Guess who's back

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- Michael's P.O.V. -

We were all hanging out at Lilly's, yeah it's also Firefly's flat but it's easier and we're all used to 'Lilly's'. I was cuddling Firefly, we were both in one chair, Luke was talking to Meghan since he brought her, Lilly and Ash were watching tv.

We heard unexplained laughter in the hallway but we didn't care cause we're not the only people in the building. Not a minute passed and a wild Calum Hood burst in through the door.

"Hi guys." He he quickly hugged us all.

"Hey we've missed you." Firefly said.

"Did i miss anything?" He asked.

"No but we sure missed something." I said, nodding my head towards the girl that came with Cal. She was cute but not Firefly. She had short blond curly hair and brown eyes. I see why Cal brought her, though. She had massive boobs and a nice butt. But Firefly was still better.

- Firefly's P.O.V. -

"Guys this is Lara, Lara this is Michael, Firefly - his girlfriend. This is Lilly, Ashton, Luke and his girlfriend, Meghan." Cal explained.

"Meghan?" Lara asked, she had a really girly voice.

"Wait Lara Kline?" Meg asked.

"Yes OMG!" Lara screamed, so did Meg.

"You know each other?" Luke asked.

"Yes oh my god yes. We used to be neighbors." Meg squealed.

"So what's new?" Lara asked Meg.

"I'm dating my math teacher and i love him." Meg and Lara screamed together. "What about you?"

"I went to Hawaii and your friend Calum brought me here."

"Are you guys together?" Meg asked.

"No, we're friends." Lara said and they both screamed again.

"Hey Firefly look I'm walking." Lilly said, and i got the sign, Lilly and i both screamed to joke about Meg and Lara. They just looked at us like we're patients in a mental hospital.

"So when are you leaving?" Meg asked.

"Tomorrow morning." Lara said sadly.

"And why'd you hang out with Cal?" Meg asked like Cal was a bad guy.

"I though it would be fun to sleep with a stranger and he needed a girl to get away from his gay 2 week roommate." She explained and i accidenaly butted in.

"You slept with him?" I asked.

"Um, yeah." She awkwardly answered.

"How old are you?" I asked again.


"Calum you pedophile!" I yelled at Cal and started slapping him.

"Hey hey hey! Chill, i didn't rape her." He said, i calmed down a little. "She wanted it."

"Yeah, sleeping with random people is cool, strangers are the best." Lara said casually.

"Um, what?" I almost laughed.

"Strangers have the best candy, strangers are the best in bed, strangers give the best advice..." she explained.

"Again, what?" I repeated.

"Yeah she's like that, living the party life." Meg obviously faked a giggle.

"Party life?" Lilly asked.

"Yeah... we used to go out every night, take every risk in life. You know..." Meg tried.yo grin, but she couldn't. No one could, how could anyone grin? It was that awkward.

"That'd be cool, at the age of 19.." Mike added.

"You guys don't do that?" Lara asked. We all shook our heads. "But you're all so young, people your age drink every night, sleep with strangers, get high, pull pranks, smoke, go to every possible concert, become a groupie, look at you, you all live like you're 40."

"Um..." Meg awkwardly scratched her neck,

"Meg... you too...?" She asked and Meg nodded. "I'm ashamed to call you my friend..." Lara said before she left. I guess she wasn't coming back, but she was kinda right. We all live like we're 40.

- Michael's P.O.V. -

We spent the entire night lying around, sad over Lara being right. Meg was crying on one of the chairs and Luke was cuddling her - somehow they both fit in one chair, Lilly was sitting at the kitchen table with Cal, Firefly was sitting next to me on the couch, sighing every now and then, and Ash was on the other chair. We were all eating chocolate in a comfortable silence.

"Man, she can't just come here and make us feel bad about ourselves, and then leave!" Luke spoke.

"She can, she did." Lilly said through a mouthful of chocolate.

"No," i said quietly, "no. We can party." I raised my tone.

"Yeah." Cal smiled.

"Yeah? What are we gonna do? Drink so much thinking we're partying that we get amnesia?" Meg calmed her sobs down.

"She's right." Lilly nodded towards Meg. Firefly agreed so silently only i heard her.

"Hey, we can party." Ash spoke.

"Yeah, let's show them!" Luke got up.

"Yeah." We all yelled and left the flat.

- Firefly's P.O.V. -

The boys left so we just sat around eating chocolate, feeling bad about ourselves, groaning and listening to an old playlist from when i was like 16. The songs were still cool though,

"Teenage dirtbag - our cover

Jersey - mayday parade

Time bomb - all time low

Fireflies - also our cover with Mike

A drop in the ocean - ron pope

Dear Maria count me in - all time low

Drunk - ed sheeran

Give me love - ed sheeran

Weightless - all time low

Stella - all time low

I miss you - blink 182

Jasey Rae - all time low

Therapy - all time low"

"You guys sure loved All Time Low." Meg said with a small smile.

"Well, the guys loved them. So we did." I returned the smile.

Around 3 am the guys came back, drunk. I remember the first time we drank - well they drank. Mike convinced them... i remember hkw they dared us to make out... so i was even sadder.

They were drunk so they were loud, which caused our annoying, *cough* annoyed *cough* neighbor Jasmine Hemerals- Or as we call her Mrs. Hellmerals - came to complain.... again... all she really did was complain cause of us and i don't exactly blame her.

When we finally got rid of her and sent all the guys to bed we decided not to be sad over that cause we have tge best stories to tell... in hell...

(A/N: hi sorry i couldn't update but i hurt my thumb and it was wrapped and i dont know my password so i have to write from my phone and I'm still having a hard time writing but i finally menaged to write a chapter)

The Real World (Sequel to wild side)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon