For Firefly's sake

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 - Firefly's P.O.V. -

I was chilling on the couch doing paperwork when Mikey and Luke walked in fighting.

"You're a moron." Mikey told Luke.

"You're a neanderthal." Luke told Mikey.

"You're a loser."

"You're a... A rat." Luke finally said.

"You're a twat." Michael answered immediately.

"You're a t... Fuck it you're a vagina." Luke gave up on...?

"Are you calling me a vagina?" Michael said quietly and seriously.

"Ok what the fuck?" I finally asked.

"We're playing this game, we insult each other but we use insults that start with the last letter of the word he insults me with." Luke explained.

"Mhmm which you, a teacher, failed." Mikey added.

"That's bullshit." I rolled my eyes.

"I want ice cream." Luke popped up.

"Me too." I added.

"Yea let's go get ice cream." Michael opened the door.

"I'll drive." I got in the driver's seat in Michael's car.

On the way there Mikey and Luke did not stop fighting for a second.

"You have blue hair."

"You have purple hair."

"You're a virgin."

"You're a pedophile."

"You shower once a week, it's disgusting."

"You're a neat freak."

"All you've eaten in the past 3 days is pizza."

"All you've eaten in the past 3 days is a 12 year old's vagina."

"You're drunk almost all the time."

"You can't drink alcohol because your mommy says no."

I hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you...

I fucking hate both of you.

"What would you like?" The ice cream lady asked me.

"I'll have um... Just give me anything." I said carelessly. After a car ride with those two I'll survive world war III.

After Luke and Michael got their ice cream, Michael, of course, put alcohol on his ice cream.

"You're disgusting." Luke complained to Michael.

"Is that what your mom told you when she found out how old your girlfriend is?"

"Does your mom even know you're alive?"

I just walked right in the car and drove home alone. Yes i left them at the ice cream place.

- Michael's P.O.V. -

"I can't believe she left us. At the fuckig ice cream place." Luke said.

"She's mad." I mumbled.

"Hey is this taxi free?" Luke asked the driver.

"Yep, where to?" The driver asked.

All i could really think about is Firefly being mad. We got home, Luke went to his flat and i went to Firefly's.

"She doesn't wanna see you, or Luke." Lilly said right before she kicked me out.


I walked into Luke's flat. "We need to talk."

"Ah, i was afraid we'd not talk." He said.

"Look we have to learn to get along. For Firefly." I said even though he wasn't listening.

"How would we do that?"

"I don't know, just don't fight with me in front of her."

"I think i can do that."

"Sure you can. Name 3 things you like about me."

"You first." He said calmly.

"Ok, you're smart, your hair and your taste in music." I smiled.

"Ok, umm.... I like... The fact thaattt.... That you like my taste in music." He said insecurely.

"..ook, 2 more." I accepted it but we both knew he just couldn't think of anything, he hates me.

"2? That's a lot. Ok, i like, your style. And the way you play guitar." He finally said.

"Thanks..." I said. "I'm gonna go to my flat now, I'll see you tomorrow. You and Firefly."

"It's 6 pm, what am i gonna do all day?"

"Let's go apologize." I got up.

"Right behind you."

- Luke's P.O.V. -

Michael and i walked into Firefly's and started apologizing at the same time.

"Guys it's ok just stop, shut up. These papers are due tomorrow." She said, taking all her paperwork with her to her room.

As she did her paperwork Michael and i drank, a lot.

"Ok name 3 things you'd change about me." He said. It was 2 am and we were playing a new game where we both get drunk and talk about things we hate about each other, things we admire about each other, things we have in common, things we would/wouldn't change about each other and so on.

"Umm.. Your hair color, your personality, your looks, your address, your job..."

"3 was enough. Ok, 3 things we have in common."

"We... Both dyed our hair. We both have 2 eyes... What else?" I asked.

"Oh we both love Firefly." Mikey yelled.

"Does she know?"

"I don't think she does.

"Let's wake her up and tell her."

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