Part Six:Check Those Corners

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September 23, 2021
Hereford, England
11:42 PM
(Tina's POV)
The other night was, well, I don't know how to word it. I guess I just didn't expect it to turn out that well. I haven't seen Y/N all of today since he's been in meetings. As twelve o'clock neared a knock was heard from my door. Opening there stood the man that I was waiting for."Hey dumby, I brought you some caffeine." He entered my room and sat down on my bed."T-Thanks. You ready for tonight?" I asked picking up the can of Redbull he set on my counter."Yeah I guess. It's not really that different from what we've done before. I'm just worried about civilian interference. People nowadays are stupid and try to get close and record then end up getting hurt." I sat down next to him and cracked open my drink."Ya it kinda sucks. Hopefully it all just goes smooth though. I just wanna get back and just relax with you." Should I rest my head on him? Fuck it. I then rested my head on his shoulder. He chuckled."Ya I hope so to and I wouldn't mind relaxing with you." He rested his head on mine. Crap he's cute."You wanna know what I find funny?" Y/N said laughing."We've never had sex before." WHY DID HE BRING THAT UP ALL OF A SUDDEN?!?!?! The furthest we've ever gone is third base but WHY IS HE BRINGING IT UP?!"W-Why did y-you bring that up all of a s-sudden?!" This bastard is still laughing."It's just funny because most of the girls I've been with only wanted to be with me to sleep with me. Yet you wanted to come back to me without doing so. For all you know I'm really crappy at it." Ugh damn this bastard making me say shit."Dumbass that's not why I fell in love with you. You could be the worst at it and I wouldn't care less. There's no one else I'd rather spend time with more than you. So just shut up about that." He laughed and kisses my cheek."Alright alright. Hey do you remember that one time we snuck onto the roof to see the stars?" Crap he still remembers that?"Ya that night was uhm pretty nice." Actually going back to it, it was really nice. It had snowed earlier that day so the roof was covered in a white powdery blanket. We laid down, looked at the stars and just talked. Something about that night was special but I just can't place my finger on it."Ya you know I loved the moments like that one that we had. It made me wonder what I did to deserve you. I guess I'm just one lucky bastard." Why does he always gotta make me feel all fuzzy?"You're too damn cute." I quickly pecked his lips before laying down on my bed. Checking the time, we still had a good hour and a half before we had to go out to the airfield. To my surprise Y/N laid down behind me, pulling me into a spooning position."We still have enough time to cuddle right?" He asked making my face heat up a little. I missed him holding me like this."Ya let me just set an alarm in case we fall asleep." So I did and slowly fell asleep with his arms around my waist. I've missed his warmth. His smell. Everything about him. I'm just glad I was able to get him back.
(Third Person)
The alarm went off awaking the two operators."Crap. I was sleeping really nice to." Tina whined getting up and stretching."We'll have time to relax later, let's hurry and get ready." Tiredly they got up and strapped on their gear before heading out near the airstrip. There a van full of SAS operatives waited for them. Once in, the drive to the townhouse began."Remember the rules of engagement. Anyone who's armed is a threat, that threat needs to be eliminated. There's also non combatants on sight so watch your fire. Remember to check those corners." He said and everyone nodded. Times like this he took to mentally prepare himself. You never know what laid before you when it came to these types of missions. For all he knew this could be his last one. Tina looked her at her partner with a smile, he smiled back. Her smile that could put anyone in a trance, was slowly covered by her neck gaiter."ETA three minutes." The driver said over the COMs. All of the operators took in a few deep breaths before the car eventually came to a stop. Quickly they all spilled out of the back doors into an alleyway. One of the SAS operatives leading the stack came up to a locked gate. He pulled out a pair of bolt cutters off his back before breaking the lock and opening the gate. The stack as advanced up to the target house gate."Rainbow team entering rear garden." Y/N whispered over the COMs as they entered."Team Rainbow this Bravo six we're entering the west alley." He acknowledged them and flipped down his NVGs. Everyone advanced to the basement door while one operator set up a latter to a window to the kitchen on the first floor. Y/N quietly opened the basement door."Team Rainbow entering the building." Quickly and quietly they swept through the basement without any threats."Basement clear. Moving up to the first floor." They moved up to the first floor and entered the kitchen meeting up with the one operator that had been on the ladder."I