Chapter 5

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There it was, the twenty three other tributes I would have to fight against. Oh what will I do? Why am I the one that has to do this? This is so stupid. I thought to myself deeply, not realizing that I zoned out until I heard Harry's squeaky voice again, probably saying something I will hate. "Okay you two, time to get ready!"

"Ready for what? I asked.

"For the showing" She replied, making it sound like we are dumb.

"What showing?" I said, confused.

"The big display with your fellow opponents, Duh"

"What?" I yelled. I remembered. Every reaping, the tributes were displayed for everyone to see. All the tributes would dress up sort of like their district and ride in a chariot based on the district with all the other tributes. I already looked like a coward, and the last thing I wanted to do was that.

"You're going to dress up like your district and ride into the Capitol so everyone can see you. So that you can make yourself look half-decent." She slowly spoke, acting like I had not known what she was talking about.

"No, I was just saying what because I'm surprised." I explained. And I was. I was going to have to go present myself in front of the people that I would fight!

"This is the worst! You can't make us do it." I continued.

" I guess I will just have to try my best not to socialize with them." Harry disappointedly responded. Talk about a drama queen. I thought again, turning my eyes back to the T.V. The credits were playing. I looked around me, realizing that Cyrus didn't say anything about it, or even was listening, which was odd for her. I looked at her. She was staring at the wall, her eyebrow raised while she rubbed her chin like smart people do. Then, realizing something, she smiled, mouthing an "aahhhh" before she went back into her trance. I couldn't help but chuckle under my breath.

The train soon stopped abruptly, and the peacekeepers monitoring us told us to get dressed for the big show, which was kinda funny since we didn't bring any clothing besides what we were wearing now. Actually we didn't bring anything besides what we were wearing now. Cyrus and I just looked at each other, shrugged, then looked back at the peacekeepers. One of the peacekeepers, in sudden realization, grabbed a radio from her pocket and dialed some numbers on it.

"CODE we need some clothing" She reported, sounding super lame for having a walkie-talkie. It replied in a static voice.

"On it". The radio ended the call. They didn't even say over and out. Whatever, I told myself, realizing that it didn't even matter.

Instantly, a guy with brown hair fashioned in pink strips, shiny gold glasses, and a very bright and sparkly and pink suit carrying a large briefcase bolted in the train like 911 in the twenty-first century.

"What's the fashion emergency?" he exclaimed, believe it or not, actually worried. Cyrus and I immediately started snickering.

"Oh no!" He exclaimed. "What are you wearing?" Cyrus and I looked down at our outfits. I thought that they weren't half bad. After all, they were our best.

"It's a monstrosity!" He declared. He ran over to us, unhooking his briefcase, and swung it on the couch. He handed us two garment bags, the fancy ones. "Change into these, and you will have the best outfits for the entrance to training." he began panicking. He took lots of deep breaths, then put his hands together like he was doing yoga.

"I will come back later, so that I don't puke." He calmly applied. He was definitely from the Capitol. He practically ran out of the door into the next room. Pathetic. I wondered what was behind there, but we were given specific instructions not to go there. After he left, Harry came in and told us that he was our fashion designer, his name was Torin Bubworin. She excused us to go get clean and change into outfits.

Oh boy, the outfit was horrendous. A white collared shirt, a vine tie, a white blazer with vines all over it in a beautiful pattern, brown pants texturized like wood, and a pair of boots that went up to my knees. I slipped into all of whatever it was. It itched like crazy. After getting it on, I slipped on the mockingjay necklace under my shirt, then came out of the small bathroom pop up on the side of the room and stood by Harry, Rapqu, and Torin, who had apparently come back. They gasped with delight and amazement while I gasped with disgust over the outfit. After a few minutes of us awkwardly standing there while Rapqa randomly told the story of how she killed Fredrick Bulini in the Hunger Games, her so-called arch nemesis. She emphasized the gruesome details, making the moment even more awkward. Finally, Cyrus came out. She walked out embarrassed, looking so uncomfortable. She wore a short dress made out of leaves and long vine high heeled boots that went up above her knees. She looked at me, then surprisingly started laughing.

"What?" Harry said, worried.

"We look like trees." She replied, pulling herself together. Harry death stared at her.

"Isn't that the point?" Rapqa questioned. Cyrus turned sincere, then stood by us.

"Fabulous! Now for hair and makeup." Torin practically shrieked. Cyrus grunted as he pushed her back to the makeshift bathroom to do her hair and makeup. After finishing her, he did me all fancy, and I think he ripped out at least half of my hair.

"I think you're ready," Torin said, admiring our finished looks. We did literally look like trees. I think I even had leaves and flowers in my hair. I rolled my eyes while he boasted about how great he was with designing. So pathetic. I guess that it was better than some other district 7 costumes though, although it wasn't the best. We walked out the door of the train, going over to where we would get our chariots. We were officially in the Capital. Again, a multitude of peacekeepers met us outside, escorting us to wherever the event was. They surrounded us on all sides, much like bodyguards, and began walking. We walked out the door, through some streets, into a building, and on an elevator that would take us up to the place. Sketchy music played inside, and I couldn't help but shiver from the events that would come next. And I was going right now to go wave like royalty to the whole Panem. The system was clearly jacked up.

Along the way, one of the peacekeepers explained to us our schedule. It was nice for once to know what was going on.

"You guys will present yourself, go to training for a few days in the capitol, then go into the Hunger Games after your interviews and privately your strategies with Miss Rapqa Richu." Neither of us replied, taking in the information. He said it like it was a normal thing. Yep, just send a bunch of kids to their deaths, nothing not normal.

We eventually stepped out of the elevator and into a hallway with many doors. We walked through a few hallways, peacekeepers to the front and back of us. I swear I saw Cyrus trip over herself at least five times in her heels. "So... didn't Torin do quite a crazy job on our outfits?" Cyrus asked, regaining her balance.

"Yeah, pretty crazy" I replied, stumbling and falling over, face planting. Before I could even do something, one of the extremely buff peacekeepers grabbed the back of my blazer, picking me up and placing me down.

"No more chit chat until we get there." He boomed. I stayed quiet the rest of the time, while Cyrus debated with the guy about something I didn't even pay attention to. Upon finally arriving at the door, the peacekeeper aggressively swung it open, revealing a garage with a wagon in it. It was plain wood and the horses pulling it looked like they were made from plants. They are bioengineered. It had been a thing for the past centuries, to genetically mutate features on various animals, including humans.

"Hop in." I was not excited about riding in a carriage in front of Panem, but it wasn't like I had any other choice. Cyrus shot me a What on earth is that glance.

In force, the peacekeepers shoved Cyrus and I on board. They were so hostile. I had to remember that they were just people too, like my parents, who were also peacekeepers.

"K, how do we work this thing?" Cyrus asked, annoyed. The peacekeepers silenced for a moment before one responded.

"You don't; the horses are engine-I mean trained for this." he stuttered, pressing a button.

The wall opened, and light spilled in the room. It was time. 

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