Chapter 4

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More peacekeepers ushered Cyrus and I through the long meeting hallway. I felt like a celebrity, and I had bodyguards all around me. I could vaguely make out my surroundings. They continued through, outside, and about a half a mile where we eventually ended up by a train station. The only way out of District 7. A train. I loved trains. And I was going to get on one to go to my death. Another positive.

We walked to the stop. We then stood and waited. The train soon came speeding up to us. It made a screeching noise as it stopped. It was super modern, blue, barely visible windows, titanium, and smooth cuts. It was large too. This was my first time ever on a train. Actually the first time I got to see a real train in person, and I felt like a little kid.

"After you two tributes" Harry announced. I didn't realize that she was still keeping up with us. I saw Rapqa not far behind her, admiring her muscles. Harry brushed herself off, then again reported;

"Welcome to the train station." I don't know why she was still pretending to be a news reporter until I realized we were still on T.V. being watched by practically the whole world. Great. A part of the train started pushing out, making an opening inside of it. It was cool. We, Cyrus and I, were shoved upon the train. I stumbled, almost falling, but caught myself at the last minute. I lifted my head, seeing the train interior. It was super nice. The inside was split, one side all a velvet color with comfortable luxury furnishings, and the other had some bunks and a mini fridge. Behind, was a door to probably another nice room. The train was nicer than my hut for sure. I was secretly hoping for the train to get stuck so that I could live here. After Harry, Rapqa, and a few peacekeepers got on, the door of the train was sealed shut.

Harry and Rapqa went through the door, ignoring the great scenery.

"Get comfortable" One of the peacekeepers said miserably. We walked around, feeling everything, and then soon hopping over to the mini fridge to find popsicles. Cyrus and I grabbed one and began eating.

"Might as well enjoy what we got now." she said, then sorrowfully added, "Are you nervous?"


"I had a feeling you would be," she replied.

"It's just, how am I supposed to fight against twenty three other tributes?" I complained.

"Hide, fight, plant traps, just... Archer, do whatever you can do to stay alive"

"Okay, I'll try''. I sighed. The peacekeepers guided us to "the living room", where a giant plasma tv screen was. We plopped down, Harry and Rapqa both standing by us.

"Are you ready to watch the other tributes you're up against?" Before we could answer them, the screen zapped on, displaying all the other Districts' tributes we have to fight against from one to 12. "That's District 1, a district that focuses on making rich luxury items, jewelry, and grand clothing" The T.V. announced, showing us their reaping. The first name was called and teenagers began walking up to their deaths. The girl's hair bobbed around wildly as she walked up to the stage, almost bursting into tears yet she had a confident edge to her.

"This is not the last of me!" She bellowed from her small stature. They continued on with the reaping and all the other districts, here being a description of all the tributes.

District 1-Jewelry making, luxury Items

Suki Bazi & Ludek Gordon

District 2- Weapons and combat

Lennon Fern & Maximus Kin

District 3- Technology

Lynx Omarience & Jethro Vance

District 4- Fishing and sea products

Ivy Espan & Drake Morton

District 5- Electricity, lighting, and power

Sierra Quinn & Anselm Quinn

District 6- Vehicles/transportation

Artemis Evergarden & Elias Flower

District 7- lumber and forestry

Cyrus Hanks & Archer Green

District 8- textile

Saylor Wood & Aries Thrangler

District 9- Grain and Salt

Monty Benji & Alaric Baker

District 10- livestock

Eythor East & Benjamin Docthryas

District 11- Agriculture

Nebula Westerway & Urban Gemirenop.

District 12- Coal mining

Celesta Kasper & Renan Befr

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