Part One:Night Drives

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September 13, 2021
Portland, Oregon
10:15 PM
------------------------(Third Person)
A black Renault Alpine A310 sat near a cliff just outside the busy city of Portland. It's two occupants sat inside the vehicle looking out over the city."Hey dad?" The little girl who sat in the passenger seat spoke."Yes?" The driver spoke up."Can we go on more drives like this?" The girl pleaded with the most innocent looking puppy eyes."Stella remember what I said these types of drives only happen on rare occasion. Now should we head back and we can have some hot chocolate?" Her little face lit up with excitement."Yeah let's go back." She said before buckling herself in. Her father chuckled before starting the ignition to the car. As he drove his phone rang."Hey Stella could you pick that up for me?" He asked which she politely did."Hey Y/N this is Sergeant Smith." A voice spoke over the phone."I'm sorry he's not here. May I take a message?" He could hear a voice chuckle on the other end."Alright would you tell your dad to come by the police station?" "Mhm." "Alright sweetie goodbye." With that the phone was hung up."Who was it?" He asked as he turned at an intersection."It was Sergeant Smith he said he wants you to go to the station." Y/N chuckled."Well it looks like you're gonna have a trip to the police station and you're getting some hot chocolate. You're having a nice night aren't you kiddo?" Stella nodded with a beaming smile. They pulled into the station parking lot before entering. The father and daughter then walked to Sergeant Smith's office."Ah Mr. L/N. I've been meaning to talk to you about your schedule." The older officer spoke from his desk."Crap. Let me guess more officers quit and you want me to take more time on." The officer sighed and nodded."Jesus. Sir I can only take so much time on. I'm a single parent with a kid to take care of." Y/N said patting the head of the child next to him."Ya I know. It's just we're running low on officers." There was a moment before the younger officer said,"Well ask some of the newer officers because I know they'll be more than willing to take more time. Anyways I need to get going. Have a good night sir." The officer waved as he left with his child."Alright what do you say we go and get us some hot chocolate?" The little girl jumped up and down in excitement dragging her father to the car. Once in the car with the ignition started, Stella turned on the radio to their favorite station. It always played the perfect music. Sleepwalk by Santo & Johnny came on. It matched the mood just right. As they pulled into the driveway of the home that sat a good five minutes outside of the city in a wooded area, Y/N said,"Hey you know what we should do while drinking our hot chocolate?" "Hm?" The little girl turned her attention to her father."We should watch a Studio Ghibli movie." Her hands shot up in the air in excitement."Yay! Can we watch Howl's Moving Castle? We haven't seen that one yet." He nodded before going inside."Hey dude go get in some pjs while I get your hot chocolate and movie ready." Quickly Stella rushed up the stairs to her room. He chuckled at the sight before going to the kitchen. He readied the hot beverages for both himself and his daughter. He topped the drinks off with some whipped cream and a cookie straw. Just as quickly as the small child ran up the stairs she came down dressed in a dinosaur onesie. She loved dinosaurs."Are you ready?" Stella gave two thumbs up before Y/N carefully handed her the drink. They made their way to a couch where they snuggled up under a blanket. He turned on the TV and turned on Howl's Moving Castle. As the movie approached it's end, their once full cups now sat empty. The once happy and lively child was now asleep, resting her head on her father's lap. Looking down at her he smiled."Hey dumby get up and let's get you to bed." She only groaned in response. Sighing he scooped her up and made his way up the stairs and to her bedroom. Ever so gently he tucked her in."Wait before you go can you tell me a story?" Stella pleaded tugging on his shirt."Hmm what type of story would you like to hear?" She thought for a moment before saying,"Oh uhm tell me the story about the two knights." He chuckled a little before sitting on the edge of her bed."Well once upon a time, a long time ago there was a knight. His job was to go around and beat up bad guys and keep his kingdom safe. One day a big dragon came in and attacked his kingdom. He couldn't defend his people all by himself, so, he gathered the beats knights from friendly neighboring kingdoms to help him. To his surprise he fell in love with one of the knights who was a beautiful woman. She had short black hair and the most mesmerizing eyes. Any man who looked into them was sure to fall in love. They made a beautiful couple. They fought the dragon side by side defeating it. Once the dragon was defeated the female knight lost her feelings for the other knight so they parted ways. The once powerful knight felt sad and lonely. Years passed until one day he came across a little girl who had no family. He decided to take her in and so he trained her. As she grew up she grew up to be an amazing warrior. Together the now two knights fought evil side by side." Y/N looked at his daughter who was now asleep. He smiled before placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. With that he went to his bedroom. Once in he got in some pjs of his own before brushing his teeth. He looked into the mirror in front of him. The sad and tired man he once saw was replaced by a happy and hard working man. With that he went and laid down in his bed. Staring at his ceiling memories flashed through his mind. One of them being his first day with Team Rainbow.
