Part Three:Snatch and Grab

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September 16, 2021
Hereford Base, England
8:23 PM
(Tina's POV)
Today's the day. Today's the day I'll try and apologize to Y/N. Last time I tried talking to him I got cursed out. Well that was awhile ago maybe he's moved on. God why did I have to go and be an idiot? He looked so happy with his daughter, hopefully I don't upset him."Hey uhm have you seen Y/N?" I asked Mike as I walked up to him."Last I saw em was at the pub we all go to. We had decided on leaving but the lad said he was gonna stay a little longer. He still might be there." I nodded and thanked him before heading out to the parking lot where my Subaru Outback waited. On the drive there I couldn't help but feel nervous. Will he even want to talk to me? I mean I wouldn't blame him if he didn't want to. Pulling up to the bar I noticed his car. I remember the day he got it. He was so happy he found it considering how rare the car was."Crap I really miss him." After parking and walking around in the bar I found him. I took a seat next to him as nonchalantly as I could."Hey, it's been awhile." Y/N looked at me out of the side of his eye as he downed a shot."What do you want?" Looking down at the black bar counter we sat at I sighed before ordering two drinks."Listen, I don't blame you if you don't wanna talk to me. I just want to say sorry. You don't have to accept the apology it's just I'd feel like an ass if I never said anything. Before you say anything I know I'm a complete idiot for what I did, I just want to say sorry for hurting you the way I did." The bartender brought the drinks I ordered which I thanked him for. Y/N downed another shot."I've already moved on. I'm not holding any grudges against you. Ya I know you're a complete idiot for what you did but, I forgive you. Holding hatred towards you forever is unhealthy. Don't take this as a chance to start hanging around me though, I think it's best if we went separate ways. We only speak when it come to missions, got it?" It was almost as if a heavy weight was lifted off my chest."Got it." He nodded before getting up and patting my shoulder."See you at base then." Although I wish we could've talked more I think it's for the best we don't. He seems happier without me anyways. Only if I hadn't done what I'd done maybe we could've still been together.
As I started my car Tina got in hers. Looks like she got a new one. It's better than that old raggedy Jeep she drove. Why am I feeling sad? A plume of smoke rose from her engine interrupting my thoughts. She got out and opened the hood before scratching her head. Looks like she's in trouble. Might as well be nice."You need some help there?" I asked rolling up next to her."Oh uhm yeah I've got some issue with my engine." I hopped out of my car and took a look under her hood. Just as I assumed, her engine was on the verge of overheating. Her coolant fluid was full but something caught my eye. The radiator fan was broken. If she drives any longer her engine will practically be destroyed."So what's the issue?" Tina questioned taking a look herself."Broken radiator fan. Do me a favor and kill the engine." She did as I said and turned the car off."Alright it's best if you get it towed to a repair shop, if this thing runs any longer your engine will overheat." Tina groaned and pulled out her phone to what I assume, call a towing service. Should I call her an Uber and leave? No don't be an asshole."Do you need a ride?" She looked up at me. We both locked eyes for a good three second before she said,"Oh uh yeah sure that'd be nice." We waited for the tow truck which eventually arrived after a few minutes of waiting. Tina discussed where with man who'd be towing her car on where it'd be taken. I waited in my car, plugging my phone into the aux. The first song to come on was Love Will Tear Us Apart. One of my all time favorites. As it began to play the woman I was waiting for hopped in and buckled in. With that I began the drive back to base. The scenery was always beautiful in this area. There was nothing but bright green grass for far as the eyes could see. Maybe I should kill the silence. I'll feel like an asshole if I just never speak to her."Hey uh about what I said earlier about talking to each other. Let's just start new. As friends. Because I don't think staying silent towards each other forever would work." She let out a small laugh before tucking some of her short hair behind an ear."That sounds nice. Well uhm maybe we could catch up on things." Hopefully this isn't the wrong decision."Well, once I got home from Rainbow I retired from the Army, headed back to my hometown and picked up a job in Law Enforcement. It got pretty lonely by myself. One night I was out on patrol with my partner and he was telling me about how him his wife adopted a little boy. It caught my interest because I really wanted to be a father. So the next time I was off I went to an orphanage. I met a lot of kids they were all super sweet but one caught my eye. She was super shy but super sweet. I read through her information sheet and she was almost like me. Her family moved here from South Korea not to long ago. Sadly her parents grew apart and divorced. Her mother and father neglected her and not being able to take care of her they put her in an orphanage. Her name is Stella. I adopted her. It took her a little while to come out of her shell but once she did she was super lovey dovey. Ya, she was super excited to come out here. I'd always tell stories of how in my old job me and my friends would beat up bad guys for a living." Tina laughed some more."She sounds sweet and I bet you're a good dad." God damn it. Now I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy inside."Yeah I hope I am. I try and do my best everyday." As we spoke a certain song came on triggering a memory. It was Telephones by Vacations. It was a song we listened to on our first date together. I noticed her glancing over at me."You know that first date was kinda special. Considering it was my first date ever." To her surprise I chuckled a little."Really? Your first date ever at the age of twenty four? Jesus and I thought I was a loner." She gasped before punching my shoulder."Shut up, I just never had the time for a relationship. Also I can't forget how you broke us into the aquarium." Yeah those times were fun."Hey, I didn't break us in I was friends with a worker and he got us in after hours." The song neared it's end."Yeah it's just I can't forget when we sat in that tunnel with all the fish swimming around us. This song playing made it even better." That's when we had our first kiss to. I think she remembered that because her eyes averted to her feet. The rest of the car ride back was quiet. Once I parked we both got out."Thanks for driving me back. Means a lot. I'll see you around then." She walked off. I kinda wish we could talk more. No, what the hell am I saying? We're gonna strictly stay friends and only friends.
