Chapter 2

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Dawn had come, and everyone was getting ready for the reaping. There was only about twenty minutes left until we had to be at the auditorium. The reaping started at two, and you had to be there on time or else you would be punished or tortured by the peacekeepers. I started heading back home to get ready for the reaping. I wore a white collared shirt, a black sweater over it, and dark blue pants. Everyone in District 7 got all dressed up and started heading to the auditorium for the reaping. Our district was poor and small, so all the people fit easily into the large space. Every single boy and girl ranging ages 12 to 18 was there, hoping that they wouldn't be picked. Two people from this room would be gone, and a guarantee that 1 would be dead by the end, if the campus got lucky. I was definitely one of the younger ones in the Hunger Games, so if I got picked I was surely dead.

To get in the area, we all had to have some implanted shot in our neck. When they finally came to me to be injected, I panicked. They ignored my gestures, puncturing me, leaving a terrible ache in the side of my neck.

If you don't know what happens in the reaping, there are two bowls full of little pieces of paper that have every person from 12 to 18 years of age in District 7. Every other one of the 11 districts did it too. did it too. Anyways, there were 2 bowls, one for the boys and one for the girls, everyone in the room's names in it at least once. They will randomly pull a name out of the bowl. Whoever is picked will have to transfer to the Capitol where they will fight in a rink to the death. The winner gets out of these shabby districts, wins money for family, and opens many new luxuries from the capital to them so that they can live a 'better life'. My name is in the boy bowl five times and Cyrus's name is in the female bowl twenty-four times. Everyone took their places in the auditorium, standing there quietly until the reaping started.

Three people came out onto the stage; the head peacekeeper of District 7, a woman with short brown hair and a nice blue dress covered in flowers, and a girl with glasses, long brown hair, and a long black jacket.

The lady with flowers on her dress came up to the microphone and announced "Happy 149th Hunger Games!" She introduced herself as Janet Harry, but she usually goes by Harry. She started talking about what an honor it is to be here and so on, telling us how lucky we are. It felt like forever, then finally, she told us that the previous Hunger Games victor of District 7 a few years ago will be the trainer for the people in District 7 who are picked.

The girl with the glasses stepped up by Harry, saying her name was Rapqa Richu. She was from District 7, like us. She was probably only in her twenties. She looked around, presenting herself, then automatically started going into her life story. She spoke of the story of how she won the Hunger Games years ago and got to the Capitol by studying so hard at the district about survival and getting her name in so much that she finally got picked. She tried demonstrating her strategies, trying to act 4 people at once. She growled and ran around, then explained about the great things of the Hunger Games. She told of the way that the cornucopia was meant to be based on a bull horn of a river god, and I thought she was going to go on forever, but didn't stop there. She continued about how she won the game by shooting a flaming arrow into the last four people and blowing them up, describing precisely the detail gouringly. Too much information. She adjusted her glasses, as she told dramatically how good it was to then move to the capitol school, then graduating and coming back to help us all become the amazing people we were meant to be. That we could get out of the districts, and that it was a HUGE blessing to even get picked for the reaping. Suddenly, Harry, who looked bored, interrupted, declaring "Ok guys," She clasped her hands together. "Time for the reaping to begin!" Disappointment spread across her face as she realized there was no applause. I don't get why she would expect applause either. However, the moment all of us had been waiting for what had finally come, slowly pulling their victims out...

"Ladies first, of course," Harry acknowledged, trotting over to the bowl. As she was looking for a paper to take out, I looked over at Cyrus, who was across the room, and whispered "good luck". She mouthed "you too" back, winking.

"And the lady tribute is...drumroll please" Everyone started drumming their legs as she grabbed the paper out, slowly and dramatically opening it. What was up with the dramatics here?

"Is Kwami Hanks" the crowd turned silent as the peacekeepers burst into the crowd and grabbed the little redhead girl as she screamed her head off. I felt so bad. She was only twelve. And it was Cyrus's sister. I glanced over to where Cyrus was standing. She wasn't there. They started dragging Kwami towards the stage. About halfway towards the stage, she began crying, until someone started yelling with all the riot. It was Cyrus.

"I would like to take Kwami's spot for tribute" She yelled, trying to speak up as much as she could.

"Oh, a volunteer tribute, haven't had that for years." Harry said, surprised. She examined the girl who had just volunteered, sighing. "What's your name, girl?"

"Cyrus Hanks" She depressingly replied.

"Oh, I guess somebody doesn't want her little sister taking all the fame" Someone teased. I shot a death glance over to the person, who I could vaguely see over the crowd. He didn't see me. Typical. I focused back on Cyrus. Why? It was another person I could lose. I couldn't stand watching people year after year be taken away, soon killed. Think positive. She could win. I had to tell myself that.

As the teachers took Cyrus up to the stage they shoved little redhead Kwami back to her spot as she screamed some more.

"No, Cyrus, don't! You can't!" Kwami burst into tears. I almost said something, anything, but nothing came out once I opened my mouth.

"Okay anyways, give a round of applause for our lady tribute, Cyrus Hanks" Harry took a breath, ignoring the pain of the district like it was just a game, then continued, "Now for the boys."

Oh no, It was time to pick the boy tribute, and she began pulling the paper out of the bowl. I heard my heart beating so loud it felt like it's going to explode. Sweat trickled down my neck, the moment had finally come.

"And the boy tribute is...Archer Green!"

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