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Moring light streamed through the crack in the curtains where they didn't close completely, signaling to Nightmare that it was no longer night, and more importantly, he didn't get a single wink of sleep the entire night. How could he with four babybone brats cuddling him the entire time? Even Cross, who seemed determined to keep his distance, ended up moving close to him and nuzzling into the sleeve of his jacket in his sleep. Killer had managed to curl himself around Nightmare's skull like a cat. Horror seems to even chew in his sleep and had spent the whole night chewing on the heme of his jacket. Dust was sprawled out like a bear rug on the larger skeleton's chest, lazy expression ever present.

Each of the boys were making quiet sounds as the breathed. It wasn't quite snoring, but it was enough to make a constant noise. After so many hours of this, Nightmare was finally getting to where he could ignore their presence and doze off to sleep, maybe it was the exhaustion finally allowing him to pass out. However, as soon as he closed his eye and dozed off, the boys started shifting and stretching as they woke from their slumber. They mumbled good mornings to each other before shaking the dark skeleton awake.

Reluctantly, Nightmare opened his eye again and glared at them, "what?"

"It's morning, time to get up sleepy skull." Dust lazily answered him, an amused lazy smirk on his face.

Without a word, Nightmare sat up, summoning his tentacles to wrap around all of the small skeletons. Cross looked annoyed, but the others didn't fight it as if getting used to being picked up like this. Tiredly, he carried the boys to the door of the bedroom and nudged them out after releasing them from his hold.

"Alright, then go play or something, but don't leave the house." With that, he slammed the door behind them, making it clear that he didn't want to be bothered by them anymore. While he didn't like leaving the boys unsupervised, he needed to sleep. Surely the boys could go a few hours without burning the house down. Trudging back to the bed, he flopped back into the blankets with a sigh of relief. Finally, some peace.

The boys POV

Cross folded his arms and huffed at the audacity of the larger dark skeleton. He'd slammed the door in their faces without even giving them anything to eat. He insists on keeping them there, and yet doesn't even bother to keep them fed.

"asshole," he muttered under his breath.

As if reading his mind, Horror chimed in with an all to familiar statement. "I'm hungry."

The monochrome skeleton has heard this phrase too many times for him to count. While most of the time Horror is the one to speak this, the others have told him this many times as well. Every time he hears this, he has to figure out how he's going to feed the group for the day. He'll admit, this place is much better than where they were before if only for the easier access to food. But even that is just betting on the tentacle asshole keeping the kitchen stocked.

With a sigh, Cross took the lead, heading to the kitchen. "Come on, lets see what's in the kitchen."

It didn't take long for them to find food. Opening the fridge revealed that it was completely stocked with all sorts of food. The majority of it was ingredients that would need to be put together and cooked, but there were some items inside that could be used to make sandwiches – a quick and easy meal. But...

Cross glanced over his shoulder at the group as they all stared in awe at the large amount of food in the cold container. They've probably never seen such a large variety of food in their lives, let alone a good cooked breakfast. The leading skeleton couldn't imagine someone living their entire life never knowing what a homecooked meal was or how it felt to eat one. But he knows that his three comrades have never had a family before. No one should have to live without having at least one good meal in their lives, and Cross doesn't want to pass up this opportunity – he might never get a chance like this again.

Nightmare And The Babybone SansesWhere stories live. Discover now