Part Eight:What's Next?

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September 25, 2021
Hereford, England
11:21 PM
(Y/N's POV)
The drive back to base was quiet and relaxing. The windows were rolled down as we cruised down a dirt road at a comfortable sixty miles per hour. Looking to my side, Tina sat with her eyes shut enjoying the feeling of the wind running through her hair. Tonight was something else. It's been awhile since I've been with someone like that. I'm just glad it was her."What do you wanna do when we get back?" She asked interrupting my thoughts."I was thinking maybe just shower and head to sleep. Maybe just stay up and cuddle for a little." A small smile formed on her lips."That doesn't sound like such a bad idea." Her hand then rested on my thigh the rest of the drive. Once back to base she headed to her room while I headed to mine to grab some clothes."Finally you're back dad." Stella said watching some TV."Hey what're you still doing up?" "I couldn't fall asleep so I just decided to watch cartoons." I sighed before chuckling a little."Alright I'll be back in a few but you better be asleep by the time I get back." The small girl nodded before I left the room and went to Tina's. I knocked and she almost immediately opened the door."I have the shower ready so hurry up."She drug me into the room and shut the door behind us. Once in the bathroom I removed my clothes as did she. I hopped into the shower and felt relaxed as soon as the steaming water hit my back. For some reason she seemed kinda nervous."Hey you alright?" I asked resting a hand on her shoulder."Y-Ya it's just you know that was our first time. Still kinda shy." Damn it she's too cute."There's no need to be nervous dummy. Do you see me acting nervous? Nope. That's because I feel comfortable and safe around you so I don't have to be nervous." She sighed and rested her head against my chest. I laughed a little."Alright dummy let's finish showering." I said and so we did. Quickly we both got into some pajamas and hopped into her bed. I laid on my back as she laid directly on top of me under the covers."I'm only gonna stay here till you fall asleep alright? I gotta get back to my kiddo in my room." Tina softly moaned as she snuggled into my neck before nodding."Goodnight." I placed a kiss on her forehead before beginning to gently stroke her hair. Within the next fifteen minutes she fell asleep. I wish I could stay here a little longer, she looks so comfy. But I've got responsibilities. Carefully I moved her off me without waking her and tucked her in. I couldn't help but place one last kiss on her cheek before leaving and heading back to my room. As I stepped out into the hallway a very worried looking Echo walked up to me."Ah you're just the person I wanted to see." Wonder what this is about."I need some relationship advice." Oh that's what he needs."Let me guess does it involve Siu(Ying's real name)." His hands fidgeted a little."Uhh uh maybe. It's just she has me sooo confused. Sometimes she'll act all sweet and even flirt and other times she acts like she hates me and wants to murder me. I can't tell if she wants to get back together or not. This woman has me thinking to much." I laughed a little hearing this."Listen here. Don't overthink about everything. If you really wanna know how she feels, ask her. If she doesn't want you then she's not the one, you'll just have to move on. But if she does, do your best. But like I said if you truly wanna know how she feels you'll have to ask her or you'll just be regretting that you didn't for the rest of your life." Echo sighed before nodding."You're right. I'll ask her tomorrow. Thank you Y/N you're a good friend." We did a quick bro hug before I headed off into my room. I entered my pitch black room before laying down in bed next to my daughter. Slowly, I fell asleep. Tonight was awesome.