"Welcome to Hereford base. I'll have someone show you around so sit tight." Aurelia Arnot, the former leader of Team Rainbow. Y/N admired the base in all it's beauty. Recruits in all black went jogging by. As he waited dark clouds rolled in."Looks like it's going to rain." An average height Chinese woman spoke out in a Canadian accent."Sure does. You must be my tour guide. My name is Y/N." He held out his hand to shake which she enthusiastically did."I'm Tina. I guess I'll show you around base. Also if I were you I'd stick away from the PMC guys. One of them is a total asshole who acts like a lone wolf instead of working with us as a team." The two walked through the entirety of the base, talking the whole way."Well thanks for showing me around Tina. I guess I'll see you around sometime." With a smile and a light shade of pink on her cheeks she said,"Sure thing. You know if you ever find yourself having trouble making some friends I'm always free to hangout with." They both laughed."Maybe I'll take up on that offer sometime soon. Well I need to go meet Six in her office, see ya around."
Flashback Over
They sure had a lot of good memories together, but he couldn't get himself to forgive her after that one night. He rolled over onto his side before sighing. He remembered everything form that night. The one thing that stuck with him was the look on Tina's face. She looked hurt when she was the one that hurt Y/N. The best thing for him was to forget about her. Slowly, his eyes shut. His loud alarm clock woke him up. Looking over at it the time read 4:30. He groaned before getting up. Every morning went like this. He'd get up, workout, shower, then prepare breakfast for himself and Stella. Today's workout was intense. By the end of it he was practically seeing stars. After relaxing for a few he headed to the shower. Showers after a workout were always nice and relaxing. Once out Y/N dressed himself for the day he went on to ready up breakfast. Just as he finished he heard the pitter-patter of feet running down the stairs."Your chocolate chip pancakes with a side of bacon and orange juice m'lady." The little girl squealed in excitement. She quickly gobbled down her food and about near chugged her orange juice."Well damn I guess you were hungry." He chuckled as he sipped on his black coffee."Hey dad what did you do before you were a police officer?" This question surprised him a little considering it came out of nowhere."Well, when I turned eighteen I enlisted in the Army. In the Army I went to different countries to help out innocent people and beat up bad guys." Thats was the best answer he could give without going to in depth."So you were a super hero?!" Y/N chuckled and stretched his back."I guess you can say that. Alright go get yourself ready for school dude. And don't forget to brush your teeth." Quickly Stella rushed readying herself for the day as her father packed her a lunch."I'm ready dad." She said and he nodded."Go wait for me in the car I'll be there in a minute." She nodded and did as she was told. While she did so Y/N filled his thermos with coffee."Alright let's get you to school." The drive to the elementary school was short yet peaceful. They then pulled into the drop off area. Stella exited the car and looked back at her father."By dad I love you." Hearing those words come from her warmed his soft heart."I love you to buddy. Hey maybe if I'm feeling generous we could get some ice cream when I come pick you up." She gave a two big thumbs up before walking to the school where her friends waited for her. Y/N smiled seeing his daughter so happy with her friends. She's changed so much in the time he's known her. She was once an extremely shy and antisocial girl. Now she's extremely happy and outgoing. With that out of his way he now had the day up until three when he had to pick her up, all to himself. After some deciding he decided on going to his local gun range. He chose to take his rifle and see what his groupings were like. They were tight as usual. By the time he finished shooting it was already noon. Feeling a bit hungry he hit a local Subway. He'd order the same sandwich each time he went so the workers there were already on it as soon as he stepped in. Y/N really enjoyed time like this to himself. It gave him time to think about how he could better himself, how to be an even better father. The thing that fueled him to be a good father was his own father. He hated and despised just about everything about him. He wanted to give Stella everything he didn't get as a child. Eventually the time came for him to pick her up. Once he did they went out and got ice cream just like he said. When they got home something immediately caught Y/N's eye. The front door was open."Do me a favor and stay in the car bub." With that he exited the car, drew his concealed pistol and made entry into his house. At his kitchen table a man sat with a few files."Who the fuck are you and what are you doing in my damn house?!" His voice boomed out. The red dot on his P320 was trained on the man's forehead."My name is Harry Pandy, you can call me Six. How about you have a seat with me?"

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