It Begins

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Nightmare paced around, waiting for any kind of sound at his door. What was he expecting to happen? He was waiting for his side of the deal. If it was followed through, then he should get a group of monsters that will be loyal only to him and cause mayhem for him. While he was the one who brought negative emotions wherever he went, it was proving to be difficult to gain enough negativity to make him strong enough to defeat his brother. Said brother was still locked away in stone, but it wouldn't be long before he would be freed, and he hasn't gotten nearly strong enough to be able to win a fight against him. As much as he hated to admit it, positivity was still very strong in this world and throughout the multiverse. If he manages to get this group of monsters, then he should have a much easier time causing negative emotions, and he will become much stronger much faster.

He was currently pacing around a large mansion that he prepared for the group. There should be plenty of room for everyone even if it is a large group that shows up, and the kitchen is filled with plenty of food to feed a small fleet. Don't get him wrong, he's not exactly doing something nice for his group – he's just making sure that they are comfortable here, so that they don't turn against him. Giving them food and plenty of space to call their own should keep them calm and prevent them from fighting amongst themselves. He'd also made sure to infuse this mansion with his magic, so that no matter what room he's in, he'll be able to sense if anything is happening. This also allows him to go wherever he wanted as he paced, and he would still hear if someone was at the door.

The dark skeleton suddenly stopped his pacing when he felt a presence at the door. No, there were four of them – it must be the group that he had asked for. He smirked at this, so the that demon actually came through with his side of the deal despite being tricked by Nightmare. Seems that he's managed to get what he wanted for free. Nightmare teleported to the door and opened it without giving the group on the other side a chance to knock. His expectations were pretty high for this group, since the deal was so rare and valuable, but when he opened the door, he was greeted with empty space at first. Confused, he looked around before noticing a large cardboard box sitting in front of the entrance. ...a package? This place doesn't have an address – how could any delivery service ever send something here? Wait.... The four souls that he was sensing were coming from the box. What the hell???

Kneeling down, the bringer of negativity slowly opened the box, staying cautious in case it was a trap. As he peaked inside, he saw four small, sleeping skeletons bunched together. You've gotta be kidding. He opened the box completely and stared at the babybone skeletons with anger written all over his face. This can't be the group that he was expecting – these were just children! His anger only intensified as he processed what was going on, and the realization slowly sank in. That demon must have figured out that he was being tricked and gave him a trick of his own. Instead of giving him a group of monsters that would cause chaos to the multiverse, he gave him a box of children that would bring chaos only to him. Nightmare supposed that he should've expected something like this to happen. Playing with demons usually never ended well, but he thought that he could outsmart the demon.

With a frustrated huff, Nightmare decided to take the box inside and close the door. What is he going to do with these brats? He turned away from the box, trying to think of something to do. Wait... maybe this isn't so bad. Maybe he can make this work out the way he wanted it to after all. It would take a lot more time and work than he wanted, but perhaps they will prove to be even more useful than they would've been if they were adults. As children, their minds are a lot easier to manipulate, so he could train them and mold them into the perfect group to cause chaos.

As the evil dark skeleton was thinking, one of the small skeletons in the box yawned and slowly blinked his eyes open. Looking to the opening of the box, he immediately noticed that he and the others weren't where they were before. "Where are we?" The babybones with a bright red scare on his cheek slowly and cautiously peeked out of the box. Nightmare smirked when he heard the small voice and looked over his shoulder at the child.

"Your new home."

Nightmare And The Babybone SansesWhere stories live. Discover now