Chapter 10

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I immediately began to feel woozy as I walked onto stage, so I focused on mainly keeping my balance. I was stupid; I had no idea what was going ot be asked or any sort of answers planned for it. I felt like the whole country was watching me (which they were). I almost tripped, and cheeks flushed a deep red as I hastily sat into the seat. It was comfy and soft.

"Well hello Archer." his confident voice announced. He blabbed about my appearance and district, and I was too nervous to even pay attention to his comments until he asked:

"So Archer, I heard that you didn't get too good of a score for the training" I froze, I felt my body growing tenser by the millisecond and I could feel sweat dripping down my forehead. I pulled myself together, for once in my life taking Harry's advice.

"Yes, I only got a score of 5, because the game maker wasn't exactly thrilled with my axe throwing" I said annoyingly.

"Well, I think we all were, heh" He responded, unsure of what to say.

"Well I tried my best, I guess" I shrugged.

"So tell me what are your thoughts on the game, what are you thinking?" He said, grinning. "Well, First of all I think that this is terrifying, and second, everyone who thinks they'll win because of their skills with weapons is wrong, but really I think that no weapon can be as powerful as a brain" I said, I knew what I thought of the game's strategies at least.

"Well, my my, don't you have quite the thoughts eh, well I wish you the best of luck in the arena, and may the odds be ever in your favor" The odds are never in our favor. The converse was over and I stood up as the camera temporarily paused, letting me leave the stage. Habab modified his wig placement until the camera beeped on again, and I was free of the interview. Sighing, I joined the other tributes, who chatted together, well at least the careers. Those careers. I was mad at them. Maybe just Cyrus, but that made my insides rise with sadness that she betrayed me. Speaking of her, I noticed that she wasn't in the midst of the career conversation, but on the side observing, not saying much. I slid past them, trying not to be noticed, but my luck said otherwise.

"Hey kid, looks like your interview went well." A tall dark person scolded. Cyrus stood by him, along with the other careers. Gosh, he was a career. I looked up to him, seeing a smirk on his face. Was that Drake Morton? Before I could reply, Harry stepped up to me, grabbing my arm.

"Ok, ok. Time to go back to the house" Harry hollered. She dragged me, Cyrus slowly following behind. We maneuvered through the back of the stage, going out the door only to see more peacekeepers, who escorted us back to our places.

As I walked in between the peacekeepers' bodies, I noticed a door partially open. I peeked through the peacekeepers, trying to see what was happening. Screams started. I couldn't see what was happening. Probably just another tribute. I continued along with them until we walked into our temporary room. The last actual room I would ever be in. We were greeted by our lounge, the plasma screen humming as it played the interviews. I didn't even care anymore about what I looked like on television, or about anything for that matter. I checked the time, noticing that it was far into the evening. Cyrus, Rapqa, and Harry immediately sat down, watching them.

"I'm going to go to bed" I muttered, walking towards my room. I swung the door open, walked through it, then slammed it, hopping on to my bed. The screen in my room was on, so I watched it. Benjamin had already gone. Now, it was showing Nebula Westerway in her flowery dress and frizzy hair entwined in more flowers. I mindlessly watched it, laying on my bed thinking.

The interviews were soon over, and I still lay on my bed, awake... How does anyone sleep tonight? I thought to myself about the reaping, the Hunger Games, and if I was to die, how wouldI want to go out of this world? Heroic, Someone worth remembering. I continued thinking about it until I heard a door close around the wall. Cyrus was going to bed. Another door closed, more distant. Possibly Harry or Rapqa? I shifted my feet, making them touch the ground, then flattened my soles against the ground, standing up. I walked to the door. What am I doing? ...Who cares. I decided, slowly opening the door. I peeked through. Rapqa was passed out on the couch, and last time I heard, she was a deep sleeper. I tiptoed past her, making sure she didn't wake. I looked at the door out into the tribute hallway, and then carefully opened it. I stepped out.

I walked through the bland hallway, and was surprised to see it empty of people. I walked in it, looking at all the doors and walls. What am I doing? Before I could finish my train of thought, I heard the faint screams again. I headed towards where it came from, curious.

Upon arriving at that same door that I had seen earlier, I noticed the top of the doorpost was labeled Peacekeepers. That was interesting. I stupidly stepped closer, inching my way towards the crack in the door, peeking through.

There was a man watching many screens at once. Probably security cameras? The biggest screen was playing footage, and I am pretty sure that that was where the screaming was. It was definite when footage started playing explosions, burning many trees down. More screams, blood, and explosions. Gunshots. At least half the place was on fire. The trees burned to crisps, the dark soil withered to ashes. Wait. I knew this place. The trees, that was District 7. No, It couldn't be. It was my home, the only place I knew. The people were basically defenseless, and I, Suddenly I began to hear footsteps.

"Hey, whoever is there,---" I began running before they could speak anymore. I tried to be quiet, but mostly focused on running back to my room. I turned around a corner, hopefully losing them. More doors awaited me, I was somewhere in the middle, 7 out of the 12th door, to be exact. I had no time to count though, as I hastily tried to open a door. Locked. I tried another, still locked. The footsteps grew louder. I continued opening others. I was screwed. I tried more and more doors, having no luck. The footsteps grew louder and louder. Not knowing what to do— A door opened, revealing a hero who grabbed my arm, pulling me inside. I was saved by Rapqa. And now I was probably more screwed now than I was facing the peacekeepers.

Rapqa faced me, a stern yet sympathetic emotion shown on her face.

"We will discuss this tomorrow, young man, but get to sleep if you want a good life." She spoke, her words echoing in my ear. Was she sympathetic or angry? She pointed to the door to my room.

"Now." She commanded. I almost ran to my door, opening and closing it. I went to my bed and lay down. I closed my eyes as I drifted off into a deep sleep, the last good sleep I might ever have. 

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