The Destroyer

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Now that the boys have seen Dream and heard the story about Nightmare and his brother, it's time for them to start learning what they will need to do to help the dark skeleton. Said dark skeleton was currently in the basement, setting up an attack dummy. The boys will need to learn how to fight, so they can defend themselves; however, he doesn't want them to kill everyone. He wants them to learn how to cause negative emotions, but if everyone is dead, then there won't be any more emotions at all, good or bad. Some of the kids already have the instinct to attack and fight, but they don't seem to have any restraint. He will have to teach them to control their murderous impulses.

Nightmare had his back to the stairs leading down to the basement as he worked. He didn't need to turn around to know that there were little eye lights watching him from the stairs. They must be curious about what he's doing, since they've never seen him go down to the basement before. This was actually a good thing, since he needed to show them what he was doing anyway. He straitened his posture as he stepped away from the dummy, having finished his task. "Boys come in here. I need to speak with you."

The boys were a little shocked when Nightmare didn't even turn around when he started speaking to them, but they entered the room regardless. They've seen Nightmare do a few other unusual thinks before while they've been living with him, so there's no doubt that he can do many other things that he hasn't told them about yet. The dark skeleton waited for the little ones to line up and pay attention before he spoke again. "So, you all know about my brother now, and now that he's come back, I need to work faster to try to stop him before attacks again. If you boys want to continue living here, then you'll have to help me against Dream."

Cross folded his arms and glared at the larger skeleton. "Why do we have to help you? You threatening to dump us on the streets if we don't?"

Nightmare raised a brow bone at the child, "No, but who will put food on the table or protect you from Dream and his allies if they invade the house if I'm dead?"

Cross seemed to pale at that, looking away in defeat. Nightmare nodded as it seemed that his point had gotten across to the young skeleton. "Anyway, in order for you to help me, you will have to learn to fight and cause negative emotions. If there is enough negativity, then I should be able to overpower Dream. And while I do want you all to learn how to fight, I don't expect any of you to actually fight anyone yet. You're all still very young, so we'll just focus on causing negativity for now."

"But if we're going to be upsetting people, won't we need to learn to fight now? I don't think they're just going to stand there and take it," Dust pointed out.

"Yes, I'm aware of that, and I will be teaching you how to fight as well, since learning at an early age will help you improve much faster; however, I don't want you to fight anyone. If the people become hostile, I want you to run. The chances of any of you winning in a fight right now are very slim, even if I do train you to fight. You're all too young and wouldn't know what decisions to make in split second, which is what you need to be able to do in a fight, so that's why I'm making the decision for you and telling you to just run," Nightmare answered firmly. It's not just that they are too young, they're also small and weak. They wouldn't have the stamina to keep up in a real fight against an adult. They would drop like flies within the first few minutes.

Cross narrowed his sockets at Nightmare, "well, what if Dream or one of his allies show up? I doubt they will just give up if we just run, so we'll have to fight them."

"If you see even a hint of Dream or his allies, you come back to me IMMEDIATELY," Nightmare glared as he spoke this, making sure they know that he is serious. "This isn't a fight you can win, and it certainly isn't a game. If you fight them, you will die."

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