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- Firefly's P.O.V. -

"CRAWLING BACK TO YOU." i heard Lilly singing *cough* howling *cough* to Arctic Monkeys' Do i wanna know lyrics through the door. I was coming home from work. I opened the door that hasn't been locked in months.

I turned the music off, "Lilly, please. Stop disturbing our neighbors."

"Oh yeah, they complained like 7 times."


"Mr. Mays." She said in an obviously tone.

"Of course."

"There's something weird about tonight." She changed the subject.

"Yeah... there is..." i sat down, wondering.

Around a minute later Cal, Ash and Luke walked in.

"You know, the more i think about this, it goes away." Lilly said.

"Actually, Luke, Ash and Cal weren't here." I said, slightly annoyed.

"What does that have to do with anything?" She asked.

I sighed. "They come over every night, they weren't here until now. That's why it was weird."

"Yeah, i know that. So?" She asked.

Jesus Christ what the fuck?

"I feel unwanted." Ash spoke and Cal and Luke nodded.

"Nah, stay. We're bored anyway." I said casually.

"Ok." They all sat down.

"Why isn't Mike here?" Lilly asked.

"I don't know." Cal shrugged.

"How are we supposed to know?" Luke asked.

"Oh, right. Ok. He's showering." Cal explained.

"I though he showered yesterday." Ash asked.

"He did, but he has to shower today too." Cal somehow explained.

"Um ok?" I awkwardly looked away and stared blankly into nothing, thinking why.

"I pranked him with water balloons." Cal finally explained.

"Oohh." We all nodded.

"So, Luke, we heard you met a girl." Lilly smirked.

Actually Ash told us like a month and a half ago, that he met her. And yesterday we saw him and her making out through the window. Since you can see Luke's and Ash's living room through his window, through our window.

"Oh yeah, since it's Saturday tomorrow, she's coming over for dinner. Here." Luke said excited.

"That's great, since i don't have work, Firefly doesn't have work, Mike leaves work early, Cal also leaves work early, Ash leaves work early too and you don't have work." Lilly said to Luke.

"Yeah...." Luke said, confused and slightly creeped out.

"So tell us about her." I brought Luke's attention back to the girl.

"Her name's Meghan, she's from New York, she's 18.." mine and Lilly's eyes widened at Luke's last words.

"Woah woah woah woah, stop right there. 18?" Cal interrupted Luke.

"Does she know how old you are?" Ash asked.

"Yeah, yeah. She's 18 and she knows how old i am. She's also emo, punk rock." He continued.

"How mentally stable is she?" Lilly asked.

"Normal, why?" Luke looked confused.

"Nothing much, she's dating you..." Lilly mumbled.

"Good point, mrs. My husband works across the world and doesn't even write to me." Luke shot back.

"Someone call Michael, he needs to hear this. I'll make the popcorn." Ash got up and was about to make popcorn.

"We're not 9 Ash, we're not gonna fight." Lilly said.

"I still want popcorn." Ash opened every cupboard until he found popcorn.

After 10/20 minutes Mike came. He had an orange, red hair.

"Holy shit." Cal swore.

"What did you do to your hair?" I asksd calmly.

"I dyed it." He innocently smiled.

"Why that color?" Lilly raised an eyebrow.

"I love that color!" I grinned.

"Two types of people." Mikey sat down on a chair next to Luke.

Everyone stayed in silence and stared at Mikey's hair for a while.

"Wow I'm glad you loved it." Mike said, sarcastically.

"I love it." I spoke.

"Yeah i like it." Ash admitted.

"Me too." Luke did too.

"Same." Cal nodded.

After a moment of waiting for Lilly to say something and looking at her she finally spilled it.

"I may not like the color but i have to admit it looks great on you." She finally added.

Haleluijah woman


"Thanks." Mike smiled.

- Luke's P.O.V. -

Around midnight i left Firefly's and Lilly's. I told them I'd go sleep and I'd lock my room door so Ash doesn't disturb me. I walked out of the building and spotted what i was looking for. A girl wearing a ripped black skinny jeans, pure black converse and a faded American flag hoodie covering light electric blue almost curly hair.

"Took you long enough." Meghan smiled and walked beside me.

"Sorry, i couldn't leave..." i kissed the top of her head and walked with her down the street holding her hand.


I woke up to my phone, it was my alarm. I looked over to my right to see curly light electric blue hair fallen messily on her face. She was so beautiful without any make up, her naked skin covered with blankets. Her skin was pale, eyes closed, lashes long without mascara. I kept remembering the past night, she was my favorite part. How she was confident with her non flat stomach and no thigh gap. I adored how she didn't care and i think everyone should.

- Firefly's P.O.V. -

Luke left early. And of course we all knew he wouldn't really go sleep, so we spied on him. We saw him meet a girl with a hoodie on and really bright blue hair.

"Oooh he's definitely gonna score." Mike grinned.

"Plus she's hot." Cal also grinned, not taking his eyes off Luke and the girl who was provably Meghan.

"That's like a bonus." Ash added.

"She's alright." Lilly shrugged and looked at me.

"She's wearing an American flag hoodie. I'm half American. I think that's awesome. And her hair's really cool. Yeah i give Luke promission to date her." I practically thought out loud.

"Did Luke give you premission to date me?" Mike turned to me.

"No... i was a rebel." I smiled.

"Can you guys not be mad at each other?" Cal asked, annoyed.

"We're not mad. We're just not dating." I flashed a fake smile.

"Yeah..." Mike added. But not sadly, also faking a smile. Lucky me i can tell when he's lying and when he means it, or when a smile is fake. And of course a smile would be fake if it lasts only a second.

I really did love Mike but he left me for 8 years. Yeah i forgave him but i can't forget. And this is nothing compared to those 8 years of torture but i could have lost my job!

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