Part Five:Some Time

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September 22, 2021
Hereford, England
1:24 AM
(Third Person)
Clank! Clank! Clank! The sound of heavy metal weights hitting the floor echoed through the gym. Spas12 by Jadeci blasted in Y/N's earbuds as he deadlifted six hundred pounds over and over. He was releasing some pent up anger he had."Geez don't you think you've done enough?" A certain woman asked. A green haired one to be exact."Oh hey Ela. I actually just finished." A mischievous smile spread across her lips."Well since you've just finished how about you go hit the showers with me?"her arms rested under her rather large bust."No thanks. I'll see you around Ela." With that he walked passed her leaving her shocked. Usually she got what she wanted with male operators. But it seems like Y/N would be a challenge. On his way back to his room he got a message.
Tina:Hey are you still up?
Y/N:Ya I just left the gym what's up?
Tina:Come stop by my room I've got something for you
Y/N:What is it? 🤔
Tina:Telling you would ruin the surprise now just hurry up
Y/N:Alright alright I'm coming
He hurried his way over to the Canadian's room. Once there he knocked."Took you long enough. What did you crawl the whole way here?" She joked whilst letting him in."Ha ha you're so funny." He said with a straight and monotone voice."Now what was it you wanted to give me?" Quickly the woman scrambled to her bed and dug around under her bed."Aha!" She spoke and pulled out a box which she struggled to carry."It's all your manga you let me borrow. I thought you would've wanted them all back considering I have my own now." Y/N grabbed the box and opened it. The full series of Tokyo Ghoul, Attack On Titan and other manga series were in the box. He laughed a little seeing his old belongings."Crap I missed reading all of these. You've had them all this time? I would've thought you sold them by now." Tina laughed a little to."Hey I'm an asshole but not that much of an asshole. Plus I would've felt bad because you really liked them." She then shows him a book shelf filled with manga."Looks like I got you into anime huh?" She laughed a little rubbing the back of her neck in embarrassment."Ya I guess you did." To her complete and utter surprise Y/N hugged her."Thanks I really appreciate it. Thanks for holding onto these. I'll see you later." Without another word he left with the box in his hands. Tina stood there with a heavy blush in her face."HOLY SHIT HE HUGGED ME!" So many thoughts ran through her head. While she was freaking out over what had just happened, Y/N walked back to his room. Once in he set the box of manga by the bed."Finally you're back." Stella said in a tired tone whilst rubbing her eyes."Sorry bud I stopped and talked to Tina for a little. I'm gonna go take a quick shower then I'll come and lay down, so head back to sleep." The small lady nodded before plopping back down. After a quick shower he hopped into some shorts and a sweater. Carefully he laid down in bed not wanting to wake his daughter. Just as he expected she plopped herself on his chest. He softly chuckled before covering themselves with a blanket. Just as soon as he laid down, he was passed out asleep. As morning came around the family of two went to the cafeteria. Stella dug into her pancakes and bacon whole Y/N took a sip of his black coffee."Hey." Ela said sitting next to him. He sighed and set his drink down."Listen I-" She then proceeded to cut him off."Dude don't worry I'm not gonna try anything. I was just gonna wonder if you wanted to hangout later tonight in my room and have a few drinks?" The man contemplated for a moment."Alright I'll be there at ten. Don't try anything funny." She giggled happily before getting up and placing a kiss on his cheek. Before he could say anything she left. Tina seeing this situation couldn't help but feel hurt. She wanted Y/N but she didn't know if he wanted her to."Looks like we're gonna have to play dirty." She thought to herself."I've about had enough of the women at this place."  The man spoke to himself before another woman sat next to him."Hey you doof." Tina ruffled his hair slightly making him chuckle slightly."What's up? I thought you usually eat breakfast with your friends." She rubbed the back of her neck, blushing slightly."Uhm are you free tonight?" Reminded of his hangout with Ela he sighed."No, Ela wants me to hangout with her later tonight." A little irritated she said,"Come on you know she just wants to get in your pants. Come on let's just forget about her and binge watch some anime in my room." He tilted his head a little."What are you jealous or something?" Hearing this her entire face lit up in embarrassment."N-No uh I j-just," Y/N bursted out laughing."Oh my god you're jealous. Damn I didn't know I had that much of a hook on you." Feeling to embarrassed she got up from her seat."Alright hold on. What time should I come over to your room?" A wave of relief came over her."Oh uh m-maybe ten o'clock?" With a smile he said,"Sounds good, I'll be there." He gave her a certain look. It was a look he use to give her back when they were together. Tina couldn't help but feel a little happy."Okay I guess I'll see you later then." Stella then tugged on the sleeve of her hoodie."Wait come sit down and eat with us." The Canadian looked at the little girl who gave her puppy eyes, then looking over at Y/N who was doing the same. She jokingly groaned and sat down with them. The three sat and ate breakfast for good hour chatting. This caught the attention of Ela. She watched as Tina nervously placed her hand on Y/N's. The action caught him off guard, but he allowed it. The two went back to talking and joking annoying the green haired woman. Especially that she had her hand on his. A loud ringing noise signaling the intercom was turned on echoed through the cafeteria."Will all operators please come to the briefing room within the next ten minutes. Thank