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- Firefly's P.O.V. -

Lilly woke me up at 4 am on the first day of my 1 week break from work and forced me out of bed.

"But whyyyyy?" U whined, trying to cover myself with my blanket again but she stole it.

"We're going on an adventure." She said, "and hurry, i did all the math, you have exactly 4 minutes and 18 seconds to get dressed." She told me before she left to get everyone else.

"Wow." I said quietly as i got dressed into black and grey sweatpants and a black oversized sweater. I put black Doc Martens on and walked out of my room.

I stepped in the hallway all ready to see a half dressed Mike and a shirtless Cal.

"Why?" Was all i asked, they knew what i meant.

"We don't have time." Was all they could say before Lilly arrived dragging Ash and Luke tt us. They were both in pajamas.

"Ok go go go go!" Lilly motioned us to leave so we followed her. "I'm borrowing this mini van from a friend sk get in." She forced us.

Hour one:

Lilly was driving, i was in the passenger seat, Luke and Mike were on the seats right behind us and Cal and Ash were in the back.

"So why are we here in pajamas?" Luke asked.

"Basically i get to see my first cousin for the first time in like 20 years and he doesn't know, he's actually in Melbourne, well he will be at midnight and i have to see him and we can stay with him a little and come back." She explained something.

"We didn't bright clothes at all." Ash complained.

"We'll buy clothes." She said.

"Lilly, we could have left at - oh i don't know! 10 pm." Cal said.

"No we couldn't have i did the math 4 hours ago. We'll be there at exactly midnight, we have 4 stops, tge first one is at 6:30 am and it's 10 minutes max, the second one is at 12 pm and it's 5 minutes, the third at 4 pm and it's also 5 minutes and the last one at 8 pm which is 10 minutes. So at 6 am we need to start making lists of everything we need and everyone has to pee. And most of us take turns driving, I'm first, from 4 am til the first stop, then Mike drives and i sleep, from the second stop to the third Ash drives, from the third to the forth Cal drives, and from the forth stop til the end i drive again." She explained.


If i fall asleep now

Maybe she won't wake me up til 6:30

But she made sure we i stayed up, she talked to me about her cousin the whole time.

Hour two:

Lilly made us make lists which was hard cause none of us had our phones and we didn't have a pen or paper. So we had to memorize lists.

Lilly pees first and then gets the gas.

I had to go get drinks: beer, water and soda. And then pee.

Ash had to go get chips, snacks... and pee.

Luke had to go get sweets, chocolate. And pee.

Mike had to pee and then go get fruits.

Cal had to pee and then get shirts for Mike, Luke, Cal and himself.

Cal had to get all the boys shirts because Mike had jeans on but he was still in a pajama top. Luke and Ash were in pajamas and cal was in shorts and well shirtless.

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