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Alex's POV

2 weeks has passed

After the night ended and the morning came in I decided I wanted to get out of bed and clean the hurricane massacre of a room.

I cleaned my horrible mess of a room I sleep in and looked at the time. I started cleaning up at 7:45 and it's 9:12. "SHIT DAD IS GOING TO KILL ME!" I said to myself. I felt a pain on my wrists. I started to scratch both of them. I guess I scratched too hard and the scars opened again. Pain. All I could feel was pain. I started to ignore it because I didn't want to deal with this right now. I put on some slippers and go into the living room where I can see my dad working on his computer. I try to go to the kitchen until he stopped me. "Excuse me, why are you up so late?" He told me. "Umm...well father...I was cleaning up my room." I told him. I knew this would happen. "At least you cleaned something up..." he said. I started to make Chorizo con Huevos. I followed my mother's recipe.

After I made my breakfast I started eating. The pain in my wrists were still there. I hated it. But I can deal with it. "You go back to school tomorrow..." I heard my dad say. "Yes sir." I said back. "I'm going back to work now. I'm not going to make money any other way," he said. I look back down at my food. His hand in on my head. "I can always sell you..." my eyes went wide. Scared. Fear. All I could feel is fear. I looked at him. I can see him smiling sinisterly at me. He had crazy in his eyes. The same crazy in my eyes when I fought Alena. "But I won't because who else is going to make me seem like the 'perfect father' in this damn forsaken small of a town..." he finished his sentence. His hand was off of my head and I can see him walking back to his computer. I was silently crying. Scared of being sold to a creeper and being used for horrible things. I don't want to be sold to anyone. This is why I have trust issues, I don't know anyone and what they're going to do.

After that whole fiasco I went back to my room to cry. I grabbed my link plushie and started to hold him tight. Link was the only thing that comforts me. He helps me. I take Link everywhere I go just to feel safe...I also carry a pocket knife just in case you know?

I see my pocket knife, hesitated but grabbed it. "Just one more....one more for the pain to leave me the hell alone..."

Cuts. I was supposed to make one cut but I made three cuts on both arms. I never cut any other of my body parts. I never go that far. I put my pocket knife back on my desk. The pain...it's funny. I laugh at the pain. Laughing. Laughing like a maniac. I sound crazy. But I love it. "BOY THE PAIN FEELS NICE! I LOVE THE BLOOD COMING DOWN MY ARMS AS I WATCH IT FALL ON MY PANTS AND SHEETS! OH LINK WHAT DO YOU THINK?! YOU LOVE IT?! WHY THANK YOU I LOVE IT TOO!!" A psychopath. I'm a psychopath.

I was laughing for 10 minutes. I finally stop and said, "I love the taste of blood." And licked my arm where the blood was.

Honestly, I've always loved the taste of blood ever since I was young.

Maybe I was born a psychopath. Am I just crazy? I refuse to go back to the mental hospital. But then again I need mental help. I'm mentally crazy. I need help. Help. Help. Help. Help. Help. Help. Help. Help. Help. Help. Help. Help.

I feel used. I need...


Tomorrow is a new day

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