Chapter 5

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I'm Not Letting Go Without A Fight

Adrien POV:

Marinette was in my arms, her life slowly slipping away. I didn't know what to do. It seems that I was staring at her bloodied form forever before I remembered something.

I hastily put her into the recovery position. Her heartbeat was slowing. I pumped her chest and breathed air into her lungs, repeating the movements over and over again, trying to stay calm.

Crazed thoughts were flitting through my mind.

I can't afford to lose her.

I'm not letting her go. I yell over the shouts and screams "Have you called an ambulance?!" Alya replies,

"They're on their way. They'll be here in about 2 minutes," she looks worried, anxious for her best friend.

I see the grave faces of our classmates around us. Marinette impacted their lives in so many different ways. She was kind and always willing to put others first. She didn't do anything to deserve this.

I heard a manic laugh behind me, I spun around. Lila was behind me, Luka was on the floor, a bruise forming over his eye as he clutched his ankle, wincing.

I leapt up and Lila raised an eyebrow. Her hair was messy, her makeup was running and her lipstick was smudged. She looked crazed. She grinned and lunged at me, I quickly stepped out of the way, and she tumbled to the floor, I kicked her and punched her, determined to make her regret ever touching Marinette.

Suddenly, there were sirens outside of the school, blue and red light streamed through the place. I left Lila cowering on the ground, and went to Marinette, I stroked her hair out of her face. She was getting pale.

Medics pushed through the crowd. Putting Marinette on a stretcher and leading her out of the school, to an ambulance waiting outside.

It sped away, and a second one took its place. A doctor came towards me, ushering me to the. ambulance, I was too shocked to fight him, my energy drained after my struggle with Lila. I turned back to see another doctor helping Luka to his feet and two police officers leading Lila away.

I hope Marinette is okay.

I'm Never Letting Go (Adrienette)Where stories live. Discover now