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- Michael's P.O.V. -

"Yeah." I added. I sounded like everything was alright but it wasn't. I just wanted her. I felt so desperate, pathetic, i felt like a loser. And it's all my fault. If i didn't say that to her boss none of this would have happened.

Speak up you idiot.

Tell her you're sorry.

She can't stay mad forever.

God what i wouldn't give to taste those lips.

"Uhmm... Firefly... can we um, talk? Like in private?" I barely mumbled. I felt my entire face blush so i looked down, trying to hide it.

"Yeah..." she walked into the other room with me following her.

No don't talk

Yes talk

Just leave

I couldn't think of what to do so i just kissed her out of nowhere. I didn't know why but i kissed her. Surprisingly she kissed back.

- Firefly's P.O.V. -

Mike asked me to talk and kissed me.

He. Kissed. Me.

I was slightly shaking from excitement. Yes, i wanted that to happen. I wasn't surprised, i knew it would happen eventually. I was just glad it finally did. After a little while i parted from him to see what he'd say.

"Wh- why? What'd i do?" He quickly asked, confused.

"I... i though you wanted to talk?" I didn't have anything better to say.

"Well... no. I wanted to do that. I wanna just... like, kiss you forever."


I wanted to squeal at that but im in my 20s.

"Aw." I grinned, trying not to blush which is impossible.

(A/N: Ok i wrote these 10 chapters like a typical fanfic, and from the next chapter I'll be writing in a different way. The chapters will be like episodes or something... I'm sorry i don't know how to explain but you'll see. Thank you so much for reading. And happy birthday couzin, luv ya. I wrote/am writing this fanfic for my cousin. For her bday. Yeah. So yeah. I'm out.)

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