think I left the kettle on." A lady said before entering the kitchen. Swiftly an operator delivered a blow to her jaw knocking her out. He laid her on the floor before zip tying her hands. Secured. Y/N along with the others moved out of the kitchen into a hallways. The house was dark giving them a slight advantage with NVGs. He carefully peaked his head around a corner and spotted three targets at a table. All of them had weapons within reach."Drop them." Y/N spoke. Multiple suppressed shots echoed throughout the house followed by the sound of casings hitting the ground. The three targets sat slumped in their seats."Three hostiles down. Moving to the second floor." Team Rainbow stacked up on the stairwell that lead to the second floor. Footsteps could be heard running around along with muffled voices. Slowly they moved up to the first floor. Others began clearing rooms dropping one hostile in the process. Tina along with Y/N entered a room to see a man holding a semi auto handgun to a woman's head. Quickly the American popped one round into his head causing the hostile to flop to the ground. The woman screamed before going for an AK that rested against a bedpost next to her. Tina sent a controlled burst of three rounds into her chest. She fell limp to the ground as well. Y/N stepped over to her corpse before putting one round in her head, just in case. He then moved over to the bathroom door. Carefully he twisted the doorknob before multiple buckshot rounds came through at him. He immediately fired back through the door and wall into the bathroom. Afterwards he kicked open the door to the bathroom to see a man on the ground. Riddled with bullet wounds."Clear. Stack on the stairwell." Everyone then slowly moved up to the third floor in a stack. As they moved past a door rounds flew through the door injuring an SAS operator. Y/N immediately fired back through the door before kicking it open. Tina tossed in a flash before they entered. Inside sat two hostiles which were immediately eliminated. One bursted out through a door blindly firing a handgun. Y/N then drew his pistol due to his rifle being empty and let off four rounds. The man slumped over. He holstered his handgun before reloading his rifle. The two moved over to the room which was clear."Clear. Moving to the third floor." The two Rainbow operators moved up alone this time with only one SAS operative. They stacked on the only door looking at each other. They both nodded before breaching. A woman screamed loudly before rushing over to a crib where a baby wailed."Hands, hands let me see your fucking hands!" Tina barked out in a harsh tone. The woman spun around with the baby in her arms."Shut that damn kid up." Y/N said as he stacked on the next door. The SAS operator stood guard over the woman and child making sure they stayed put. Tina kicked open the next door. A man was then seen peaking from around a corner before hiding under a bed. The two quickly advanced towards the bed before seeing a barrel stick out from under it. They both then proceeded to light up the bed eliminating the hostile under it."Team Rainbow moving to the last floor." They then moved up to the next floor. Y/N tried the doorknob to the attic but it was locked."I got it." The Canadian beauty spoke before pulling out a crowbar she had brought along with. She then proceeded to wedge the door open. They moved in to find a woman frantically looking around."Get down! Get down now!" Her eyes then locked onto something as she backed up."Drop her." Y/N ordered which Tina proceeded to do with one clean headshot."Attic clear. Proceed to search for any valuable intel." Everyone relaxed a little. The team of two then proceeded to search the attic."Hey I got a laptop." The female said showing it off to her partner."Good. Bag it and search for more crap." After what seemed like an hour of searching they found a total of four phones, two laptops and a lot of files. Local police took care of the aftermath while team Rainbow and the SAS extracted. The drive back to Hereford was filled with a few congratulations and handshakes. Once back at base the two operators were congratulated."That was one hell of a raid you pulled mate." Thatcher said patting Y/N's back. The American rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled."Just surprised myself a little. I thought I'd be a bit rusty but I guess not." The two men continued to talk while Tina admired her boyfriend. From the day they had first met she couldn't take her eyes off of him. Something about him just had her hooked. He noticed her gaze and smiled."Alright I'll catch you later brother." He then walked on over to her."Hey I was gonna ask you if you maybe wanna hangout later tomorrow." Her face lit up with excitement."Oh y-yeah sure sounds fun." Y/N placed a quick kiss on her lips."See ya later Tina. If you need me I'll be in my room sleeping."
(Author's Note)
Sorry for cutting this one short but I hope you enjoyed it a little! See y'all in the next!

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