Part Two:Struggle

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September 14, 2021
Portland, Oregon
3:54 PM
(Third Person)
"How about you have a seat with me?" Y/N's face looked rather confused."Six? You're with Rainbow?" The man named Harry, smiled and adjusted his glasses."You must be the infamous Mr. L/N I've heard so much about." Feeling agitated the impatient man rested his finger on the trigger."You still haven't answered my damn question. Who the hell are you?" The rather angered Y/N watched as he slid some files on to the table."Well like I said, my name is Harry Pandy. I am the new leader of the counter terrorism unit called Team Rainbow since Aurelia retired. We've got a few things to discuss." His pistol was then holstered."Well it would've made things easier if you waited out front." He then went outside to retrieve his daughter who was waiting in the car."Is someone at the house?" Stella asked nervously."Ya it's just someone from my old work. Don't be nervous, I'm just gonna do a little talking with him. So for now just head up to your room and I'll meet you there in a few, alright bud?" She nodded before entering the house hand in hand with her father. Y/N then went and sat at the table."What is it you guys need? My contract with Rainbow is already over." Harry sighed and folded his hands."Well Mr. L/N Rainbow was reactivated not to long ago. This is due to recent attacks carried out in the US and overseas." "What so you want me to come back? I mean as you can see I've already got a life now. I can't go back to doing what I use to do. I'm a single parent. I can't just leave her." Just as he thought, Y/N was apprehensive about coming back."Can she not stay with any relatives?" "I've tried leaving her with my sister for a few days but she's grown rather attached to me in the time that I've adopted her. I'm pretty sure she'd hate me if I left her." Harry rubbed the back of his neck before a lightbulb lit in his head."How about a deal Mr. L/N? Why don't we work out some living situation with you and your daughter at Hereford?" This seemed to grab the man's interest."Still even if I was able to take her with, my city is low on officers. I need to stay here and help out." Six sighed yet again."Listen, Mr. L/N these attacks are occurring more and more across the US and other countries. If we don't do something it'll eventually reach here. We need you back, you're a good leader and with your experience you could help train up new trainees. You can bring your daughter and I promise she'll be safe. We're even increasing pay for operators. If you're interested I can go further in depth. So what do you say?" Silence filled the room as Y/N thought for a moment."Go on."
Time Skip
"So what you're telling me is we've got a new group of assholes? Well from what you're saying these dudes must have some experience behind them. Plus seeing the way they operate they've gotta have some military or law enforcement background. This one is gonna be tough but doable if we've got the right people." Harry stroked his chin before saying,"So are you agreeing to come back to Rainbow?" Y/N stayed silent for a moment."Yes. Do I have to sign anything." The man across from him slid a contract which he quickly signed."Well alright. I'll have a ride come pick you up at ten AM sharp tomorrow." "Wait actually can I have my car taken with me if that's not to much to ask?" Harry smiled whilst laughing."I'll say yes just because you have rather great taste when it comes to cars. I'll still have an escort still meet you here so they can take you and your daughter to the C-130 that'll take you to Hereford. Alrighty then I'll be on my way back. See you back at Hereford." With that, they shook hands, and the man was out of Y/N's house. As the front door shut the father went up the stairs to his daughter's room. He opened the door to see her practicing on her piano."Hey bub we need to talk." Stella stepped away from her piano and sat on her bed. Her dad sat next to her."Well bub I'm getting a new job for awhile. It's gonna get us a lot of money but, it's in another country. Would you perhaps like to go with me?" Her little face lit up in excitement."I mean yeah if that means I get to miss school." Y/N chuckled and ruffled her hair."Well my new boss says they'll have someone teaching you when we're over there so you won't fall behind." She groaned and flopped onto her back."Don't act like that dumby. We're gonna be over there for awhile so I don't need you falling behind the other kids, alright?" She nodded before sitting back up."Okay good. Now start packing all of your clothes and other things you wanna bring with. We're leaving tomorrow to England." Quickly she rushed around her room throwing things in bags. He laughed watching her before proceeding to go pack in his room. He opened a crate that sat at the foot of his bed. There sat a disassembled SR-16 and P320. Y/N didn't plan on getting back into counterterrorism type of work. But it seems it's made it's way back to him. Picking up the parts, he began to put his rifle and handgun together. As night came around he found it hard for him to fall asleep. Looking up at the ceiling again those thoughts of Tina returned. Although he moved on and didn't really hold a grudge against her, something in him just didn't want to see her. Wanting to settle his nerves he went downstairs to the kitchen and drank some warm milk. That always seemed to calm him down. Y/N took a deep breath in before letting it out. He headed back upstairs to his bed and eventually fell asleep. Once morning came the family of two quickly ate, readied themselves, and packed their luggage into their car. Just as Harry stated the escort arrived at ten AM sharp. It was a black SUV with tinted windows."Dad what's your new job?" Stella asked as they drove to the airport."Kind of like my old job. I'm gonna beat up some bad guys except I get to work with people from all around the world. You'll love them once you meet them." She was pleased by his response and leaned against the window staring