you." All the operators sighed before leaving their tables."Alright bud let's get you back to the room. I gotta go to a meeting." Stella nodded and began walking with her father."Hey I'll meet you there at the meeting." Tina said nervously twiddling her thumbs. Y/N shot her a warm smile."Save a seat for me dude." He ruffled her hair before walking off, leaving her a blushing mess. She went off to the meeting room and grabbed a seat. A few minutes later Y/N came in and sat next to her."Has Harry said anything yet?" He whispered."No not yet he said he was gonna start the meeting soon though." Tina said whilst attempting to put her hair up in a small bun."Here let me help you." The man next to her grabbed her hair tie along with a handful of her short silky black hair. Carefully, not wanting to hurt her, he tied up her hair."Thanks dude." She playfully punched his shoulder before Harry cleared his throat."Alright I've called you all here for news on an upcoming raid. From a recent interrogation we found intel on a townhouse in London. The townhouse belongs to a member of our enemy, shadow company. From recent surveillance we counted a total of twelve possible combatants in the home. Mind you there are also non combatants so those who will be going need to watch their fire. This raid will be conducted tomorrow night. Those who will be going will be working alongside ten SAS operatives from the CRW unit. The raid will be conducted at 02:00 tomorrow night. You'll need to grab any intel you believe is valuable. Cellphones, computer hard drives, files etc. Only two operators will be going out on this operation. Now who's willing to volunteer?" Y/N's hand instantly shot up."Alright Mr. L/N, oh and Ms. Tsang." Y/N looked to his side and saw Tina raising her hand."Alright the two of you stay behind but the rest of you may leave." So they did. After what seemed like an hour planning and going over tactics, they were allowed to leave."Running raids together, just like old times." He said as they walked side by side."Yeah those days were wild. We were going out practically every other night on raids." Those days were wild yet fun."Well I guess I'll see you later tonight. Should I bring some drinks?" Tina smirked."As long as it's not that shitty beer you use to like." Y/N jokingly gasped acting offended by her chuckle."Alright I'll bring some of my fancy wine. See you later dude." As usual, he ruffled her hair before walking off to his room. She smiled before heading to hers. Time seemed to move slowly throughout the day for her. It was as if the universe knew she was excited to hangout with that man and toyed with her. Wanting to waist some time she decided to go off base and go to Starbucks. She laughed remembering a date Y/N and her had there. He was so happy to get his favorite drink there only to drop it spilling it everywhere. Feeling a little generous she got him his favorite drink. His favorite drink happened to be a strawberry açaí with a mixture of lemonade. Once she got to base Tina was confronted by Ela."Who do you think you are?" She said with an aggressive tone."W-What do you mean?" The woman holding her drinks asked."You know exactly what I mean. You keep stealing Y/N away from me. You better back off before I make you, got it?" She then proceeded to shove Tina who stumbled backwards."The hell is going on?" A voice scared them both."Oh hey Y/N." The green haired Polish woman said."Oh it's n-nothing really." Y/N looked at his friend who seemed a little hurt and annoyed."Are you okay?" She nodded yes annoying the Polish operator even more."Why are you even protecting her? You're not even dating." He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close to him with a wide smile."Because she's probably my best friend. Now I'd appreciate it if you could leave her alone." Ela groaned before walking off in an angry pace."Hey thanks." Tina said blushing a little."Hey, if anything I should be thanking you. You got me my favorite drink. Glad you still remember." He said whilst ruffling her hair."How could I forget? You'd get it every time we went to Starbucks." She laughed a little as did he."You know it wouldn't hurt if we hung out a little early, would it?" He suggested making her smile a little."I guess it wouldn't." Y/N smiled alongside her."Alright I'll be at your room in a few minutes. See ya." She couldn't contain herself. She wanted to squeal and jump around with joy but held it all in. Quickly she headed back to her room and prepared it for her visitor."I'm here you short dummy." He said from the other side of her door making her laugh."Coming." She opened the door and allowed him in. The two hung out on her couch drinking and reminiscing about old times. A good hour passed before Tina said,"Ya it had been really lonely without you." She immediately regretted saying that. She thought he'd be weirded out."Ya I feel the same. It kinda sucked without you all the time bugging me." She playfully punched him before a brave thought popped into her mind. Slowly, she leaned closer to him,"If I got the chance, would you let me bug you like old times?" He could feel her breath on his lips. Y/N couldn't hold himself back anymore. Cupping her face gently, he placed a kiss on her lips. They tasted like a mixture of wine and strawberry chapstick. God he missed the taste of her lips. Tina sat there wide eyed at the situation."As long as you don't pull anything stupid." Before she could say a word he pulled her into another kiss yet this one was more heated and passionate. The two sat there on the couch making out. They separated for air, both panting heavily."I know this is crappy timing but I gotta get back to my kid." Tina, still bright red,"It's fine as long as you promise to spend a night with me after that raid tomorrow." He chuckled before giving her one last kiss."I promise."

Nothing Special (R6 Frost x Male Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang