Chapter 11

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The Photoshoot

Hey guys!! It has been a while... Sorry about that, I was rather occupied watching MHA. I am actually kind of losing interest in this and will probably be writing slowly and starting a new book altogether.

Okay, something else to say, I know I haven't written anything about Ladybug and Chat Noir... I have a PERFECTLY reasonable excuse!! I could NOT be bothered 😊. I might write it in a bit. Or not at all. As I said before, it depends.

Marinette POV:

I was speeding along in a jet black car heading to the park near Chloe's hotel. After a couple of minutes, the car came to a stop. I got out, thanking the driver and walking over to Adrien, who was sitting on a bench with a crowd of people swarming around him. His face turned up hopefully as he heard me coming closer. He smiled warmly at me, and I beamed back at him.

Suddenly, his face was obstructed by a tall, lean man bouncing towards me on the balls of his feet.

"Ah, you must be Marinette, yes?" he cooed in a heavy Italian accent. I smiled nervously and nodded. "Wonderful! Let us start," 

He gestured for me to follow him, so I kept close behind him as he strolled into a plain, white tent. It was full of more people, all bustling about and chatting loudly. "You are quite pretty, less work for the makeup team." He said nonchalantly over his shoulder.

I blushed and replied with a timid "T-thanks?"

He seated me in a black, leather chair facing a large mirror, surrounded by bright lights. I squinted at my reflection, my eyes adjusting to dazzling lights.

A young woman with long, dark brown hair and bangs walked briskly towards me. "Hello!" she said cheerfully, "My name is Elvira, but you can call me Via if you want." She seemed nice, a friendly face in the midst of absolute madness. 

"Hello," I said warmly. My voice was drowned by the sound of everybody behind us. I winced as someone yelled at another person with a broom. Everything was so loud, I felt like I wanted to bury myself at the centre of the earth, just to avoid the noise.

Elvira looked like she understood as she shot me a sympathetic glance before turning around and yelling over all the ruckus, "EVERYBODY SHUT UP!". The tent fell silent.

"Thank you," I whispered gratefully. 

"No problem," She grinned back at me. "Right, to business!" She said in a business-like voice.

She grabbed a couple of makeup pallets and set to work, surprisingly, she applied barely any, focusing more on my hair. "You really don't need any makeup, this is just to make sure that the camera doesn't pick up on any dark circles underneath your eyes, or anything like that," she explained while dabbing on some creamy pink blush on my cheeks.

"Beautiful!" she said, admiring her work. "Now for the dress!"

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