out at the cloudy sky. They drove out onto a rather empty airstrip where a C-130 waited. The aircraft crew drove Y/N's car inside the plane and strapped it down tight. After that they were allowed to enter."Dad I've never flown on a plane before. I'm kinda scared." Stella said holding onto his arm tight."Relax you'll be fine. I've flown on these planes tons of times they're safe as can be. Just try and head to sleep and before you know it we'll be at my new work place." She nodded before leaning against his shoulder and falling asleep. He smiled before shutting his eyes himself. It had been awhile since he'd slept on a C-130. They were nice to fly on. It was almost like time travel. You'd head to sleep and as soon as you opened your eyes you were at your destination. The shake of turbulence awoke the two."Looks like we're here bub." Hearing this Stella grew excited wondering what this new place would look like. The ramp to the plane slowly dropped as the aircraft crew unstrapped the car."Be careful backing this thing out of here." The crew chief told Y/N who nodded and hopped in his car along with his daughter. Carefully he slowly backed out and made it on to the airfield. The sky was cloudy. Hereford was just as he remembered. Harry who was in an SUV guided them to the parking lot."It's good to see you two have safely made it here. You must be the Stella I've heard so much about." He held out his hand to shake. In response the nervous girl hid behind her father."Don't worry she's just shy. Well I think I know my way around. Do I go back to my old room?" Y/N asked with a smile."Yes you will be." He handed him the key to the room."Also I'm holding a meeting in two hours so make sure to be there." With that Six walked off to more than likely his office."Alright do you wanna help with our bags?" Stella nodded and opened the luggage compartment. As they made their way through base a few familiar faces greeted the two."Hey Y/N it's been awhile mate." An older operative by the name of Mike Baker greeted."Hey and yeah it's been some time. How's your old ass doin?" The SAS operative chuckled."Rather well and by the looks of it in better shape than you." The two men laughed before Mike caught eye of the small lady."Now who's this little one?" "My daughter. Her name is Stella." A look of shock and confusion made it's way across the older man's face."You and Tina didn't," Before he could finish that sentence in front of his child, Y/N interrupted."No no no, I adopted her about a year ago." A look of relief came over Mike's face."Oh. Well it's nice meeting you little miss Stella." He held out his hand which she hesitantly shook."Wow you've got a strong grip for someone your size." The small girl giggled."Well I'll be on my way. You should head to a pub with me and some lads sometime and catch up." "Sounds good, I'll see you later." With that they were on their way to the room. Once in Y/N took a deep breath in."This is my old room I stayed in. I missed it a lot." Stella set her bags down before looking around. Eventually her eyes made it to the window that's sat next to the bed. It gave a nice view of the military base. Troops jogged on a path just below them."So is this where we're staying?" Her father nodded."Trust me you'll love it bub. Plus we get more time to teach you how to shoot." Those words seemed to excite her. As they began to setup their temporary room Y/N looked at the time."Hey dude I'm gonna head to a meeting okay? Will you be alright here alone?" Stella nodded."Ya I'll just watch some TV." He nodded before leaving the room and heading to the briefing room. Once there so many memories of pre-briefings before missions flooded into his mind. As he entered the room he noticed so many familiar faces and a few new ones. Also one he'd rather forget. She noticed him to before quickly looking away."Operatives, I know you're wondering, what the hell we're doing back here? Over the past few months ruthless bombings and shootings have taken place all over the world. A number of them being in France. A terror group by the name Shadow Company is behind the attacks. Their motives are unknown but they have the capability to carry out attacks anywhere in the world. From the intel we've gathered we know a lot of them are former military and law enforcement. They have military grade weapons, gear and training. These people are extreme threats who need to be eliminated ASAP. As soon as we get enough intel we will be carrying out operations. All of you will have to be on your A game. Do not underestimate these terrorists or it'll cost you your life. For now you're all dismissed." Everyone nodded and left the room. Needing some fresh air, Tina stepped outside. She sat on a bench that overlooked a small field that lead to a dense tree line. The mixture of the dark clouds and cold wind reminded her of home. Her train of thought was interrupted by two figures playing in that field. Y/N and Stella. Stella chased after her father as they played tag. He'd dodge every attempt of hers to tag him until ultimately slowing down and allowing her to tag him. Tina laughed at the sight. Startling her a little Mike sat down on the bench."Have ya met his daughter yet? She's a sweet bug." It was as if someone had punched her directly in the heart."Daughter?" She asked."Sorry, adopted daughter. So ya don't have to go worrying about any lady competition, not that he'd want to get back with ya anyway." He said in a bitter tone. The woman looked down at her feet."Listen lass what ya did was wrong. You hurt the lad, bad. But now you've got a chance to make peace. Take it while ya still can." She sighed. Tina was never the greatest when it came to apologies but she was gonna try her hardest.
(Author's Note)
Hope y'all enjoyed!! Honestly I'm really enjoying writing this story so far. Should I give Frost a more realistic outfit/loadout to the JTF2 or leave her as she is? Well tell me what you think in the comments! See y'all soon!!✌️

Nothing Special (R6 Frost x Male Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang