Chapter 3: The Abyss Order's Hostage

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"Back to the main topic, traveller, we received- oh right, there's two travellers now...I mean the Honorary Knight, we have received sightings of The Abyss Order," Kaeya continued and you listened interestedly when Aether suddenly came real close to you and asked, "Would you join me on this quest?"

At this point, Aether was just making use of his tummy charm and to exploit your weakness. You were sure of it, but you weren't sure if he's seriously hitting on you or he's just doing it for the fun of it. Whatever the motive is, you were mildly enjoying it, but one person isn't.


For some reason, he just seemed a little more broody than usual.

"Honorary Knight, we'll have to get going soon," Kaeya emphasised his point with a slightly more rushed tone than before which got Aether to call for the bill and paid for it, saying, "Let's go then."

With Kaeya leading the way from the front while Aether followed behind with you, and also a fatigued Paimon from too much consumption of food.

"The Abyss Order seemed to have some different plans this time because there were suspected sightings that they have taken someone captive. We might need to hurry," Kaeya explained and his footsteps started to increase in tempo from a brisk walking speed to a running speed, the sounds of his black shoes tapping the ground was accompanied by more uncoordinated footsteps as the whole group increased their pace (except Paimon which just......Floated faster)

"Any idea where they might be? It wouldn't be effective to search the whole of the vicinity of Mondstadt," Aether asked and Kaeya nodded while still dashing in front of the group, stretching out his left hand to point to the northwest direction stating, "The sightings all point to Starfell Lake, though I don't understand why they were out in such an open area."

The whole run continued in near silence as there were some sort of invisible strings pushing and pulling both Aether and Kaeya together and apart at every subsequent moment, the tensional forces were clearly nonexistent yet nearly palpable.

You, with Starfell Lake as the end destination in your head, easily ran forward and matched with Kaeya's and Aether's speed, sometimes even running a few steps ahead because the whole of Teyvat's map is somehow mentally imprinted inside of your head. Still, you wanted to focus during this whole run, but your eyes kept wandering to two places, Kaeya's revealing chest and Aether's revealing tummy.

"These two are going to make me mess up-"


"Nothing, did I say something?"

You feigned ignorance when Kaeya questioned you and Aether just laughed discreetly while Paimon had one hand covering her tiny face, shaking her head lightly.

"Here it is, Starfell Lake! Wow, it's kinda beautiful, I'm not gonna lie..." You stopped suddenly in your tracks as the marvellous view spread out in front of you as if you were looking through the world of Teyvat through a screen but in this case, you were actually there.

You paused for a while to admire the scenery, giving your brain some time to process all this beauty and elegance.

A small piece of land floats amongst the circular lake inscribed in an expansive grass land, the crystal clear water looked slightly blue from the pristineness and clarity of the water in the lake. Almost like the red and green leaves of the trees were inhabitants of this location near the lake, they swayed relaxed together with the calming blow of the night breeze, watching the projected movie scene of a bright, crescent moon on the walls of the rock formations around the lake.

"This is so beautiful......" You said with a voice of admiration that slowly turned into frustration when that damned blue bubble shield emerged from the opposite side of Starfell Lake, invading your eyes.

Gayshin Impact! Transported To Teyvat? (Gay Male Harem Fiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt