Chapter 10

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This chapter is a short one, just about how Marinette feels about what happened.

The black car delivered me back home, where I raced up my bedroom stairs and flopped onto my bed. Tiki whizzed out of my purse and looked at me with a serious expression,

"Marinette where were you? I was worried!" She squeaked in her usual small voice. 

"Oh Tiki! I was baking with Adrien, but then the press interrupted us and thought that we were dating and Gabriel Agreste was mad, but then Adrien suggested that we could do some photoshoots together and that his dad would produce some of my designs, it was so confusing!" I rambled.

"Wow, Marinette, do you realise what this means?" Tiki asked, her tone exited,

"What?" I asked,

"Gabriel Agreste is producing your designs, and you are going to a photo shoot with the very famous supermodel Adrien Agreste! You're going to be pretty famous!" I gasped as the realisation hit me.

My designs... Wow. This is incredible! Wait a second a photoshoot, with Adrien... Omg, I am not ready for this! A voice in my mind shrieked. No, it'll be fine, just imagine he's Chat Noir. Another voice said. I chose to listen to the last voice, it was the only one saying anything reasonable.

Then I remembered something. I lept to my feet.

"Tiki! I'm going to be late! I have a photoshoot with Adrien!" I grabbed my purse and flew out of the door, getting into the black car once again. This was going to be interesting...

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