5. Serendipity || pjm

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The sky had large cotton clouds when you walked inside your office that morning but by the end of the day those white cushions had stained themselves with darker pigments. With the threatening sparks of thunder now and then, they were declaring their outburst anytime soon. So, there wasn't much of a difference between your temper then and the cumulonimbus up there in the sky. You too were just a nerve away from screaming till your throat hurt but were managing to put up a straight face somehow. The new interns were nothing but headache.

" Why can't they just come in trained ?" you spurred out while in a meeting with your boss, Kim Taehyung. He laughed at it like a freak, driving you even more insane.

" They are trainees for a reason Y/N. They need to be trained. " he replied with a cocky grin on his face.

" But why that needs to be with me ? I mean, you have 500 employees in this office. Have you ever seen a president of a company given the charge of the interns ? " you shoot your eyebrows up and slammed a hand on the table.

" For this. " he was staring at your hand which was burning red from your action and then darted his glance at your chocolate iris.

" You need to have a control on your temper Noona. " Taehyung's eyes were full of concerns.

" Tae, I'm just 7 minutes older than you. Why the hell you have to call me Noona for that ?" you whined.

" You know that mom made me get a habit of this. And just focus of the other words I said in that sentence. " your twin brother replied.

" Agghhh ! Whatever. " you said while storming out of the conference hall.

You took only a few steps outside the office building when the sky decided to pour down for no good. Huge drops of rain gushed down the sky drawing huge polka dots on your turquoise color suit.

" Not my favorite suit, you stupid rain ! " you yelled, making some heads turn and you were instantly embarrassed for speaking it out that loud.

In that moment of impulse you wanted to avoid the rain but were in no mood to get back to office so you paced towards a café across the street which you never notice that existed. May be because small little cafes were never your preference, they were too cute and cringe for your corporate taste or may be because every time you arrived in office, in your black Audi, you either were on your phone talking to some client or on your laptop working on some charts.

Pushing the glass door a little you stepped inside and with that a sweet fresh smell of lavender invaded your nostrils. Before that moment you had no idea that you loved the smell of lavender so much and the next thing you know is that you need to buy the best lavender scented candles available in the market. The interior of the café was lit in warm tone bulbs and countless vases full of flowers was the element of that place. Wild flowers of every known color beamed out at one another, very roughly arranged, very unprofessional but somehow you liked the way it complemented the place.

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