(Third Person)
Y/N awoke earlier than usual. Looking to his side at the alarm clock it was only 5:42. He decided to get up and go for a workout. Carefully he slipped out of the room without waking up Stella. He was then on his way to the gym. After some deciding he chose to do a full body workout. To loosen up his muscles he warmed up with the deadlift bar. Two hours into his workout just as he was finishing the green haired woman he now hated walked in. He sighed knowing she was going to attempt to hit on him. He set down his weights and took a long sip of his water."Oh hey Y/N I didn't notice you there." Here we go again he thought to himself. Y/N didn't have the effort nor the energy to deal with her."What do you want?" He asked standing up, towering over her."Wow so rude. Am I not allowed to just say hi?" The man rolled his eyes and turned around facing away from her. She hugged him from behind, pressing her large bust against his back."Get off me." He said in a harsh tone before prying her arms off him. He turned back towards her and was going to say something before she attempted to kiss him. As she attempted to do so a fist swiftly connected with her jaw sending her to the ground in pain. Tina stood there angry leaving Y/N a little shocked."Get up bitch." She said walking towards the bleeding woman. Quickly Y/N held them both apart as they tried going at each other."The both of you stop it! Ela just do yourself the favor and leave." She then quickly left holding her bloody nose. He then turned towards Tina."What the hell was that?" She had always been a tiny bit hot headed in certain situations but never anything like this. She seemed to regret it a little."I-I don't know. It's just I barely got you back so I don't need to l-lose you to someone like her." He chuckled slightly."Listen I understand you're angry. I'd be pretty angry if I were you to but you can't go around punching people like that dummy. Now I'd appreciate it if you went and apologized to Ela." Tina whined a little."Go do it. I don't need there to be any beef while we're out in the field." She groaned before walking off. With that he went back to his room to go shower although he was stopped before he could enter. It was Echo."Well well well did this advice work?" Looking at him up and down, Y/N noticed he looked a little different. His hair was messy, a few marks were noticeable on his neck etc."Yeah it worked great thank you so much. It turns out she did want to get back together. You're an amazing friend." The American chuckled."Your welcome now do your best not to fuck it up." The Japanese operator almost skipped away in happiness. Y/N quietly entered his room to see his still sleeping daughter. After grabbing some clothes he quickly showered before starting on breakfast. He decided he'd cook up some waffles and bacon. As he cooked a light knock was heard from the door."It's unlocked." In came Tina who looked a little defeated."I apologized like you asked." She said plopping herself at the kitchen table."Good. Wait are you not gonna go workout?" He asked as he flipped the bacon that was sizzling in a pan."Meh I'll go later tonight I'm not feeling it right now. Ooo can you make me some to?" She asked while smiling like a kid. Y/N laughed a little before sighing."Sure thing dummy." The two continued talking until a rather sleepy Stella walked over to the table rubbing her eyes."Good morning sleepyhead." The small girl smiled hearing Tina's voice. She gave her a small hug before sitting down next to her."Wow you give Tina a hug but not me?" Her father complained making the two girls giggle."Dad do you think Tina could come over to our house one day?" He turned around to see the woman giving him a smug smile. Y/N then turned back around continuing to cook."Hmm I don't know should we?" Stella shook her head up and down quickly."Sounds like a plan unless Ms. Tina has anything to say against it." The Canadian shook her head no still locking eyes with him."Well good. I'll see what I can do. Alright your food is now ready." He then served the two rather hungry girls. Almost as soon as he handed them their food they scarfed it down. Once they finished their food they hung out watching TV for a good hour."Will all operators please come to the briefing room ASAP." The two operators groaned in annoyance."We'll be back soon Stella." She nodded before they exited the room."I wonder what this is about." Tina questioned."I bet they probably found something big from that intel we grabbed. That or we're gonna be sent out on another mission." As everyone entered the room Harry looked different, almost shocked rather than his usual cool composure."Alright I've gathered you all here today for some important information. From the intel that we've gathered from the recent raid carried out we've discovered who's behind the attacks. Recently retired Army General Shepherd is the culprit behind all of these attacks. We do not know his motives behind these attacks but what we do know he is controlling and planning these attacks from outside of the US and UK." Everyone looked at each other shocked. Only one thought made it's way to Y/N's head."This'll be interesting."
(Author's Note)
Alright that's about it for this story! Or is it? You guys will be seeing this story continue later on in another small writing project I choose to do. For now we'll be starting a new and fresh story that you can vote on in the next chapter.

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