Chapter 4

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The Lier's Sanity Is Gone

Hey guys! Ok, so this bit of the story might be a bit scary to anyone who doesn't like blood or injuries. And don't worry, no one dies or gets depressed and commits suicide cuz I hate when that happens.

Marinette POV:

I was just about to follow the others to the classroom when I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head. I hear a snide voice in my ear "Do you not remember what I said? Adrien is mine." My vision is getting hazy, I look up, it's like seeing through water.

Lila is standing over me, a heavy-looking book in her hands. I groan as pain erupts in my head, my hands tug on my hair, and I feel a warm liquid dripping onto the floor. She laughs, it sounds insane. She kicks my ribs and I hear something crack.

I scream in agony, I can't breathe, I'm gagging on air. All of a sudden I hear a yell of shock and see Lila being tackled to the ground while somebody is shouting in my ear, telling me to stay awake.

I can't, I feel like I'm drowning in the air, I want to just sink under, I give a ragged breath before everything goes black.

Adrien POV:

I'm in class, next to Nino, I notice that Marinette and Lila haven't come to class yet. Miss Boustier starts doing the register. However, when she calls Marinette's name, the room is silent. She looks around, worried.

"Where is Marinette?" I'm asking myself the same question. She gets up from behind her desk asks "When was the last time you saw her?" Only I answer her,

"Before we came into the classroom, we were together in break." Suddenly I hear a yell and race outside. Lila was standing over Marinette, blood splattered on her clothes, Marinette was on the floor, gasping for air. Luka was the one who had yelled. He flung himself at Lila, tackling her to the ground.

I rushed to Marinette. Her eyes were unfocused as I yelled into her ear frantically. "Stay awake! Mari please stay awake."

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