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- Firefly's P.O.V. -

My alarm went off at 5 am. I got up and had breakfast. Which is cereal 99% of the time. I got dressed and did my hair. By the time I was done it was 6 am. I put shoes on and went downstairs to work. I was late 10 minutes like always. I served people and took time off and hung out wirh Lilly. I always hang out with someone at the cafe. At 4 pm i went upstairs to have lunch with Lilly. At 5 i went back to work and came back home at 11 pm. Mike, Cal, Ash and Luke all came over at our apartment and we hung out til 1 am. After that Lilly and i went to sleep. That was my daily routine for over a week. 9 days to be exact. On the 9th day when Luke, Ash and Cal came over....

"Hey." Cal and Mike burst in through the door together.

"Aye." Ash walked in.

"Hiii." Luke followed.

"So i got a job at Subway and the guy I'm replacing is gonna work at Barbara Cosmetics." Cal sat down.

"Barbara Cosmetics?" i stood up.

"Yes. Not only that, he needs an assistant." Cal looked at me and smiled.

"I volunteer!" i cuddled into Cal. "Pleeeaaaseee?"

"I already asked. I said you were experienced though."

"Thank you sooo much."

"Did anyone else get a job?" Mike asked.

"Okay give me a minute. So Firefly is gonna be an assistant at Barbara Cosmetics, Mike plays guitar and acts, Cal is gonna work at Subway. But Ash, Luke and i have no jobs. I mean i have a job but..." Lilly spoke.

"No, Lilly, you don't have a job. You lost it cause you were too bossy." i said, annoyed.

"But I'll find one." She defended herself.

"You do realize you can get a job at the shelter." Mike looked at Lilly.

"Shelter...?" she quietly said.

"Yeah. The animal shelter. You'll get paid just for sitting around animals." Mike opened a book.

look at him

he's so smart.

The old dorky Mike is still here but he reads...

"I'm gonna go see the shelter tomorrow morning. Firefly's alarm wakes me up every morning anyway." she went to her room and didn't come out.

"Okay..." i looked away awkwardly.

"So how are we gonna get jobes?" Luke asked Ash.

"Someone has to replace me at the cafe downstairs." i butted in.

"I'm not." Luke threw his hands up.

"I guess i will until i find a job..." Ash shrugged.

"You're gonna love it." i giggled.

no you wont.

you'll hate it as much as i did

I smiled evilly.

"What?" Ash gave me a confused face.

"No, it's nothing. I just said you're gonna love your new job." i giggled.

"Come here, you evil little puppy." Mike pulled me closer to him and cuddled me.

"She wants me dead, i can feel the hatred." Ash lookat me, scared.

"Nah." i closed my eyes, ready to fall asleep in Mike's arms.

"That's a yes, run." Ash joked.

I fell asleep in Mike's arms and woke up at 6 again cause i still had the alarm and you could hear it through the whole flat. Lilly woke up too but Mike just swore and went back to sleep. Lilly got dressed and left but i had cereal and went across the hall and woke Cal up.

"Rise and shine motherfucker!" i yelled.


"My job." i pulled his blankets.

"Oh yeah... you have a job interview at 5 pm." he covered his head with the pillow.

"Thanks." i walked out.

I went back to our apartment and got dressed, i went to work at the cafe cause that cosmetics thing is just an interview and what if i dont get the job? I'd be unemployed.

- Luke's P.O.V. -

I was looking for jobs, i didn't even know what i wanted to do. I went to Burger King to eat cause luckily we still had some money which won't last long. I was waiting in line when i heard this guy right behind me talking on the phone. Sounded like he needed a math teacher.

I'm good at math..

i can totally do this.

"Excuse me, sir. I couldn't help but overhear you need a math teacher." i talked to him.

"Yes.. i do. Are you a math teacher?" he asked.

"Yes, i am. I'm Luke Hemmings." i offered to shake his hand.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Zack Campbell." he accepted the handshake.

- Firefly's P.O.V. -

I left the cafe at 4 and got dressed for my job interview. I left a note and went to Barbara Cosmetics. I found the place and knocked on the door.

"Come in." a deep male voice answered.

"Hi, I'm Firefly. I'm here for my job interview." i walked in.

"Oh, hello Firefly. Dan Smith. Please, sit." he sat up.

"Thank you." i sat down.

"I'd like to start with some questions, if you don't mind."

"No no problem at all." i smiled and he bit his lip.

- Michael's P.O.V. -

I got back home at 7 and saw Firefly sitting on the couch.

"Aye, baby." i greeted.

"Hey." she said, dead cold.

"How did the job interview go?" i tried to light her up.

"Oh it went great, i got the job. There's just one small problem."


"My boss flirted with me. And in the end when i was leaving, when he let me out the door he touched my ass." she said in disgust.

"Aw baby it's ok. You go to work normally like nothing happened and if he tries something just slap him and I'll do the rest." i tried to comfort / calm her down but i was pissed.

who the fuck does he think he is

flirting with MY girl

touching MY property

I hated him, i really hated him. It was a Monday and Firefly went to work, it was her first day. She came back in a good mood so i knew he didn't do anything.

(A/N: Aye im writing this at 5 am and i hope you like it cause i didn't stay up for nothing. Guys im sorry about the spelling mistakes and short chapter. This is what i wanted to say... ok... baii...)

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