Baby's First Mission Pt.2

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//Warning: Violence/child abuse and injuries//

The boys stood in the dark alleyway frozen in place as the artistic looking skeleton smiles back at them in front of their only escape. Cross frantically looks around, trying to think of anything they could do. They've already been spotted, and in a cramped area like this, they don't have many places to run or hide. The walls of the alley are suffocatingly close on either side of them, and there aren't many paths for them to weave through, meaning that they would only have one direction to run in. Seeing how Ink's legs are much longer than theirs, he would catch up to them easily.

Looking back at the portal, Cross started wondering if maybe they could get to it somehow. Ink isn't a very broad skeleton – he's very thin, so maybe they could slip past him. That thought was quickly shattered when Ink followed his gaze to the portal behind him. "Oh, is this yours?" Cross felt his soul sink as Ink reached for the doorknob on the other side of the portal, closing the door and causing the portal to vanish. All the while, Ink was smiling like nothing was wrong, "I'll just close that for you."

Cross could feel his soul racing as their only hope for escape vanished before his eyes. What do they do now? What can they do? They're trapped. Nightmare's only instructions were to run to the portal if they saw Dream or Ink, but now they can't. What are they supposed to do now?

His thoughts stopped abruptly when he felt a tug on his sleeve. He turned to see Dust giving him a narrowed look. Right, don't panic. Panicking isn't going to help them right now. He needs to think. If they could just stall for time, then maybe Nightmare will show up and get them out of this situation. Running isn't going to work, and Nightmare said not to fight, so talking is their only option.

Judging from Ink's excitable demeanor, he seems to like talking. Said skeleton even proves as much when he continues babbling without needing an answer, "usually I wouldn't interfere with little stuff that happens out of the usual in aus, but my new buddy, Dream, asked me to investigate any unusual behaviors in the aus. He wasn't very clear on what kinds of behaviors to watch out for, so I figured I'd investigate any and all out of the norm stuff in the aus no matter how small."

Cross opened his mouth to say something but was silenced when Ink continued talking again. At this rate, they may as well just let him do all the talking and stall himself. "Dream also asked me to try to put a stop to the disturbance in the aus if it was caused by Nightmare and seeing as how you kids seem to work for him, this counts as Nightmare causing the disturbance." Cross flinched back when Ink reached for the giant brush on his back, readying it to attack. He had a wonderous smile on his face as he spoke his next words. "Wow, I never thought I would ever have to kill children." His smile was a stark contrast to his words, but it soon shifted to one that seemed to fit perfectly when he spoke again. His eye lights disappeared from his sockets and his smile stretched to a thin one that was disturbing to look at. "Is it bad that I'm excited for this?"

The leading skeleton's eye lights shrank to little shaking pin pricks at Ink's words. He...he wants to... kill them? Why?? There is no reason to kill them. All he is supposed to do is stop them, which he's already done just with his presence alone. He doesn't need to do this, and why does he look so excited about it?

With this newly added fear, Cross reaches to which ever brother is closest to him on either side, nudging them back to at least get them a little farther away from this psychopath. Dust was closest on his left and moved back without any resistance – he seemed to sense the danger they were in as well. Killer was the closest on his right, but he didn't budge when Cross tried to move him back. He held his ground with a smile stretched on his face that could rivel Ink's right now. His red target soul was shaking, itching for a fight. Cross couldn't let that happen.

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