(Third Person)
The two went to their separate rooms trying to process what had just happened."Finally you're back. It was getting boring." Stella said happy to see her father."Is that so? Well then what would you like to do?" She thought for a moment scratching her chin."Hmmm how about we have a tickle fight!?" Without another word she jumped onto his back. To her dismay he didn't have any ticklish spots. But she did. And he knew all of them. Quickly he flipped her off his back onto the bed where he tickled her ribs. Stella laughed hysterically."HAHAHA OKAY OKAY WAIT I'M GONNA PEE!!" She squealed so he stopped before plopping next to her laughing."Nice try bud but I'm not ticklish." She panted before rolling over so she was resting on him."Are you tired bud?" She nodded and snuggled into Y/N some more. He chuckled before picking her up and tucking her under the covers."Wait here. I'm gonna go take a quick shower then come to bed alright?" She nodded before resting her sleepy head on the pillow. There was just something about showers at night that Y/N loved. Whether it was the quietness or the relaxing mood they put him in, he just loved them. Once he finished up showering he got into a hoodie and some shorts."Goodnight Stella." He placed a kiss on her little forehead before she snuggled up into him. They both proceeded to fall asleep. Meanwhile in Tina's room, she stared up at her ceiling in bed. Reminiscing about her time with her ex."God I need to move on from him." She rolled over and shoved her face into a pillow before groaning."But it's so damn fucking hard. He's to damn cute. I swear I hate myself, why did I have to drink and go act stupid?" She groaned some more before deciding to head to sleep. Before doing so she got in some shorts and a baggy hoodie. Her eyes eventually shut. The next morning was cold. Especially since Tina had forgotten to shut her window. As the sleeping beauty sat up in bed she stretched. She got out of bed and closed her window."Some coffee would be nice right about now." She thought to herself."Will all operators please come to the briefing room please?" She sighed whilst setting her coffee grounds aside. Tiredly she slipped on some sandals and went on her way. Y/N meanwhile had carefully slipped out of bed not wanting to wake up Stella. He put on some sandals and went on his way to the briefing room. The room slowly filled with tired operators."Well I'm glad you're all here at such an early hour." Harry said with a bright and energetic smile."So why did you call all of us here at five in the morning?" One of the FBI operators questioned in a tired tone."Well we've received some new and actionable intel. We had some CIA friends go through some footage of the most recent attacks. They were able to identify one of the men who had carried out the attack. His name is John Taylor. He is an American born citizen. After he had graduated from high school he enlisted in the Marines before deploying to Afghanistan. He served a year before being sent to prison after committing atrocious war crimes. His family pulled a few strings and he was released. Over the years of his release he grew very anti government. After years of planning and recruiting others like him, he carried out attacks. Well like I said, some CIA agents went through footage and tracked him back to his home. We watched him and noticed his daily schedule. We found a window to grab him for information. Every weekday he goes to drop off his daughter off at kindergarten with his wife in Juarez, Mexico. The family hides out in Juarez knowing that the US has no jurisdiction there and pays cartels to keep him guarded. Well our plan is to grab him whilst he is driving his daughter to school." "Do we even have jurisdiction in Mexico?" Tina asked while fixing her hair."Yes we do considering Rainbow technically doesn't exist. Now we're gonna have four operators carrying this operation out and planning this out themselves. Who's volunteering?" The room stayed quiet for a moment before Y/N rose his hand."Alright Mr. L/N since you rose your hand first I'll let you choose who goes with you." He shrugged before getting up from his seat."I'll take Mike, Craig, and Tina." They all nodded."Alright. The rest of you may leave but you four stay." So they did. After a good hour and a half of planning they finished."Alright get yourselves ready. You can wear body armor and kit just don't wear your uniform. We can't look like we belong to any military if we get spotted. I'll see you guys in a few at the airstrip in a few." Y/N said before everyone went off to their rooms to get ready. Tina was first to finish getting ready and waited out at the airstrip. It had been awhile since she had been on an operation. As she waited she spotted out Y/N. It had also been in awhile since she's seen him with his gear. She thought he looked good. Really good. Her eyes scanned him up and down. From his exposed muscular forearms to his chiseled clean shaven face. While she admired the man the