The Crown

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The boys' POV

Nightmare hasn't been yelling at the boys as much lately. He must be getting used to how the boys behave, or they are getting used to what he wants from them. Just the thought of them having to adapt to what that asshole wants makes Cross grit his teeth in frustration, but what choice do they have? Despite the evil skeleton, this place is still much better than where they were before – at least here they don't have to wonder if they will get to eat every day. The kitchen is always filled with food, even though Cross has never seen the older skeleton leave this place. He must be going out while they aren't looking or when they sleep.

Even thought this place is better than where they were before, it still isn't a home. Nightmare could never be the parent that they need, and at this point, Cross is starting to wonder if there even is a good parent out there who could love them and accept them despite their differences from normal children. Nightmare has mentioned before that he wants to use them for something, so he clearly isn't keeping them around so that he can be a parent. What could he want from them? They're just children, so what could they possibly do for him? Maybe he's planning to use them the same way the others did.

Cross' thoughts were interrupted when Dust gave him a hard smack on the back. "Hey, you think too much. You've had the same serious look on your face for the past few minutes. Take a break every once in a while."

Dust was giving him a lazy grin from where he sat. They were both sitting on the bed in one of the rooms that isn't being used. Nightmare doesn't seem to care that they've been using these rooms as play areas. Why does he need so many though? Is he planning on having more people here? Cross just sighed at Dust.

"Someone has to pay attention to everything that's going on, and I know that none of you will, so I don't have time for breaks."

Dust just shook his head at him and have him a little push on his shoulder. "Come on, you've been like this since we first got here. You're gonna get those dark circle things under your eyes like cartoon characters get when they obsess over something."

"Well then, I guess I'll just have to deal with that. It's better than allowing something bad to happen." Cross gave Dust a push back.

"pfft, nothing bad is going to happen. If it was going to happen, then it would've already. We've been here for... I don't know, several days now."

"It's been 3 weeks."

"Wow and look at that. Nothing has happened." Dust gave him a playful smirk to go with his sarcasm.

Cross just rolled his eye lights at him and looked to Killer and Horror, who were play fighting on the floor. Dust may be right, but that doesn't mean that nothing could still happen. Nightmare could just be luring them into a trap or something, trying to gain their trust so that they will blindly do what he wants. Maybe he even intends for them to trust him so much that they would sacrifice themselves for him.

Killer seems to have lost interest in the fight as he just pushed Horror away so that he could look around the room for something else to entertain him. Horror didn't seem bothered by this and decided to pull Dust off of the bed to continue playing. Killer decided to inspect the closet and see if maybe something was inside this one. All the other rooms had empty closets, but maybe this time he would find something.

When Killer first opened the closet, he was disappointed at how it seemed to be just as barren as all the others, but then the gleam of something at the back corner caught his eye. He crawled inside to find a golden crown just laying on the floor as if someone just tossed it inside this closet without a care. A large grin spread across the small skeleton's face as he marveled at the golden artifact, turning it around in his hands to see that there was a crescent moon shape on the front.

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