Chapter 9

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Let's Get Baking! (Part 2)

Marinette POV:

I held out the spoon of cookie mix to Adrien, "You want to try some?" I asked shyly, he nodded and I smirked, smearing some on his face playfully. He looked shocked for a second before an evil grin spread across his face, I squeaked and backed away as he dipped his hand into the batter and advanced towards me.

I ran to the opposite side of the counter desperately, but he merely leaned over and swiped some batter on my nose. I retaliated by grabbing a piping bag from a shelf and chasing him around the room with it, both of us laughing.

"Marinette!" Adrien yelled as he tried to protect his face as I squirted icing on him, my legs pinning him to the ground. 

Suddenly there was a flash of white light and a man was standing behind the counter with a camera and microphone. 

He pointed the microphone at Adrien and asked him in a professional manner, "Adrien Agreste, is this your girlfriend?" Both of us turned red with embarrassment and I hastily climbed off of him. 

"N-no," Adrien stuttered, "She's just a friend!" The reporter raised an eyebrow,

"Are you sure?" He prompted eagerly, my eyes widened and I stepped forward, about to say something, when Adrien's bodyguard burst through the shop door and grabbed us by the collars, dragging us into a black car waiting outside.

"Adrien, what's happening?" I asked in a shocked tone. 

"My Father doesn't like me appearing to the press without his consent. I think that there are now rumours about you being my girlfriend, I'm so sorry Marinette." He looked genuinely sad.

"It's okay," I said, not knowing what else I could say. After that, we drove in silence until we reached The Agreste Mansion.

We were led into the house, where Gabriel Agreste was waiting for us. "Hello Father," Adrien waved nervously. Gabriel glared at him.

"What is this talk about you dating this girl?" He asked roughly, 

"This is all a big misunderstanding! We were just playing-"

"I DON'T CARE!" Gabriel yelled. "Do you know how much time it will take for me to squash these rumours? Do you have any idea what this could do to our reputation?"

Adrien was fuming, his hands balled into fists, I reached over and put a hand on his shoulder, his hands and shoulders relaxed as he looked over at me, something unreadable in his eyes.

"How about we say that Marinette and I are working together? You can help execute her designs and she can do some photoshoots with me?" Adrien suggested. Gabriel considered what his son had said, before asking,

"You are the girl who won the Derby Hat Contest, are you not, Miss Marinette?" He asked stiffly, I nodded apprehensively. He nodded,

"Very well. But Adrien, you will do twice the amount of piano practice for a week." Adrien sighed, relieved,

"Thank you, Father."

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