other operators showed up."Well it's about time we get going." The four boarded a private jet that was set on a flight to El Paso. They'd make a refueling stop in Virginia before continuing their flight. As the plane landed the operators sighed in relief finally being able to stretch their legs. Once they exited a white sliding door van awaited them just Y/N requested while planning. Looking at the horizon, the sun was just beginning to rise."Let's get a move on. They should already have a lane clear for us at the border crossing." Everyone hopped in the van, Tina drove while the three men sat in the back."We're coming up on the border. What do you know, our lane is clear." They drove right past the border security."After driving some more driving the lady driving spoke,"Welcome to Juarez." The infamous city of violence and drug trafficking."Get yourselves ready we're about ten minutes from the ambush point and when we get there they'll only be a few minutes away." Everyone nodded and readied themselves. Eventually they pulled up to the ambush point. It was where John would park his car to drop off his kid."Remember there'll be two non-combatants so if he tries to pull anything funny watch your fire." Y/N said whilst doing a quick chamber check on his rifle. As soon as he said so the car pulled up. They slid the van door open and advanced on the target. Before John could even react his car window was bashed open and before being dragged out by Y/N. He screamed and fought wildly before they could zip tie is hands and throw a sack over his head. Quickly Y/N slammed his buttstock against his jaw knocking him unconscious. Just as quickly as they arrived they left."Good shit. Now we just need to get his ass back across the border without any issues." Craig said pulling off his sunglasses. Tina chuckled as they came up to the border."Looks like you jinxed us. Our lane is backed up. Looks like a car is having an issue it'll be few before it clears up." The situation wasn't looking good. They were sitting ducks. If anyone found them they could easily get ambushed."Two lanes over to the left. On my ten." Tina spoke from up front. Y/N looked out the tinted window of the sliding door. He spotted out the car, inside the car sat four men all wearing bandannas. Mike spotted one rack the slide of a pistol."Shit they've got guns. Should we get out and take care of the bastards?" He questioned."No our lane is almost clear. We don't need to cause any problems unless necessary." As Craig finished that sentence one of the passengers of the impala opened his door."Fuck this." Y/N got out and advanced in the car along with Mike while the SEAL took care of the hostage."Let me see your fucking hands!" The two men barked out in deep intimidating voices. The four men in the car all looked at each other before one quickly aimed his gun. Ultimately both Y/N and Mike mag dumped their rifles into the vehicle killing the men in a volley of lead. As they made their way back to the car they saw the lane clearing up. Once in Craig chuckled."This'll be all over the news in America." "Ya but they won't know who did it." Y/N said chuckling a little as well. Eventually they made it back to El Paso where they caught a flight back to Hereford."That was some good shit dudes." Tina said stretching a little. Everyone laughed."Ya it was up until the end. Those fuckers almost got us, good thing you spotted them out for us dummy." Y/N said punching her shoulder."Ow. Thankfully I was there since none of your old asses could seem to spot them out." "Hey we're not that old." The three men complained in unison. She only laughed more. As the others fell asleep on the flight back the former couple stayed up talking."What're you going to do after all this dummy?" He asked as she sipped on a water bottle."Okay don't laugh but I'm gonna finish up school, get a degree then become a teacher." Just as she told him not to, he laughed."Hey I told you not to laugh." She said pouting a little."It's just the job suits you well. You're a super energetic, and organized person. I think you'd make a decent teacher." Tina could feel her face heat up causing her to turn away."Is that so? Well, what do you wanna do once this is over?" He laid back against his chair."You know now that I'm thinking about it, I'm probably gonna quit my job as an officer." This surprised her a little."Those dudes don't even pay that good. There's constant riots especially in Portland and the mayor does nothing to deal with it. I'm tired of dealing with that stuff practically on a weekly basis. Harry offered a job actually. Once we're all finished I can still technically be an operator even if Rainbow is deactivated. I'll get a good pay but if it's reactivated again I'll have to deploy. We'll see though." She watched as his eyes slowly shut."Are you gonna keep staring at me like a perv or head to sleep?" Her face heated up bright red."S-Sorry." He laughed before heading to sleep.

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