly strumming a few chords.

"I suppose so." I said with a grin as I reached for my brothers old guitar.

We spent an hour just practicing basic chord shapes, and I was worse than I expected.

Every time I would mess up I would get more frustrated, while Jimmy would just laugh and reposition my fingers.

"How did you get so good at this?" I asked pouting.

"Practice, Darling." He said as we moved onto another chord, "Trust me, it's not impossible, if I can do it any one can."

"Well I can't!" I exclaimed followed by a frustrated moan. I sat the guitar on the bed and cross my arms while Jimmy looked at me and played  a blues lick.

"Do you want to go get some sweets and then pick back up where we left off?" he suggested.

"Sure." I said pulling on my sandals.

He smiled and sat down his guitar locked his arm with mine as we made our way out of the house.

A.N. Sorry for such a short chapter, the upcoming one should be a bit more lengthy... :)

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