Chp.2 Prime path

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Hey peeps I'm back chapter 2 and I'm still here. So, hope you peeps enjoy.

Moon out:) 


As we closed in onto prime path, Moon whispered for me to stay quiet as she said that she heard something moving in the woods around us. As I began to listen to try and hear what she was talking about, but a squeaky teen voice interrupted my silence as Moon quickly unsheathed her sword from her belt but to only be met by a blond teen.

He screamed in defence and shouted, "what the fuck are you doing you bitch, fucking dick what the fuck" I decided to zone him out and focus on Moonlight, "what are we gonna do now" "well hold on, Oi the dude behind the tree get your ass out here now....... or do I have to drag you out myself." Movement and a couple of swears could be heard as a group of 3 boy came out from behind the tree.

From what I can see there where 3 boys. One dude looked to be only slightly shorter than Moonlight (who is 6 foot) making him 5'10, a ravenet with a white bandana around his head with a black long sleeve tucked under a white top with a fire logo on it, black pants and a bow in hand ready loaded with an arrow.

Another one looked shorter than the first dude so I'd say 5'9, also a brunet, he had white round glasses a blue top, and black pants as well. And the last dude a tall blond, looked tall, like taller than Moonlight, he looked around 6'4 so that's my best guess. He wore a green hoodie and black jeans with a smiley mask I want to take his mask off and he what he looked like but judging my size 5'4 (sorry if you're not it's just the average size again sorry but you can change it if you want) I couldn't so I just stayed quiet the whole-time moonlight was speaking.

"And you guys are......" Moon questioned, the tall blond said "my name is Dream and these are my friends Sapnap and George, we were just wondering around the place you know", that tall green dude looked sus not only looked but his sentences sounded sus to but I left in the back of my head and continued to listen to Moon. "Oh.... really now, cause it looks like you were following us around the whole time we were here, Dream", "oh no, no, no I don't mean to make you feel comfortable I just wanted to see what trouble I'm dealing with.", "what do you mean by trouble Dream", "well you see here I am in war with your so-called friends and they have brought a lot of trouble" "OI YOU SON OF A BITCH WE ARE NO TROUBLE TO YOU WE JUST WANT PEACE BUT YOU WON'T GIVE IT TO US AND SAY THAT EVERYTING IS YOUR LAND BITCH"," wow calm down tommy" with Sapnap's last sentences our loud and surprising conversation ended in an awkward silence. 

So, my children how's my book going so far, is its good feel free to comment down below and tell me. Thx peeps

Moon out:) 

547 words

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