Chp.4 L'manburg

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Hey peeps I was thinking that I should do an update schedule/timetable thing so you don't have to be wondering when my next update would be so look out for that. I am also sorry for you know not being here updating in a while because I had some other stuff going on but since it's the school holidays, I have all the time to write for you guys I am running a little low on ideas but feel free to give me some ideas if you want.

Ok I should stop now, enjoy Moon out😊

Y/n's POV

"Lady's this, this is L'manburg the country that Tommy and I created." Wilbur started to introduce, "Whoa this is cool" Y/n said, "Not bad for a country with 2 people in it, I would say its decent" Moon said. "But wait look over there see that, that's the drug van we made this country specifically for that" Tommy said excited and proud, you can see how proud he is by the way his standing. "I would say it has improved a lot since the last time I've been here, but what's wrong with the wall around here?" Moon questioned, "Well green bitch that was here doesn't want us on his land so he built a wall around us" Tommy said "speaking of that, that's the reason we needed you to come help us Y/n, your friend Moonlight could be a real help to us as well, that's if you want to Ms Zodiac" Wilbur stated after Tommy "Moon would be fine but I appreciate it Wilbur" Moon replied "right, well then Moon is that a yes that I'm hearing", "well if Y/n here would like me to I guess I have some time" Moon replied to Wilbur while looking at me for correction and I said "That would help a lot so please can you help us", "okay I'll make out some time, but before that I have to go make an errand so if you'll excuse me, I'll be back in a few days though" Moon stated taking her leave, and then in sync we all said goodbye to Moonlight as she parted ways.

"So, catch me up on all the things that have happened before I came" I said with curiosity laced in my voice, "well first things first we have a country that wants independence, second of all Tommy started a disc way with Dream, third of all we are in a war with Dream for independence, and last but not least we have you and Moon to help us" Wilbur stated "that war was not just me Tubbo helped as well, it's still going on as well and I want my discs back" Tommy said "we'll have to wait for that first it's L'manburgs independence" Wilbur replied back to Tommy.

"Okay then we should start preparing for the upcoming war" I said back to the two boys, they both replied back to me with an okay, soon we started to get new members and helpers along the way getting more materials as well. The day the war starts it going to be a mess of blood I just know it.

Hey peeps, what should I call you gays, gals and no binary's cuz I don't think that peeps fit you people well enough so feel free to give me some names to call you people.

Anyways how was it Y/n finally gets to see L'manburg and Moonlight needs to run an errand leaving them alone for a few days defenseless what will happen keep reading to find out.

Okay that was cringe but that all I have today remember to stay hydrated and eat food byeeeeeeeee

Moon out:)

622 words 

L'manburgs walls Dream x (femOC) (ON HOLD)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن